Knocking on Heaven's Door: How Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the Universe and the Modern World

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    by Lisa Randall




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    • ISBN-13: 9780061723735
    • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
    • Publication date: 10/02/2012
    • Edition description: Reprint
    • Pages: 480
    • Sales rank: 82,016
    • Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 7.86(h) x 1.11(d)

    Lisa Randall studies theoretical particle physics and cosmology at Harvard University, where she is Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, she is the recipient of many awards and honorary degrees. Professor Randall was included in Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People" of 2007 and was among Esquire magazine's "75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century." Professor Randall's two books, Warped Passages (2005) and Knocking on Heaven's Door (2011) were New York Times bestsellers and 100 Notable Books. Her stand-alone e-book, Higgs Discovery: The Power of Empty Space, was published in 2012.

    Read an Excerpt

    Knocking on Heaven's Door

    How Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the Universe and the Modern World
    By Lisa Randall


    Copyright © 2011 Lisa Randall
    All right reserved.

    ISBN: 9780061723728

    Chapter One

    Among the many reasons I chose to pursue physics was the desire to do
    something that would have a permanent impact. If I was going to invest
    so much time, energy, and commitment, I wanted it to be for something
    with a claim to longevity and truth. Like most people, I thought of scientific
    advances as ideas that stand the test of time.
    My friend Anna Christina Büchmann studied English in college
    while I majored in physics. Ironically, she studied literature for the same
    reason that drew me to math and science. She loved the way an insightful
    story lasts for centuries. When discussing Henry Fielding's novel Tom
    Jones with her many years later, I learned that the edition I had read and
    thoroughly enjoyed was the one she helped annotate when she was in
    graduate school.
    Tom Jones was published 250 years ago, yet its themes and wit resonate
    to this day. During my first visit to Japan, I read the far older
    Tale of Genji and marveled at its characters' immediacy too, despite the
    thousand years that have elapsed since Murasaki Shikibu wrote about
    them. Homer created the Odyssey roughly 2,000 years earlier. Yet
    notwithstanding its very different age and context, we continue to relish the
    tale of Odysseus's journey and its timeless descriptions of human nature.
    Scientists rarely read such old—let alone ancient—scientific texts.
    We usually leave that to historians and literary critics. We nonetheless
    apply the knowledge that has been acquired over time, whether from
    Newton in the seventeenth century or Copernicus more than 100 years
    earlier still. We might neglect the books themselves, but we are careful
    to preserve the important ideas they may contain.
    Science certainly is not the static statement of universal laws we all
    hear about in elementary school. Nor is it a set of arbitrary rules. Science
    is an evolving body of knowledge. Many of the ideas we are currently
    investigating will prove to be wrong or incomplete. Scientific descriptions
    certainly change as we cross the boundaries that circumscribe what we
    know and venture into more remote territory where we can glimpse hints
    of the deeper truths beyond.
    The paradox scientists have to contend with is that while aiming for
    permanence, we often investigate ideas that experimental data or better
    understanding will force us to modify or discard. The sound core of
    knowledge that has been tested and relied on is always surrounded by
    an amorphous boundary of uncertainties that are the domain of current
    research. The ideas and suggestions that excite us today will soon be
    forgotten if they are invalidated by more persuasive or comprehensive
    experimental work tomorrow.
    When the 2008 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee
    sided with religion over science— in part because scientific "beliefs" change whereas
    Christians take as their authority an eternal, unchanging God—he was not entirely misguided,
    at least in his characterization.
    The universe evolves and so does our scientific knowledge of it. Over
    time, scientists peel away layers of reality to expose what lies beneath
    the surface. We broaden and enrich our understanding as we probe
    increasingly remote scales. Knowledge advances and the unexplored region
    recedes when we reach these difficult to access distances. Scientific "beliefs"
    then evolve in accordance with our expanded knowledge.
    Nonetheless, even when improved technology makes a broader range
    of observations possible, we don't necessarily just abandon the theories
    that made successful predictions for the distances and energies, or speeds
    and densities, that were accessible in the past. Scientific theories grow and
    expand to absorb increased knowledge, while retaining the reliable parts
    of ideas that came before. Science thereby incorporates old established
    knowledge into the more comprehensive picture that emerges from a
    broader range of experimental and theoretical observations. Such changes
    don't necessarily mean the old rules are wrong, but they can mean, for
    example, that those rules no longer apply on smaller scales where new
    components have been revealed. Knowledge can thereby embrace old ideas
    yet expand over time, even though very likely more will always remain
    to be explored. Just as travel can be compelling— even if you will never
    visit every place on the planet (never mind the cosmos)— increasing our
    understanding of matter and of the universe enriches our existence. The
    remaining unknowns serve to inspire further investigations.
    My own research field of particle physics investigates increasingly
    smaller distances in order to study successively tinier components of
    matter. Current experimental and theoretical research attempt to expose
    what matter conceals—that which is embedded ever deeper inside. But
    despite the often-heard analogy, matter is not simply like a Russian
    matryoshka doll, with similar elements replicated at successively smaller
    scales. What makes investigating increasingly minuscule distances
    interesting is that the rules can change as we reach new domains. New forces
    and interactions might appear at those scales whose impact was too tiny
    to detect at the larger distances previously investigated.
    The notion of scale, which tells physicists the range of sizes or energies
    that are relevant for any particular investigation, is critical to the
    understanding of scientific progress—as well as to many other aspects of the
    world around us. By partitioning the universe into different comprehensible sizes,
    we learn that the laws of physics that work best aren't
    necessarily the same for all processes. We have to relate concepts that
    apply better on one scale to those more useful at another. Categorizing in
    this way lets us incorporate everything we know into a consistent picture
    while allowing for radical changes in descriptions at different lengths.
    In this chapter, we'll see how partitioning by scale—whichever scale
    is relevant—helps clarify our thinking—both scientific and otherwise—
    and why the subtle properties of the building blocks of matter are so hard
    to notice at the distances we encounter in our everyday lives. In doing
    so, this chapter also elaborates on the meaning of "right" and "wrong" in

