Kenn Kaufman, originator of the Kaufman Field Guide series, is one of the world's foremost naturalists.
Kingbird Highway: The Biggest Year in the Life of an Extreme Birder
by Kenn Kaufman Kenn Kaufman
- Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- Publication date: 04/11/2006
- Sold by: Barnes & Noble
- Format: eBook
- Pages: 336
- Sales rank: 319,300
- File size: 3 MB
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Not Quite the West
I went out on the road, to chase my dream, at the age of nine.
That was what I used to tell the girls I met while I was bumming rides around North America in the 1970s; and, of course, they didn't believe me any more than you do. But the truth is that the seeds for all my later travels were planted on my ninth birthday. That was the day the family moved, the day the last thing was packed and we drove away from the house in Indiana for the last time.
That day's drive still comes to mind with surprising clarity: the tree-lined streets of South Bend falling away behind us, the country opening up, the Illinois state line coming up as a milestone to be remarked upon. My father pointing things out and explaining things: the construction of the bridges, the uses of the farm machinery, the history behind the "Land of Lincoln" signs. My mother, so good with words, making up little poems and word games to amuse the kids in the back seat.
Always the quiet and introverted one, I was quieter than usual that day, sitting in the back and staring out the window. My parents noticed and said once again they were sorry we had had to move on my birthday. But they need not have worried. Already a rebel in the quietest way, I had decided for myself that holidays or special days meant nothing if they were dictated by the calendar. Any day might be a special one — you just had to get outside and see if it was.
This was an incredibly special day because of where we were: out on the highway, with the tires drumming hypnotically on the pavement, and with new possibilities everywhere just beyond the wide horizon. That day I was first aware of feeling a significant difference from my parents and my brothers. They were thinking about our destination, mostly, or about the place we were leaving behind. I was focused on the road itself, on the feeling of going somewhere, anywhere, just going. As the sun moved down the western sky directly ahead of us, it seemed to draw us along. A crazy sense came over me that we should just follow the sun and keep pace with it, around and around the earth, and the day would never end.
And as long as the day was unending I would be staring out the car windows with all the intensity of a nine-year-old boy, scanning the fences, the wires, the open fields, the distant treetops, and the sky, because I had a purpose, a mission, a passion: I was watching for birds.
A curiosity about nature — or about picture books on nature — had come to me out of nowhere in earliest childhood. By the time I was six, having concluded that there were no tigers or comets or dinosaurs in our humdrum Indiana neighborhood, I had turned to birds as the best thing available. After that I had never looked back. My interest became a driving force, fueled by books from the local branch library, encouraged by parents who promoted any genuine learning and so had refused for years to have a television in the house.
The other boys in my neighborhood idolized baseball players or movie cowboys, but my hero was the great bird expert, Roger Tory Peterson. I had checked his books out from the library and read them over and over again. I had studied all of his paintings, especially of the birds I could not find in the South Bend suburbs. When my parents started to talk about moving, my first thought was "New birds!"
Poring over Peterson's bird guides every night, I had figured out something that seemed important: every bird had its place. None was "free as a bird." A few kinds were found all over the continent, but they were the exceptions. Many birds were regional, found only in the South, for example, or only in the West. Some were limited to only a few small areas. Still others were rare visitors to North America. But no two species seemed to have quite the same range on the map, and no two places had quite the same birdlife. It followed that the way to see more kinds of birds was to go to more different places.
So when my father started casting around for employment possibilities in other states, I pestered him constantly for the latest news on the job front. Every time a new place was mentioned, I would look up everything I could find about the birding potential there.
There was brief discussion of a job in Seattle. I read about ancient mossy forests along the fog-shrouded coast, and about little seabirds called auklets and murrelets on the waters of Puget Sound. Then my parents also read some things about the area, and rainy Seattle was out: they were looking for a warm, dry climate. The job search, and my basic bird research, shifted to locales that were farther south and farther inland.
