The Humorous Verse of Lewis Carroll

    The Humorous Verse of Lewis Carroll

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    by Lewis Carroll


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      ISBN-13: 9780486119489
    • Publisher: Dover Publications
    • Publication date: 06/04/2013
    • Series: Dover Humor
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 464
    • File size: 24 MB
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    Lewis Carroll (1832–98) was the pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel, Through the Looking Glass, are rich repositories of his sparkling gifts for wordplay, logic, and fantasy.

    Brief Biography

    Date of Birth:
    January 27, 1832
    Date of Death:
    January 14, 1898
    Place of Birth:
    Daresbury, Cheshire, England
    Place of Death:
    Guildford, Surrey, England
    Richmond School, Christ Church College, Oxford University, B.A., 1854; M.A., 1857

    Read an Excerpt

    The Humorous Verse of Lewis Carroll


    Dover Publications, Inc.

    Copyright © 1933 Macmillan Company
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-0-486-11948-9



        MY FAIRY

        (From Useful and Instructive Poetry, 1845)

        I HAVE a fairy by my side
        Which says I must not sleep,
        When once in pain I loudly cried
        It said "You must not weep."

        If, full of mirth, I smile and grin,
        It says "You must not laugh;"
        When once I wished to drink some gin
        It said "You must not quaff."

        When once a meal I wished to taste
        It said "You must not bite;"
        When to the wars I went in haste
        It said "You must not fight."

        "What may I do?" at length I cried,
        Tired of the painful task.
        The fairy quietly replied,
        And said "You must not ask."

        Moral: "You mustn't."


        (From Useful and Instructive Poetry)

        MAN naturally loves delay,
        And to procrastinate;
        Business put off from day to day
        Is always done too late.

        Let every hour be in its place
        Firm fixed, nor loosely shift,
        And well enjoy the vacant space,
        As though a birthday gift.

        And when the hour arrives, be there,
        Where'er that "there" may be;
        Uncleanly hands or ruffled hair
        Let no one ever see.

        If dinner at "half-past" be placed,
        At "half-past" then be dressed.
        If at a "quarter-past" make haste
        To be down with the rest.

        Better to be before your time,
        Than e'er to be behind;
        To ope the door while strikes the chime,
        That shows a punctual mind.


        Let punctuality and care
        Seize every flitting hour,
        So shalt thou cull a floweret fair,
        E'en from a fading flower.


        (From Useful and Instructive Poetry)


        THERE was an old farmer of Readall,
        Who made holes in his face with a needle,
        They went far deeper in
        Than to pierce through the skin,
        And yet strange to say he was made beadle.


        There was an eccentric old draper,
        Who wore a hat made of brown paper,
        It went up to a point,
        Yet it looked out of joint,
        The cause of which he said was "vapour."


        There was once a young man of Oporta,
        Who daily got shorter and shorter,
        The reason he said
        Was the hod on his head,
        Which was filled with the heaviest mortar.

        His sister, named Lucy O'Finner,
        Grew constantly thinner and thinner;
        The reason was plain,
        She slept out in the rain,
        And was never allowed any dinner.


        (From Useful and Instructive Poetry)

        "SISTER, sister, go to bed!
        Go and rest your weary head."
        Thus the prudent brother said.

        "Do you want a battered hide,
        Or scratches to your face applied?"
        Thus his sister calm replied.

        "Sister, do not raise my wrath.
        I'd make you into mutton broth
        As easily as kill a moth!"

        The sister raised her beaming eye
        And looked on him indignantly
        And sternly answered, "Only try!"

        Off to the cook he quickly ran.
        "Dear Cook, please lend a frying-pan
        To me as quickly as you can."

        "And wherefore should I lend it you?"
        "The reason, Cook, is plain to view.
        I wish to make an Irish stew."
        "What meat is in that stew to go?"
        "My sister'll be the contents!"
        "You'll lend the pan to me, Cook?"

        Moral: Never stew your sister.


        (From Useful and Instructive Poetry)

        WERE I to take an iron gun,
        And fire it off towards the sun;
        I grant 'twould reach its mark at last,
        But not till many years had passed.

        But should that bullet change its force,
        And to the planets take its course,
        'Twould never reach the nearest star,
        Because it is so very far.