    science, and why even apparently radical discoveries don't necessarily
    force dramatic changes on the scales with which we are already familiar.
    People too often confuse evolving scientific knowledge with no knowledge
    at all and mistake a situation in which we are discovering new physical
    laws with a total absence of reliable rules. A conversation with the
    screenwriter Scott Derrickson during a recent visit to California helped
    me to crystallize the origin of some of these misunderstandings. At the
    time, Scott was working on a couple of movie scripts that proposed
    potential connections between science and phenomena that he suspected
    scientists would probably dismiss as supernatural. Eager to avoid major
    solecisms, Scott wanted to do scientific justice to his imaginative story
    ideas by having them scrutinized by a physicist—namely me. So we met
    for lunch at an outdoor café in order to share our thoughts along with the
    pleasures of a sunny Los Angeles afternoon.
    Knowing that screenwriters often misrepresent science, Scott wanted
    his particular ghost and time-travel stories to be written with a reasonable
    amount of scientific credibility. The particular challenge that he as
    a screenwriter faced was his need to present his audience not just with
    interesting new phenomena, but also with ones that would translate
    effectively to a movie screen. Although not trained in science, Scott was
    quick and receptive to new ideas. So I explained to him why, despite the
    ingenuity and entertainment value of some of his story lines, the
    constraints of physics made them scientificcally untenable.
    Scott responded that scientists have often thought certain phenomena
    impossible that later turned out to be true. "Didn't scientists formerly
    disbelieve what relativity now tells us?" "Who would have thought
    randomness played any role in fundamental physical laws?" Despite
    his great respect for science, Scott still wondered if—given its evolving
    nature— scientists aren't sometimes wrong about the implications and
    limitations of their discoveries.
    Some critics go even further, asserting that although scientists can
    predict a great deal, the reliability of those predictions is invariably suspect.
    Skeptics insist, notwithstanding scientific evidence, that there
    could always be a catch or a loophole. Perhaps people could come back
    from the dead or at the very least enter a portal into the Middle Ages or
    into Middle-earth. These doubters simply don't trust the claims of science
    that a thing is definitively impossible.
    However, despite the wisdom of keeping an open mind and recognizing
    that new discoveries await, a deep fallacy is buried in this logic. The
    problem becomes clear when we dissect the meaning of such statements
    as those above and, in particular, apply the notion of scale. These questions
    ignore the fact that although there will always exist unexplored
    distance or energy ranges where the laws of physics might change, we
    know the laws of physics on human scales extremely well. We have had
    ample opportunity to test these laws over the centuries.
    When I met the choreographer Elizabeth Streb at the Whitney Museum,-
    where we both spoke on a panel on the topic of creativity, she too
    underestimated the robustness of scientific knowledge on human scales.
    Elizabeth posed a similar question to those Scott had asked: "Could the
    tiny dimensions proposed by physicists and curled up to an unimaginably
    small size nonetheless affect the motion of our bodies?"
    Her work is wonderful, and her inquiries into the basic assumptions
    about dance and movement are fascinating. But the reason we cannot
    determine whether new dimensions exist, or what their role would be
    even if they did, is that they are too small or too warped for us to be able
    to detect. By that I mean that we haven't yet identified their influence on
    any quantity that we have so far observed, even with extremely detailed
    measurements. Only if the consequences of extra dimensions for physical
    phenomena were vastly bigger could they discernibly influence anyone's
    motion. And if they did have such a significant impact, we would
    already have observed their effects. We therefore know that the fundamentals
    of choreography won't change even when our understanding of