A job in Utah was considered, and I read about Sage Grouse strutting on sagebrush flats, and about flocks of shorebirds in the marshes of Bear River. Possibilities in California came up, and I read about sickle-billed California Thrashers skulking in the chaparral, and about the last of the California Condors sailing over wilderness crags. New Mexico held some promise for a while, and I read about Roadrunners dueling with rattlesnakes in the cactus gardens, about Western Tanagers flashing through the mountain pine forests like burnt gold, and about Prairie Falcons keeping lonely vigils on the plains.
Because they wanted a dry climate, my parents never really looked at anything in the eastern states — so my early reading focused on birds of the West. Years later I would realize that the East had some of the best birding on the continent; but as a bird-crazed kid of eight years old I was convinced that the West was the place to be.
And then the best job offer came from Wichita, Kansas. Farther west than Indiana, Kansas was not far enough over to have birdlife typical of the West. But that was where we moved.
At first the birds of suburban Kansas seemed pretty similar to those of suburban Indiana: mostly sparrows and starlings. But spring was coming, so I thought things might improve.
They did. One day when I was walking home from school I saw a bird the size of a robin, but patterned in pale yellow and gray, perched on a wire near my house. Running home, I grabbed my field guide (stubbornly, I used Peterson's western bird guide, even though Wichita was in the region covered by the eastern book) and rushed back to find the bird still there. Squinting first at the bird and then at the field guide pictures, I figured out what it was: a Western Kingbird. Western Kingbird! I was ecstatic. Maybe I was in the West after all. In that instant, the Western Kingbird became my favorite bird.
More kingbirds arrived over the following weeks. There were few large trees in our neighborhood, but the kingbirds built their nests against the cross arms of telephone poles and perched on the wires to survey the surroundings. They seemed utterly fearless. If a larger bird, such as a crow or a kestrel, came anywhere near their nest, the kingbirds would dart out at once with staccato sputtering cries, harassing or even attacking the bigger bird to drive it away.
During that summer and the next, I found many kingbird nests. I spent hours watching them and taking notes. I admired the aggressive exploits of the adult birds as they drove away predators or rivals, tried to see what kinds of insects they brought to feed their young, and watched the actions of the young birds when they left the nest and learned to fly.
I was not allowed too far from the nest myself then, so I couldn't find very many different kinds of birds. Those I did find, I spent a lot of time on: watching, drawing sketches, taking notes. But gradually I ranged farther afield, on foot and by bicycle. As I found more kinds of birds, and as I entered my teens, a new restlessness took over.
It began with knowing my birds well enough to know them at a distance: a Western Kingbird on a distant wire, a Lark Sparrow calling its metallic chip as it flew overhead, an Orchard Oriole singing its jumble of notes a block away. Soon I could predict where I would see them: the Warbling Vireos would be in willows along the canal, the Swainson's Hawks would be sailing over fields along Meridian Avenue, the Solitary Sandpipers would be lurking along the bank downriver from Herman Hill. With a little planning, I could head out on my bike and see dozens of birds in one day — and the more I saw, the more I wanted to see.
One day I saw fifty different species, and I thought that was an unbeatable record for my little area; but then I hit sixty, and then seventy-five. Finally — at the height of spring migration, when flocks were passing through on their way north — I was able to break one hundred in a day.
For a lone kid on a bike in Kansas to see and hear a hundred kinds of birds in one day was, I felt, a real accomplishment. Even though it was just a game, it was a game based on knowledge; and the more I knew, the more I wanted to learn.
And the more I learned, the more I became dissatisfied with just seeing the birds in my neighborhood. I knew that North America had more than seven hundred species of birds, and I knew I could spend a lifetime birding in Kansas and not see more than half of them. Every bird had its place. If I wanted to see Snail Kites or Green Kingfishers or Painted Redstarts, I would have to go to where they lived. They were never going to come to me.
State law dictated that I had to stay in school until I was sixteen. As my sixteenth birthday approached, I began to dream of how much I could learn about birds by leaving school as soon as it was legal and heading out of the state. The fact that I would miss two and a half years of high school didn't bother me.