        (From Useful and Instructive Poetry)

        A SHORT direction
        To avoid dejection,
        By variations
        In occupations,
        And prolongation
        Of relaxation,
        And combinations
        Of recreations,
        And disputation
        On the state of the nation
        In adaptation
        To your station,
        By invitations
        To friends and relations,
        By evitation
        Of amputation,
        By permutation
        In conversation,
        And deep reflection
        You'll avoid dejection.

        Learn well your grammar,
        And never stammer,
        Write well and neatly,
        And sing most sweetly,
        Be enterprising,
        Love early rising,
        Go walk of six miles,
        Have ready quick smiles,
        With lightsome laughter,
        Soft flowing after.
        Drink tea, not coffee;
        Never eat toffy.
        Eat bread with butter.
        Once more, don't stutter.
        Don't waste your money,
        Abstain from honey.
        Shut doors behind you,
        (Don't slam them, mind you.)
        Drink beer, not porter.
        Don't enter the water
        Till to swim you are able.
        Sit close to the table.
        Take care of a candle.
        Shut a door by the handle,
        Don't push with your shoulder
        Until you are older.
        Lose not a button.
        Refuse cold mutton.
        Starve your canaries.
        Believe in fairies.
        If you are able,
        Don't have a stable
        With any mangers.
        Be rude to strangers.

        Moral: Behave.


        (From The Rectory Magazine, 1850)

        ME THOUGHT I walked a dismal place
        Dim horrors all around;
        The air was thick with many a face,
        And black as night the ground.

        I saw a monster come with speed,
        Its face of grimmliest green,
        On human beings used to feed,
        Most dreadful to be seen.

        I could not speak, I could not fly,
        I fell down in that place,
        I saw the monster's horrid eye
        Come leering in my face!

        Amidst my scarcely-stifled groans,
        Amidst my moanings deep,
        I heard a voice, "Wake! Mr. Jones,
        You're screaming in your sleep!"


        (From The Rectory Magazine)

        IF such a thing had been my thought,
        I should have told you so before,
        But as I didn't, then you ought
        To ask for such a thing no more,
        For to teach one who has been taught
        Is always thought an awful bore.

        Now to commence my argument,
        I shall premise an observation,
        On which the greatest kings have leant
        When striving to subdue a nation,
        And e'en the wretch who pays no rent
        By it can solve a hard equation.

        Its truth is such, the force of reason
        Can not avail to shake its power,
        Yet e'en the sun in summer season
        Doth not dispel so mild a shower
        As this, and he who sees it, sees on
        Beyond it to a sunny bower—
        No more, when ignorance is treason,
        Let wisdom's brows be cold and sour.

        AS IT FELL UPON A DAY     (From The Rectory Magazine)

        As I was sitting on the hearth
        (And O, but a hog is fat!)
        A man came hurrying up the path,
        (And what care I for that?)

        When he came the house unto,
        His breath both quick and short he drew.

        When he came before the door,
        His face grew paler than before.

        When he turned the handle round,
        The man fell fainting to the ground.

        When he crossed the lofty hall,
        Once and again I heard him fall.

        When he came up to the turret stair,
        He shrieked and tore his raven hair.

        When he came my chamber in,
        (And O, but a hog is fat!)
        I ran him through with a golden pin,
        (And what care I for that?)


        (From The Rectory Umbrella. Illustrated by the author)

        YTTE wes a mirke an dreiry cave,
        Weet scroggis owr ytte creepe.
        Gurgles withyn ye flowan wave
        Throw channel braid an deep

        Never withyn that dreir recesse
        Wes sene ye lyghte of daye,
        Quhat bode azont yts mirkinesse
        Nane kend an nane mote saye.

        Ye monarche rade owr brake an brae
        An drave ye yellynge packe,
        Hiz meany au' richte cadgily
        Are wendynge yn hiz tracke.

        Wi' eager iye, wi' yalpe an crye
        Ye hondes yode down ye rocks,
        Ahead of au' their companye
        Renneth ye panky foxe.

        Ye foxe hes soughte that cave of awe v     Forewearied wi' hiz rin.
        Quha nou ys he sae bauld an braw
        To dare to enter yn ?
        Wi' eager bounde hes ilka honde
        Gane till that caverne dreir,
        Fou many a yowl ys hearde arounde,
        Fou many a screech of feir.