    quantum gravity improves. Its effects are far too suppressed relative to
    anything perceptible on a human scale.
    When scientists have turned out to be wrong in the past, it was often
    because they hadn't yet explored very tiny or very large distances or
    extremely high energies or speeds. That didn't mean that, like Luddites, they
    had closed their minds to the possibility of progress. It meant only that
    they trusted their most up-to-date mathematical descriptions of the world
    and their successful predictions of then observable objects and behaviors.
    Phenomena they thought were impossible could and sometimes did occur
    at distances or speeds these scientists had never before experienced— or
    tested. But of course they couldn't yet have known about new ideas and
    theories that would ultimately prevail in the regimes of those tiny
    distances or enormous energies with which they were not yet familiar.
    When scientists say we know something, we mean only that we have
    certain ideas and theories whose predictions have been well tested over a
    certain range of distances or energies. These ideas and theories are not
    necessarily the eternal laws for the ages or the most fundamental of physical
    laws. They are rules that apply as well as any experiment could possibly
    test, over the range of parameters available to current technology. This
    doesn't mean that these laws will never be overtaken by new ones.
    Newton's laws are instrumental and correct, but they cease to apply at or near
    the speed of light where Einstein's theory applies. Newton's laws are at the
    same time both correct and incomplete. They apply over a limited domain.
    The more advanced knowledge that we gain through better measurements
    really is an improvement that illuminates new and different
    underlying concepts. We now know about many phenomena that the
    ancients could not have derived or discovered with their more limited
    observational techniques. So Scott was right that sometimes scientists have
    been wrong—thinking phenomena impossible that in the end turned
    out to be perfectly true. But this doesn't mean there are no rules. Ghosts
    and time travelers won't appear in our houses, and alien creatures won't
    suddenly emerge from our walls. Extra dimensions of space might exist,
    but they would have to be tiny or warped or otherwise currently hidden
    from view in order for us to explain why they have not yet yielded any
    noticeable evidence of their existence.
    Exotic phenomena might indeed occur. But such phenomena will
    happen only at difficult to observe scales that are increasingly far from
    our intuitive understanding and our usual perceptions. If they will always
    remain inaccessible, they are not so interesting to scientists. And
    they are less interesting to fiction writers too if they won't have any
    observable impact on our daily lives.
    Weird things are possible, but the ones non-physicists are understandably
    most interested in are the ones we can observe. As Steven Spielberg
    pointed out in a discussion about a science fiction movie he was considering,
    a strange world that can't be presented on a movie screen—and
    which the characters in a film would never experience—is not so interesting
    to a viewer. (Figure 1 shows amusing evidence.) Only a new world
    that we can access and be aware of could be. Even though both require
    imagination, abstract ideas and fiction are different and have different
    goals. Scientific ideas might apply to regimes that are too remote to be of
    interest to a film, or to our daily observations, but they are nonetheless
    essential to our description of the physical world.
    [ FIGURE 1 ] An XKCD comic that captures the hidden nature of tiny
    rolled-up dimensions.
    Despite this neat separation by distances, people too often take shortcuts
    when trying to understand difficult science and the world. And that can
    easily lead to an overzealous application of theories. Such misapplication
    of science is not a new phenomenon. In the eighteenth century, when
    scientists were busy studying magnetism in laboratories, others conjured up
    the notion of "animal magnetism"— a hypothesized magnetic "vital fluid"
    in animate beings. It took a French royal commission set up by Louis XVI
    in 1784, which included Benjamin Franklin among others, to formally
    debunk the hypothesis.