But it bothered some people. I made the mistake of mentioning my idea, offhandedly, to one of my teachers, and the next thing I knew I was in the school counselor's office.
"Why is this a big deal?" I wanted to know. "Tommy Wells dropped out a couple of months ago, and nobody said a word."
"Wells?" The counselor frowned. "Your friend Mr. Wells was not really applying himself to his studies or his grades. Now, your situation is different."
"I didn't say he was my friend. I hardly knew him. But did anyone try to keep him from dropping out?"
"Think about how that sounds," said the counselor. "Think about the word 'dropout.' Giving up. Dropping out. Do you want to be a loser? I've looked at your record ... with your grades, and your honors classes, you'd have no trouble getting into college. And the student council at Truesdell last year — wouldn't you be ashamed of yourself if you went from student council president to dropout?"
"So you're saying Tommy didn't have good grades, so it's okay to let him drop out. That's backwards. If his grades were bad, maybe he needs a diploma more than I do."
"He was failing school."
"Or school was failing him," I shot back, and then was sorry I had said it. "Have you really looked at my record? I was the first student council prez to get kicked out of class for causing trouble. I was only elected because the rebels voted for me. Look, uh, Sir, I don't cause trouble when I'm studying things I want to learn. But I'm wasting my time in these classes."
By now he was angry and perplexed. "Do you want to waste your life instead? If you want to do anything in life, you have to at least finish high school! You're no different from everyone else!"
My silent response was: Listen, Jack, everyone is different from everyone else, and we ought to be celebrating that instead of squashing it. But out loud I just said that I was bored and needed more challenge. They bent the rules to put me into what was usually a senior honors class. There I flirted with the older girls, argued about literature with everyone, and got an A in the course. When the semester was over, I left school.
During June and July of that year — 1970, the year I turned sixteen — I worked as the nature instructor at a summer camp. In August, with money saved from that job, I hit the road.
There was a day at the end of August that held a special symbolism for me. Not that I did anything unusual that day: like the days before and after, I spent it looking at birds. That day was significant because I knew that, back at home, kids my age were going back to school.
They had the clang of locker doors in the halls of South High in Wichita, Kansas. I had a nameless mountainside in Arizona, with sunlight streaming down among the pines, and Mexican songbirds moving through the high branches. My former classmates were moving toward their education, no doubt, just as I was moving toward mine, but now I was traveling a road that no one had charted out for me ... and my adventure was beginning.
Finding the Road
It was my ninth birthday, with the family car rolling down the highway, when I saw them for the first time. I think I was silent and watchful as we passed the first one, and maybe the second and third. But eventually I had to ask. "Why are those men standing by the road holding their thumbs up?"
My parents always answered our questions with great care. At the time, we didn't know enough to appreciate it; my brothers and I probably assumed that everyone in the world was open-minded, fair, nonjudgmental. Mom or Dad would have replied: What those men were doing was called "hitchhiking." They were hoping to get rides.
With a curious kid, of course, one good answer leads to more questions. If these guys wanted to go somewhere, why didn't they drive cars? Why were all these people driving by and not giving them rides? For that matter, why weren't we stopping to give anyone a ride?
Again, the answers were careful and fair. Automobiles are ex pensive. A lot of people don't have them. There are plenty of reasons why a person might not be able to afford a car — maybe a run of bad luck, maybe lost a job; maybe just footloose and not wanting to work right now. Nothing wrong with that.
Ah, and why weren't we picking them up. Well. These hitchhikers were probably all perfectly nice ... but you never know. One in a thousand might be dangerous, might be escaped from prison. A man with his wife and kids in the car could not take the risk of picking up that one dangerous thumber.