        Like ane wi' thirstie appetite
        Quha swalloweth orange pulp,
        Wes hearde a huggle an a bite,
        A swallow an a gulp.

        Ye kynge hes lap frae aff hiz steid,
        Outbrayde hiz trenchant brande;
        "Quha on my packe of hondes doth feed,
        Maun deye benead thilke hande."

        Sae sed, sae dune: ye stonderes hearde
        Fou many a mickle stroke,
        Sowns lyke ye flappynge of a birde,
        A struggle an a choke.

        Owte of ye cave scarce fette they ytte,
        Wi pow an push an hau' —
        Whereof Y've drawne a littel bytte,
        Bot durst nat draw ytte au.

        No. 1

        (From The Rectory Umbrella)

        THE day was wet, the rain fell souse
        Like jars of strawberry jam, a
        Sound was heard in the old henhouse,
        A beating of a hammer.
        Of stalwart form, and visage warm,
        Two youths were seen within it,
        Splitting up an old tree into perches for their poultry
        At a hundred strokes a minute.

        The work is done, the hen has taken
        Possession of her nest and eggs,
        Without a thought of eggs and bacon,
        (Or I am very much mistaken:)

        She turns over each shell,
        To be sure that all's well,
        Looks into the straw
        To see there's no flaw,
        Goes once round the house,
        Half afraid of a mouse,
        Then sinks calmly to rest
        On the top of her nest,
        First doubling up each of her legs.

        Time rolled away, and so did every shell,
        "Small by degrees and beautifully less,"
        As the sage mother with a powerful spell

        Forced each in turn its contents to express,
        But ah! "imperfect is expression,"
        Some poet said, I don't care who,
        If you want to know you must go elsewhere,
        One fact I can tell, if you're willing to hear,
        He never attended a Parliament Session,
        For I'm certain that if he had ever been there,
        Full quickly would he have changed his ideas,
        With the hissings, the hootings, the groans and
        the cheers.
        And as to his name it is pretty clear
        That it wasn't me and it wasn't you!

        And so it fell upon a day,
        (That is, it never rose again)
        A chick was found upon the hay,
        Its little life had ebbed away.
        No longer frolicsome and gay,
        No longer could it run or play.
        "And must we, chicken, must we part?"
        Its master cried with bursting heart,
        And voice of agony and pain.
        So one, whose ticket's marked "Return,"
        When to the lonely roadside station
        He flies in fear and perturbation,
        Thinks of his home—the hissing urn—
        Then runs with flying hat and hair,
        And, entering, finds to his despair
        He's missed the very latest train.

        Too long it were to tell of each conjecture
        Of chicken suicide, and poultry victim,
        The deadly frown, the stern and dreary lecture,
        The timid guess, "perhaps some needle pricked
        The din of voice, the words both loud and many,
        The sob, the tear, the sigh that none could
        Till all agreed "a shilling to a penny
        It killed itself, and we acquit the mother!"
        Scarce was the verdict spoken,
        When that still calm was broken,
        A childish form hath burst into the throng;
        With tears and looks of sadness,
        That bring no news of gladness,
        But tell too surely something hath gone wrong!
        "The sight that I have come upon
        The stoutest heart would sicken,
        That nasty hen has been and gone
        And killed another chicken!"


