Richard Starks has worked as a writer, editor, and publisher of newsletters and magazines in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. He has written for television, and is the author of six previous books, two co-authored with Miriam Murcutt, a writer, editor and former marketing executive in the travel and publishing industries. They rank their journey through Spain’s ancient monasteries as one of their most rewarding experiences.
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“This book tells about an incident that has been hidden for too many years. It’s a fascinating adventure that stands out from all the other wartime experiences I have heard about.”--Charles Martin, former “Hump” pilot
“A well-rendered story of WWII action and adventure, one with plenty of twists and operational pointers for future warriors.”--Kirkus Reviews
“Authors Starks and Murcutt absorbingly recount the political conquest of Tibet through the story of these five young men’s unwitting embroilment in an international incident and their extraordinary journey home.”--Publishers Weekly online
“This is a fine story of courage and diplomacy that presents invaluable information on a little-known theater of WWII and insight into the Tibet-China political situation.”--Booklist
“This is a ‘must-read’ for mountaineers and history buffs alike. I was absorbed and moved.” –Amanda Daflos, Director, Special Projects, International Mountain Explorers Connection