At that I lapsed into silence, but I remember trying to see the expressions on the faces as we passed the occasional hitchhiker. Were they dangerous, after all? Was there something wild, something from outside my comfortable world, in those faces? It seemed doubtful — after all, they were just standing there, doing nothing, going nowhere. Then I thought that they might be like the hawks we saw stationed at the tops of roadside trees: silent and immobile as statues, but they might fly at any moment, might be gone, might never pass this way again.
Seven and a half years later I was on the road myself, but not as one of the hitchhikers. Not at first. My parents had made that clear. Those thumbers out there might arrive at their destinations, or they might disappear forever in the wilderness of the road — but if it was unwise to pick them up, it was far more unwise to follow their dangerous example.
Sure, I said, without paying close attention. I was glad to have parental permission, but I had no idea just how lucky I was to be allowed to travel alone at the age of sixteen.
My father knew something about young independence. He had lost his parents young, and he had traveled the world young, lying about his age so he could get into the army before he was eighteen — maybe the only lie that this gentle ironman told in his life. My mother's experience had been more traditional, but she had the fiercely independent viewpoints of an artist; she had always encouraged her sons to pursue their own interests, not to worry about conformity. Still, it was years later that I found out how my parents had agonized over the decision to let me go, and how friends and relatives had criticized them for letting me follow my own star. All I knew was that my permission to travel was tied to stern instructions: Stay in touch with us. Remember the things you've been taught about responsibility. Travel by public transportation; don't do any hitchhiking.
So I began my first big solo trip on a Greyhound bus. That was fine at first, for getting across the country in big jumps, but the buses simply did not go everywhere I wanted to go.
Fine. I would walk. If I wanted to take the road to the top of Mount Lemmon, for example, I would just walk there — it was only forty-five miles from Tucson. But if I were walking and some passing driver stopped to offer me a ride, I couldn't see any reason to turn it down.
It was an easy progression after that — from accepting casual rides on back roads, to thumbing across town, to setting off on premeditated long hitchhiking trips across great distances. I never really planned to break the rules, but my mind was preoccupied with other things.
My mind was preoccupied with birds, mainly. Southeastern Arizona was a wonderland for birds, as the books had told me. Now the pictures in the books came to life, both the birds and the landscapes they lived in.
Excerpted from "Kingbird Highway"
by .
Copyright © 1997 Kenn Kaufman.
Excerpted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.
Table of Contents
Title Page,
Table of Contents,
Editor's Note: Capitalizing of Birds' Names,
Not Quite the West,
Finding the Road,
A Record for the Breaking,
The Tucson Five,
California Influence,
Just Like Christmas,
There's a Birder on the Road,
Time of a Rival,
Strategy and Hard Weather,
To the Promised Landfill,
Truckers' March,
Shadow of Alaska, Shades of England,
Dry Tortugas,
The Fall of a Sparrow,
Legions in the Sky,
A Day as Big as Texas,
Springtime Fades Away,
The Kenmare Convention,
A Thousand Miles of Gravel,
The Edge of the World,
Full Summer,
Birdman's Holiday,
Spots Before the Eyes,
Exhausting the Possibilities,
Border Patrol,
Close to the End,
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An ornithologist’s account of his youthful, year-long, cross-country birdwatching adventure: “A fascinating memoir of an obsession.” —Booklist
At sixteen, Kenn Kaufman dropped out of the high school where he was student council president and hit the road, hitching back and forth across America, from Alaska to Florida, Maine to Mexico. Maybe not all that unusual a thing to do in the seventies, but what Kenn was searching for was a little different: not sex, drugs, God, or even self, but birds. A report of a rare bird would send him hitching nonstop from Pacific to Atlantic and back again. When he was broke he would pick fruit or do odd jobs to earn the fifty dollars or so that would last him for weeks. His goal was to set a record—most North American species seen in a year—but along the way he began to realize that at this breakneck pace he was only looking, not seeing. What had been a game became a quest for a deeper understanding of the natural world. Kingbird Highway is a unique coming-of-age story, combining a lyrical celebration of nature with wild, and sometimes dangerous, adventures, starring a colorful cast of characters.
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