    Excerpted from The Humorous Verse of Lewis Carroll by LEWIS CARROLL. Copyright © 1933 Macmillan Company. Excerpted by permission of Dover Publications, Inc..
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    My Fairy
    Brother and Sister
    Rules and Regulations
    As it fell upon a Day
    Ye Fattale Cheyse
    "Lays of Sorrow, No. 1"
    "Lays of Sorrow, No. 2"
    The Two Brothers
    The Lady of the Ladle
    She's all my fancy painted Him
    Photography Extraordinary
    "Lays of Mystery, Imagination, and Humor, No. I: The Palace of Humbug"
    The Mouse's Tale (Early version)
    The Mock Turtle's song (Early version)
    Upon the Lonely Moor
    Miss Jones
    How Doth
    The Mouse's Tale
    Father William
    The Duchess's Lullaby
    The Mad Hatter's Song
    The Mock Turtle's song
    Alice's Recitation
    Turtle Soup
    Evidence read at the Trial of the Knave of Hearts
    Christmas Greetings
    The Walrus and the Carpenter
    Humpty Dumpty's Recitation
    The White Knight's Ballad
    The Red Queen's Lullaby
    Welcome Queen Alice
    The White Queen's riddle
    "Acrostic: A boat, beneath a sunny sky"
    "Prologue to "La Guida di Bragia"
    Canto I : The Trystyng
    Canto II : Hys Fyve Rules
    Canto III: Scarmoges
    Canto IV : Hys Nouryture
    Canto V : Byckerment
    Canto VI : Dyscomfyture
    Canto VII : Sad Souvenaunce
    A Sea Dirge
    Ye Carpette Knyghte
    Hiawatha's Photographing
    A Valentine
    The Three Voices
    Tèma con Variaziòni
    A Game of Fives
    "Poeta fit, non Nascitur"
    Size and Tears
    Atalanta in Camden-Town
    The Lang Coortin'
    Four Riddles
    Fame's Penny-Trumpet
    Ode to Damon
    Those Horrid Hurdy-Gurdies !
    My Fancy
    The Majesty of Justice
    The Elections to the Hebdomadal Council
    The Deserted Parks
    "The new Belfry of Christ Church, Oxford"
    The Wandering Burgess
    A Bachanalian Ode
    Examination Statute
    Fit the First: The Landing
    Fit the Second: The Bellman's Speech
    Fit the Third: The Baker's Tale
    Fit the Fourth: The Hunting
    Fit the Fifth: The Beaver's Lesson
    Fit the Sixth: The Barrister's Dream
    Fit the Seventh: The Banker's Fate
    Fit the Eighth: The Vanishing
    "Acrostic: Little maidens, when you look"
    "To three puzzled little Girls, from the Author"
    Double Acrostic: I sing a place wherein agree
    Three little Maids
    Three Children
    Two Thieves
    "Two Acrostics: Round the wondrous globe. Maidens, if a maid you meet"
    Double Acrostic: Two little girls near London dwell
    "Acrostic: "Are you deaf, Father William ?"
    Acrostic: Maidens! If you love the tale
    "Acrostic: Love-lighted eyes, that will not start"
    To M.A.B.
    "Acrostic: Maiden, though thy heart may quail"
    Love among the Roses
    Two Poems to Rachel Daniel
    The Lyceum
    "Acrostic: Around my lonely hearth, to-night"
    To my Pupil
    To my Child-Friend
    A Riddle
    A Limerick
    Rhyme? And Reason?
    A Nursery Darling
    Maggie's Visit to Oxford
    Maggie B?
    "Acrostic: Is all our Life, then, but a dream"
    The Mad Gardener's Song
    The Warden's Charm
    Peter and Paul
    Bruno's Song
    The Three Badgers
    Lady Muriel's Song
    "Acrostic: Dreams, that elude the Waker's frenzied grasp?"
    The King-Fisher Song
    Matilda Jane
    What Tottles Meant
    The little Man that had a little Gun
    A Song of Love
    The Pig-Tale
    Three Sunsets
    The Path of Roses
    The Valley of the Shadow of Death
    Stolen Waters
    The Willow-Tree
    Only a Woman's Hair
    The Sailor's Wife
    After Three Days
    Faces in the Fire
    A Lesson in Latin
    Puck Lost and Found
    Index to First Lines

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    "The editors have performed a task for addicts will be grateful. There is nothing for the faithful to do but to sit down and fall to the banquet." — The New York Times
    This is the largest collection of Lewis Carroll's verse ever compiled. It contains almost every poem that Carroll ever wrote. It includes every prose appearing in his books published during his life, privately printed poems, ephemera, poems from manuscripts found among his papers, and from "The Rectory Magazine," Collingwood's "Lewis Carroll Picture Book," "Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll," and rare 19th century periodicals. This is the only place of publication for much of this verse.
    This volume contains 150 different poems, offering perhaps the finest whimsy ever written. There are parodies, burlesques, riddles, whimsies, ballads, songs (one with Carroll's own music), extravaganzas, acrostics, and other types, including several of his serious poems. Many poems are annotated to explain contemporary allusions, and this edition retains 130 original illustrations by Tenniel, Frost, Holiday, Furniss, and Carroll himself.

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