Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience

    Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience

    3.7 3

    by Robert Bruce, Brian Mercer


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      ISBN-13: 9780738717012
    • Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
    • Publication date: 06/08/2013
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 504
    • Sales rank: 253,823
    • File size: 2 MB

    Robert Bruce (Australia) is a published metaphysicist. His articles, tutorials, and personal experiences are featured on his popular website, http://www.astralpulse.com and http://www.astraldynamics.com
    Brian Mercer (Washington state) has been interested in metaphysical pursuits for as long as he can remember. He is an information technology professional and part time novelist. In addition to the website listed below, he also hosts  and  http://www.kaladrious.com/

    Brian Mercer (Washington state) has been interested in metaphysical pursuits for as long as he can remember. He is an information technology professional and part time novelist. In addition to the website listed below, he also hosts  and  http://www.kaladrious.com/

    Read an Excerpt

    PART 1

    Preparing for Liftoff

    What follows are the results of my first night of energy work.
    I've had sporadic instances of involuntary projection throughout my life. I've tried
    gaining control of it for many years but nothing has ever worked.

    I've always thought that energy work for astral projection was a waste of time. It was
    annoying to be bogged down with silly “New Age” energy rituals, when all I wanted to do
    was project.

    Then I read Robert Bruce's tutorial. Maybe there is something to this! This was the
    first time I'd ever read anything that spelled out the mechanics behind this type of energy
    work, why it's needed, and what it does at a core level. Posts on Robert's online forum further
    reinforced the validity of doing the energy work. Over and over I was running across
    postings from people who were getting very measurable results.

    I went to bed thinking that this would never happen to me and started doing energy
    work. For a few minutes I felt an ache in my heart center. I kept “circling” there between
    passes up the legs and down the arms and in a few minutes it stopped. Then I felt a lot of
    activity and itching in my brow center, then something like electricity going through that
    area, as if the blood vessels had been shut off, then suddenly opened.

    After that I must have woken up thirty times during the course of four hours of sleep.
    Every time I woke up it was like another memory was being restored, and each time I was
    still on autopilot, doing the energy exercise. By now I can't remember what I was remembering
    specifically, but I do remember that every memory that surfaced served to connect
    me to something else I had long forgotten. One by one I kept remembering connections to
    things, people, places, experiences. Life became a lot bigger than I ever thought it was.

    WEEK 1

    Flexing Your Astral Muscles

    What to Expect
    • Setting up your meditation space
    • Learning to relax
    • Breathwork
    • Body awareness exercises
    • Energy body stimulation
    • Your dream journal
    • Affirmations
    Optional: BrainWave Generator instructions

    This book emphasizes goal-oriented action
    rather than just sitting and reading about
    OBEs. Just enough information is given at the
    start of each week to guide you through the
    coming week's activities, building on what has
    come before.

    This week we'll show you how to organize
    a place for your daily energy work and teach
    you a deep physical relaxation and breathing
    technique.We'll also give instructions for this
    week's energy work, setting up a dream journal,
    and using affirmations. Finally, for those
    using the optional BrainWave Generator to
    supplement your OBE program, we'll offer
    instructions for the current week's preset.
    Now that you have read all the instructions
    in the introduction, let's waste no time getting

    Setting up Your Meditation Space
    First on the list is to select a suitable place to
    practice energy work, meditation, and other
    OBE-related training exercises.

    There are several desirable qualities for an
    ideal meditation space. It should be quiet and
    allow you to practice undisturbed. Lighting is
    also important. There will be exercises requiring
    full lighting and those requiring low lighting
    or darkness. A room with a curtained window
    or a variable illumination lamp will suffice.
    Headphones or earplugs are ways to eliminate
    sound, but you also don't want to be
    unexpectedly disturbed by others. People in
    busy households may need to innovate to create
    suitably private spaces. One aspiring projector
    partitioned a large walk-in closet and
    turned half into a small private area. Another
    rigged a makeshift tent in her bedroom. Others
    have found useful areas in attics, basements,
    and garages. Think creatively.

    Depending on its size, your private space
    should have a bed, cot, or easy chair or some
    place where you can lie down comfortably. A
    hard-backed kitchen or desk chair will also be
    required for some exercises. Your space should
    be big enough to accommodate this chair,
    with the option of placing it against a wall for
    exercises that require head support. Ideally,
    your space should be somewhere you feel
    comfortable and safe.

    Try to avoid using the room in which you
    normally sleep. If you must use your bedroom,
    it is best not to use your bed for the daily exercises.
    We are all conditioned to start falling
    asleep when we get into our own beds. The
    purpose of the exercises in this program is to
    learn how to achieve a deep level of relaxation
    without falling asleep. If you must use your
    bedroom, find a comfortable place on the floor
    where you can do your exercises using a folding
    bed, small mattress, or a combination of
    pillows and blankets. An easy chair, deck chair,
    or beanbag chair are other good options.
    Another handy item is an illuminated clock,
    preferably analog with a second hand.Many of
    the coming exercises need to be timed, so a
    clock that's easily visible from your practice
    position will help. A countdown timer, such as
    those used for baking, can be used to supplement
    the clock. You can set and forget this, so
    you won't have to keep looking at the time to
    see when an exercise is over.