    Excerpted from Knocking on Heaven's Door by Lisa Randall Copyright © 2011 by Lisa Randall. Excerpted by permission of Ecco. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    List of Illustrations xi

    Preface to the Paperback Edition xv

    Introduction xix

    Part I Scaling Reality

    Chapter 1 What's So Small to You Is So Large to Me 3

    Chapter 2 Unlocking Secrets 26

    Chapter 3 Living in a Material World 40

    Chapter 4 Looking for Answers 59

    Part II Scaling Matter

    Chapter 5 The Magical Mystery Tour 69

    Chapter 6 "Seeing" Is Believing 94

    Chapter 7 The Edge of the Universe 113

    Part III Machinery, Measurements, and Probability

    Chapter 8 One Ring to Rule Them All 127

    Chapter 9 The Return of the Ring 143

    Chapter 10 Black Holes That Will Devour the World 166

    Chapter 11 Risky Business 178

    Chapter 12 Measurement and Uncertainty 200

    Chapter 13 The CMS and ATLAS Experiments 214

    Chapter 14 Identifying Particles 241

    Part IV Modeling, Predicting, and Anticipating Results

    Chapter 15 Truth, Beauty, and Other Scientific Misconceptions 259

    Chapter 16 The Higgs Boson 276

    Chapter 17 The World's Next Top Model 300

    Chapter 18 Bottom-Up Versus Top-Down 332

    Part V Scaling the Universe

    Chapter 19 Inside Out 345

    Chapter 20 What's So Large to You Is So Small to Me 360

    Chapter 21 Visitors from the Dark Side 377

    Part VI Roundup

    Chapter 22 Think Globally and Act Locally 397

    Conclusion 411

    Acknowledgments 419

    Endnotes 423

    Index 429

    What People are Saying About This

    Richard Dawkins

    “Science has a battle for hearts and minds on its hands: a battle on two fronts—against superstition and ignorance on one flank, and against pseudo-intellectual obscurantism on the other. How good it feels to have Lisa Randall’s unusual blend of top flight science, clarity, and charm on our side.”

    J. Craig Venter

    “Lisa Randall does a great job of explaining to the non-physicist the basic science approaches of modern physics and what the latest experiments might reveal. . . . This is a must read to appreciate what is coming in our future.”

    Lawrence H. Summers

    “Lisa Randall is the rarest rarity—a theoretical physics genius who can write and talk to the rest of us in ways we both understand and enjoy. This book takes nonspecialists as close as they’ll ever get to the inner workings of the cosmos.”

    Daniel Gilbert

    “A deep and deeply wonderful explanation of how science—and the rest of the known universe—actually works.”

    Bill Clinton

    “Lisa Randall has written Knocking on Heaven’s Door in the same witty, informal style with which she explains physics in person, making complex ideas fascinating and easy to understand. Her book . . . just might make you think differently—and encourage you to make smarter decisions about the world.”

    From the Publisher

    "This volume should appeal to experts and nonexperts alike intrigued by the latest scientific advances in our understanding of the cosmos." —-Library Journal

    Carlton Cuse

    “I didn’t think it was possible to write a complex, detailed look at the world of physics that the non-scientist could understand, but then Lisa Randall wrote this amazing, insightful, and engaging book and proved me wrong.”

