I AM: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are

    3.7 12

    by Howard Falco



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    Customer Reviews

    • ISBN-13: 9781585427987
    • Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
    • Publication date: 09/02/2010
    • Pages: 352
    • Sales rank: 55,163
    • Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.50(h) x 1.00(d)
    • Age Range: 18Years

    Howard Falco is a spiritual teacher, counselor, and speaker specializing in the power of the mind as it relates to the creation of the experience of life and breaking through personal limitations. He is the founder of TruthSerum.net and lives with his family in Scottsdale, Arizona. More information can be found at www.HowardFalco.com.

    Table of Contents

    A Note from the Author ix

    Introduction: The Transformation to a New You 1

    Part 1 What AM I?

    Chapter 1 You Are Energy and Matter 23

    Chapter 2 You Create Matter 36

    Chapter 3 You Decide What Matters 44

    Part 2 How AM I?

    Chapter 4 How You View the Universe 61

    Chapter 5 How You Define Yourself 68

    Chapter 6 How You Experience Your Self-Definition 79

    Chapter 7 How You Create Your State of Mind 96

    Part 3 Why AM I?

    Chapter 8 Why You Have Emotions 115

    Chapter 9 Why You Have Need and Addiction 143

    Chapter 10 Why You Have Yet to Experience the Reality you Desire 184

    Chapter 11 Why You Have Resistance and Fear Change 203

    Part 4 Who You Can Be Is Based On...

    Chapter 12 Your AWARENESS of you 231

    Chapter 13 Your DESIRE to Ask Questions 237

    Chapter 14 Your WILL to Accept the Answers 251

    Chapter 15 Your POWER to Make New Choices of Being 268

    Chapter 16 Your FAITH to Take Action 285

    Chapter 17 Your LOVE of you 307

    Appendix A The Question-and-Answer Process 321

    Appendix B I Am Worksheet 325

    Acknowledgments 331


    Truth 19

    You 57

    Polarity 111

    Good-bye, Fear 227

    Now 235

    The Brush 305

    What People are Saying About This

    From the Publisher

    "I AM is a fascinating, in-depth and eye-opening look at the very essence of how each of our lives are created in every moment."
    —Hale Dwoskin, author of the New York Times bestseller, The Sedona Method and featured teacher in The Secret

    "I AM is a powerful book about self-realization. Howard Falco offers a profound explanation of the nature of your own existence and an understanding of the life you are capable of creating."
    —Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason

    "A roadmap to discovering who we really are."
    —Arielle Ford,author of The Soulmate Secret

    "Howard Falco's I AM is an inspiring and insightful guide for personal transformation and empowerment."
    —Ernest D. Chu,author of Soul Currency

    "This is a magical book that is both powerful and empowering! Howard Falco has delivered an ancient wisdom with a practical modern day application. Imagine unleashing your infinite potential...with the wisdom of I AM you will connect to a passion and purpose that will forever change the way you live. I AM will help to awaken mass consciousness by leading a discovery of who we really are."
    —Dr. Darren R. Weissman, author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude

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    For centuries humankind has been asking fervent questions about the meaning of life. As Howard Falco learned, the answers to these questions can ultimately be found in the answer to just one: "Who am I?" In the middle of an ordinary life, Falco-a thirty-five-year-old investment manager with a wife and two children-sought the answer to this penetrating question, and remarkably this quest led to a sudden and all-encompassing shift in his awareness that revealed more about life, and how we each create it, than he had ever imagined knowing. Startled by this new understanding and its implications for his own life and the lives of others, Falco set out to share his discoveries. The stunning result is this book.

    I AM takes readers on a life-changing journey in which they will discover that the doorway to eternal peace, happiness, and fulfillment lies in one of the shortest sentences in the written word, but the most powerful in the universe: I AM.

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    From the Publisher
    "I AM is a fascinating, in-depth and eye-opening look at the very essence of how each of our lives are created in every moment."
    —Hale Dwoskin, author of the New York Times bestseller, The Sedona Method and featured teacher in The Secret

    "I AM is a powerful book about self-realization. Howard Falco offers a profound explanation of the nature of your own existence and an understanding of the life you are capable of creating."
    —Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason

    "A roadmap to discovering who we really are."
    Arielle Ford,author of The Soulmate Secret

    "Howard Falco's I AM is an inspiring and insightful guide for personal transformation and empowerment."
    —Ernest D. Chu,author of Soul Currency

    "This is a magical book that is both powerful and empowering! Howard Falco has delivered an ancient wisdom with a practical modern day application. Imagine unleashing your infinite potential...with the wisdom of I AM you will connect to a passion and purpose that will forever change the way you live. I AM will help to awaken mass consciousness by leading a discovery of who we really are."
    —Dr. Darren R. Weissman, author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude

    Library Journal
    It is not easy to get a handle on this new book. Falco began his personal journey with a common and perhaps inevitable question—"Who am I?"—which led him to leave behind a career in investment banking. His answers have to do with his insight, which he is eager to impart to the rest of us, that we derive much of our meaning from our sense of interconnection with others; that we have the power to alter our perceptions of the possible; and that our inner lives can lead us to peace. VERDICT For the spiritual reader, Falco's notions may seem unanchored in any single religious tradition, but that is their strength: his insidiously convincing book shows how the perception of limits controls personal success and happiness. This book is recommended for spiritual readers across denominations, as well as the "unchurched."

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