    The atmosphere of your meditation space
    is also important. It should feel comfortable,
    safe, and friendly. Atmospheres are affected by
    décor, as well as by how a place smells and
    feels. Burning incense and essential oils is one
    of the most efficient ways of changing an
    atmosphere and giving it a spiritual quality.
    For the purposes of this program, it will help
    if you select a particular incense or essential
    oil that you do not normally use elsewhere.
    Use this during every training session. This
    will set the mood and help program your
    body/mind to respond to your daily exercises
    more quickly than you otherwise would. In
    time, tension will begin oozing out of you the
    moment you smell your special OBE training

    Your daily exercises don't all have to be
    done in the same location. Some techniques
    will be practiced numerous times during the
    day wherever you happen to be. These mainly
    consist of reciting affirmations, doing short
    concentration and mind-clearing exercises,
    energy work, and so on. Put daily travel and
    waiting time to good use for these.

    Learning to Relax
    One of the first tasks is to learn how to make
    yourself so comfortable that your mind and
    body will almost disassociate. We say almost
    because a slight body/mind connection is crucial
    for straddling that fuzzy edge between
    sleeping and waking. Deep physical relaxation
    is the foundation upon which everything else
    in this program will rest. If you do not thoroughly
    learn this essential skill, you could
    waste a lot of time and effort making projection
    attempts with little chance of success.

    This program contains an excellent routine
    that, once learned, will progressively take you
    to the deeper levels of relaxation that are
    required to induce trance and an OBE.
    Deep physical relaxation is the one OBE
    preparation skill that is most commonly overlooked
    or poorly done. Being relaxed enough to
    fall asleep does not mean that you have a sufficient
    level of relaxation to induce an OBE. Even
    though you may feel deeply relaxed, your body
    can still possess significant levels of physical
    tension. For example, you can still fall asleep
    while you are tense or in pain. Physical tension
    can prevent you from projecting, even if all the
    other skills required for having an OBE have
    been mastered.

    The purpose of this first week's relaxation
    practice is to learn the steps of the routine.
    Staying awake and lucid in a state of deep
    physical relaxation takes practice. With this in
    mind, try to avoid doing the relaxation exercises
    when you are overly tired. Falling asleep
    during this routine will condition you to fall
    asleep every time you perform it, in much the
    same way as you habitually start falling asleep
    when you go to bed.

    Relaxation training begins on Day 1. Each
    day more steps are added until, by the end of
    the week, the full routine is revealed. Your goal
    for the end of this first week is to complete the
    routine without having to refer to the instructions.
    It is easy to miss steps at first, so this
    week be sure to review the instructions after
    each session to make sure you are not forgetting
    anything. The deep physical relaxation
    routine is progressive, and in time will become
    almost automatic.

    If you find that you are physically or mentally
    tense before relaxation practice, first take
    a hot shower or bath and/or a short nap. Some
    light exercise, a stretching routine, or a massage
    will also help relieve tension.

    Another factor involved with deep physical
    relaxation is temperature. The body reacts to
    cold by tensing and shivering its muscles to
    generate heat. Even if you are a little cold, your
    body may not actually shiver but your muscles
    may tense. This can increase the difficulty of
    physically relaxing to the degree required.
    If you are doing this program in a cold climate,
    keep your body temperature at a comfortable
    level during the exercises. Use light
    blankets, comforters, and loose-fitting, warm
    clothes. If practical, heat your practice area to
    a comfortable level. The general rule is, if the
    method you are using to keep warm is distracting
    (e.g., if the blankets or clothes are too
    heavy or restrictive), try another approach.
    Novices often start by paying good attention
    to relaxation exercises, but then pay only
    cursory attention to them later in the program.
    Avoid this mistake or one day you will
    find yourself having to backtrack to relearn
    what has been poorly done. Each time you do
    it, approach the routine with care and attention.
    Think of each minute bit of tension in
    your body as a barrier to success. Each day try
    to become more relaxed than the day before.
    In time this will become habitual.

    Breathwork: Breath Awareness
    Breathing is key to conscious-exit projection.
    It promotes deep relaxation, provides clearer
    inner focus, and increases the amount of
    energy available for projection.

    The breathing methods in this program are
    safe and straightforward. You begin this week
    very simply with daily, five-minute practice
    sessions. Each week hereafter you will build on
    and refine the basic technique. By the time
    you reach Part 2 of the program, you will have
    all the breathing skills required for OBE exit

    This week you will be learning breath awareness.
    All this involves is quieting your thoughts
    by focusing on the internal sensations of the
    breath cycle. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and
    focus your attention on the leading edge of the
    airflow as it passes into and out of your body. It
    is easier to focus on the leading edge of the
    breath than it is to hold the entire mental picture
    of the breathing process itself.