    Steven Pinker

    “Randall’s lucid explanations of . . . the frontiers of physics-including her own dazzling ideas-are highly illuminating, and her hearty defense of reason and science is a welcome contribution. . . . Read this book today to understand the science of tomorrow.”

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    “Science has a battle for hearts and minds on its hands….How good it feels to have Lisa Randall’s unusual blend of top flight science, clarity, and charm on our side.”
    —Richard Dawkins

    “Dazzling ideas….Read this book today to understand the science of tomorrow.”
    —Steven Pinker

    The bestselling author of Warped Passages, one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World,” and one of Esquire’s “75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century,”  Lisa Randall gives us an exhilarating overview of the latest ideas in physics and offers a rousing defense of the role of science in our lives. Featuring fascinating insights into our scientific future born from the author’s provocative conversations with Nate Silver, David Chang, and Scott Derrickson, Knocking on Heaven’s Door is eminently readable, one of the most important popular science books of this or any year. It is a necessary volume for all who admire the work of Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Greene, Simon Singh, and Carl Sagan; for anyone curious about the workings and aims of the Large Hadron Collider, the biggest and most expensive machine ever built by mankind; for those who firmly believe in the importance of science and rational thought; and for anyone interested in how the Universe began…and how it might ultimately end.

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    Science has a battle for hearts and minds on its hands: a battle on two fronts—against superstition and ignorance on one flank, and against pseudo-intellectual obscurantism on the other. How good it feels to have Lisa Randall’s unusual blend of top flight science, clarity, and charm on our side.
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    Randall’s lucid explanations of . . . the frontiers of physics-including her own dazzling ideas-are highly illuminating, and her hearty defense of reason and science is a welcome contribution. . . . Read this book today to understand the science of tomorrow.
    J. Craig Venter
    Lisa Randall does a great job of explaining to the non-physicist the basic science approaches of modern physics and what the latest experiments might reveal. . . . This is a must read to appreciate what is coming in our future.
    Carlton Cuse
    I didn’t think it was possible to write a complex, detailed look at the world of physics that the non-scientist could understand, but then Lisa Randall wrote this amazing, insightful, and engaging book and proved me wrong.
    Daily Texan
    An exciting read about the very edge of modern science. . . . [Knocking on Heaven’s Door] inspires a sense of awe, appreciation and excitement for what the future holds.
    Booklist (starred review)
    The general reader’s indispensable passport to the frontiers of science.
    Times Higher Education (London)
    Beautifully written. . . . An impressive overview of what scientists (of any kind) get up to, how they work and why science is an inherently creative endeavor.
    Sunday Times (London)
    Written with dry wit and ice-cool clarity. A book anyone at all interested in science must read. Surely the science book of the year.
    The Independent on Sunday
    Full of passion and jaw-dropping facts. . . . A fascinating account of modern particle physics, both theoretical and practical.
    Daily Beast
    Randall manages to transform . . . experiments at distant and unfamiliar scales into crucial acts in a cosmic drama.
    Startlingly honest [and] beautifully written. . . . Randall’s calm authority and clarity of explanation are exemplary. . . . Like being taken behind the curtain in Oz and given a full tour by the wizard.
    New York Journal of Books
    Very accessible, readable, and appealing to a broad audience. . . . Randall’s passion and excitement for science and physics is infectious and welcome in our digital age.
    American Scientist
    Valuable and engaging. . . . Randall’s generous cornucopia of ideas, her engaging style, and above all her deep excitement about physics make this a book that deserves a wide readership.
    [Randall’s] eloquent book details the trials and tribulations of the [Large Hadron Collider], from conception to implementation, and takes us on a grand tour of the underlying science.
    New York Times Book Review
    [Randall is] one of the more original theorists at work in the profession today. . . . She gives a fine analysis of the affinity between scientific and artistic beauty, comparing the broken symmetries of a Richard Serra sculpture to those at the core of the Standard Model.
    New Scientist
    Startlingly honest [and] beautifully written. . . . Randall’s calm authority and clarity of explanation are exemplary. . . . Like being taken behind the curtain in Oz and given a full tour by the wizard.
    "The general reader’s indispensable passport to the frontiers of science."
    San Francisco Book Review
    Offers the reader a glimpse of the future. . . . An enlightening and exciting read.
    President Bill Clinton
    Lisa Randall has written Knocking on Heaven’s Door in the same witty, informal style with which she explains physics in person, making complex ideas fascinating and easy to understand. Her book . . . just might make you think differently—and encourage you to make smarter decisions about the world.
    Publishers Weekly
    Dispelling the idea that science is based on unchanging rules, Harvard physicist Randall (Warped Passages) offers an insider's view of modern physics, a vital, continually "evolving body of knowledge" in which previous ideas are always open to change—or even disposal, when researchers discover a theory which better fits observational evidence. While acknowledging art and religion as different ways to search for truth, Randall celebrates how science "seeks objective and verifiable truth" through careful observation and measurement. As our technology allows our view of the world to expand, the range of things we can observe also expands, from what we can see with our naked eye to the world of subatomic particles and forces studied by particle physicists. The Large Hadron Collider is the biggest, most complex tool yet built to parse this tiny world to answer some of physics' biggest questions: the source of mass and gravity, the secrets behind dark matter and dark energy, and the underlying structure of the universe. Randall's witty, accessible discussion reveals the effort and wonder at hand as scientists strive to learn who we are and where we came from. 75 b&w illus. (Sept.)
    Time magazine
    Explores some of the biggest ideas in contemporary physics and how they undergird such everyday matters as risk assessment, logic and even our understanding of beauty.
    From the Publisher
    "This volume should appeal to experts and nonexperts alike intrigued by the latest scientific advances in our understanding of the cosmos." —Library Journal
    Library Journal
    In Randall's (physics, Harvard Univ.) second book written for a general audience (after Warped Passages), several major themes are woven together to depict the state of physics in the 21st century. Among other subjects, Randall covers the significance of scale in physics, describes the Large Hadron Collider (LHC, a gigantic particle accelerator that sprawls across the Swiss-French border), and discusses how experimental results from the LHC may guide the future development of physics and cosmology. In particular, there is hope the LHC will improve our knowledge of the entities known as "dark matter" and "dark energy," which together are believed to make up 96 percent of the universe. VERDICT Although these topics may seem abstruse, Randall has an accessible style and does not demand that her readers come armed with an advanced knowledge of mathematics or modern physics. This volume should appeal to experts and nonexperts alike intrigued by the latest scientific advances in our understanding of the cosmos. [See Prepub Alert, 3/14/11.]—Jack W. Weigel, Ann Arbor, MI
    Kirkus Reviews

