Kings and Queens of England

    Kings and Queens of England

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    by MobileReference


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      ISBN-13: 9781605010830
    • Publisher: MobileReference
    • Publication date: 01/01/2010
    • Series: Mobi History
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Sales rank: 312,962
    • File size: 669 KB

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    This illustrated book covers all Kings and Queens of England from the first Anglo-Saxon Kings to the current queen, Elizabeth II. It describes how the Crown changed hands as a result of conquest and how the Crown has battled Parliament.


    Intended for everyone interested in History of England.


    • Fully illustrated
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    Table of Contents

    The Anglo-Saxons (871-1016): Alfred the Great (871-899) | Edward the Elder (899-924) | Ethelweard (924) | Athelstan (924-939) | Edmund the Magnificent (939-946) | Edred (946-955) | Edwy the Fair (955-959) | Edgar the Peaceable (959-975) | Edward the Martyr (975-978) | Ethrelred the Unready (978-1013, 1014-1016) | Edmund Ironside (1016)

    The Danes (1016-1042): Sweyn Haraldssen (1013-1014) | Canute the Great (1014, 1016-1035) | Harold Harefoot (1035-1040) | Harthacanute (1035-1037, 1040-1042)

    The Anglo-Saxons, again (1042-1066): Edward the Confessor (1042-1066) | Harold Godwinson (1066) | Edgar Atheling (1066)

    The Normans (1066-1154): William I (1066-1087) | William II (1087-1100) | Henry I (1100-1135) | Stephen (1135-1141, 1141-1154) | Matilda (or Maud) (1141)

    The Plantagenets (1154-1399): Henry II (1154-1189) | Richard I (1189-1199) | John (1199-1216) | Henry III (1216-1272) | Edward I (1272-1307) | Edward II (1307-1327) | Edward III (1327-1377) | Richard II (1377-1399)

    The House of Lancaster (1399-1461, 1470-1471): Henry IV (1399-1413) | Henry V (1413-1422) | Henry VI (1422-1461, 1470-1471)

    The House of York (1461-1470, 1471-1485): Edward IV (1461-1470, 1471-1483) | Edward V (1483) | Richard III (1483-1485)

    The Tudors (1485-1603): Henry VII (1485-1509) | Henry VIII (1509-1547) | Edward VI (1547-1553) | Mary I (1553-1558) | Elizabeth I (1558-1603)

    The Stuarts (1603-1649, 1660-1714): James I (1603-1625) | Charles I (1625-1649) | Interregnum (1649-1660) | Charles II (1660-1685) | James II (1685-1688) | William III (1689-1702) and Mary II (1689-1694) | Anne (1702-1714)

    The Hanoverians (1714-1901): George I (1714-1727) | George II (1727-1760) | George III (1760-1820) | George IV (1820-1830) | William IV (1830-1837) | Victoria (1837-1901)

    The House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1901-1917): Edward VII (1901-1910) | George V (1910-1936)

    The House of Windsor (1917 onwards): George V (1910-1936) | Edward VIII (1936) | George VI (1936-1952) | Elizabeth II (1952 onwards)

    Future kings: Charles, Prince of Wales | Prince William of Wales

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