    From Randall (Theoretical Physics/Harvard Univ.; Warped Passages: Unraveling the Universe's Hidden Dimensions, 2006), a whip-smart inquiry into the scientific work being conducted in particle physics.

    The author examines some fairly recondite material—the philosophical and methodological underpinnings of the study of elementary particles (with a brief foray into cosmology)—and renders it comprehensible for general readers. She brings a thrumming enthusiasm to the topic, but she is unhurried and wryly humorous. She explains how physicists conduct their theoretical studies, the logic involved and the confidence that comes only in what's verified or deduced through experimentation. That knowledge must always be open to change, surrounded as it is by an amorphous boundary of uncertainties, where research is conducted in a state of indeterminacy, testing and questioning to ascertain veracity and implications (which includes investigating the likes of string theory, which doesn't yield experimental consequences but may provide new ways of thinking). Randall brings great clarity to the application of theory. Not only will readers come to feel comfortably familiar with scaling—why, for instance, Newton's laws work on one scale but not another—or how the Large Hadron Collider will provide access to fundamental particles, but appreciate how one "sees" a subatomic particle when visible light's wavelength is too big to resolve it. While much of the book concerns the behavior of quarks, leptons and gauge bosons, the author ranges freely into the advantages and disadvantages of aesthetic criteria in science, the importance of symmetry and the creation and nature of black holes, black energy and black matter: "Why should all matter interact with light? If the history of science has taught us anything, it should be the shortsightedness of believing that what we see is all there is."

    A tour of subatomic physics that dazzles like the stars.

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