    If you find the above leading-edge breathwork
    method difficult, you will find it easier to
    focus instead on the rise and fall of your chest
    and abdomen. Just close your eyes and focus
    your awareness on the feeling of your body filling
    and rising, then emptying and contracting.
    Focusing on this action helps keep your mind

    Do not change your breathing rate or depth
    during this exercise. Do not try to count out
    breaths to a prescribed rhythm. Simply observe
    your breathing and use this as a focus of attention
    to help clear your mind. If your thoughts
    wander, simply release them and bring your
    attention back to your breathing. No matter
    how many times foreign thoughts creep in,
    push them aside and refocus on your breathing.
    This takes a little practice, but you will
    quickly get the hang of it if you persevere.

    During Week 1, the breath awareness technique
    is used at the beginning of your daily
    practice routine, right after deep physical relaxation.
    This promotes further relaxation and
    helps quiet the mind for the exercises that follow.
    However, breath awareness can be done
    anytime and anywhere. Do it for five minutes;
    no more time is required. Waiting and travel
    time are excellent opportunities for practice.

    Stimulating the Energy Body
    This week you will also start learning how to
    stimulate your energy body. Your energy body
    is a subtle energy counterpart of your physical
    body. It has many parts, aspects, and functions,
    including several large primary energy
    centers and hundreds of smaller ones. Primary
    energy centers are often called chakras or psychic
    In essence, these can be thought of
    as nonphysical organs that are involved with
    the underlying spiritual, biological, emotional,
    and mental processes that are associated with
    the complexities of living.

    The ability to stimulate, raise, and manipulate
    your personal energy is invaluable during
    OBE training. The substance of your projected
    double is generated by the energy body and is
    wholly composed of your living energy. So
    when it comes to having an OBE, the development
    and manipulation of your personal
    energy resources is a fundamental skill. Lucidity
    during an OBE is also dependent upon the
    flow of personal energy.

    The exercises in this program rely primarily
    on the use of body awareness. This is the ability
    to focus and localize your attention on specific
    parts of your body. By giving this point of
    focus movement, it is possible to stimulate
    your energy body at that location. Combined
    with other techniques, this enables you to
    deliberately manipulate the substance of your
    energy body. This in turn allows you to raise,
    move, and store vital energy and to activate
    energy centers in a controlled way.

    No prerequisite abilities or skills are required
    to learn and use body awareness techniques.
    They are easy to understand and use.Most people
    will get noticeable results the very first time
    they use them.

    Body awareness exercises begin on Day 1 of
    the program. To improve your body awareness
    sensitivity, repeat the exercises as often as you
    can until you get the feel for the technique.
    Each time you do this you will improve your
    sensitivity to energy movement, which is
    important for all the exercises and techniques
    that follow.Make good use of travel time and
    waiting time for extra practice.

    On Days 2 through 7 you will explore other
    ways to stimulate your energy body.When body
    awareness is focused on a primary or secondary
    energy center and given motion, that energy
    center is stimulated, causing noticeable sensations.
    Individual energy centers can thus be targeted
    and manipulated in a controlled way. (We
    will explore primary energy centers more during
    Week 4).

    Preparing for Energy Work
    Little preparation is needed for energy work,
    but there are a few general guidelines.
    First, it helps not to be overtired during
    practice, at least while learning the techniques.
    Varying your level of alertness or tiredness
    during practice sessions will be a factor later
    when you are actually learning how to project.
    It also helps not to be mentally distracted.

    If you have pressing issues, a task to complete,
    a phone call to make, time constraints, and so
    on, try to take care of these before your energy
    work session. This will help you concentrate.
    Conversely, energy work practice can be a
    good way to take your mind off worries.
    Additionally, it helps to be physically and
    mentally relaxed. If you practice energy work
    right after getting home from a busy day, consider
    taking a walk, a shower, or some other
    grounding activity to help you unwind before
    you begin your daily energy work routine.
    If you are using the optional BrainWave
    Generator, listening to Week 1's relaxation preset
    for fifteen to twenty minutes with closed eyes
    and a clear mind can be an excellent mental
    cleansing exercise. Breath awareness will also
    help with this process.

    Avoid eating a heavy meal before energy
    work practice. Digestion takes a lot of energy
    and after a big meal the energy body virtually
    shuts down for a while. For this reason, energy
    work and other OBE-related exercises are more
    difficult if undertaken within an hour or so of
    a heavy meal. If you must eat immediately
    before practice, a light meal is recommended.

    Your Dream Journal
    An essential ingredient of successful astral projection
    is improving your ability to remember
    it afterward. Unless OBE recall is sharpened to
    the point where you remember the experience,
    it will seem like it never happened even if it
    did. This is the biggest and most prevalent
    cause of apparent OBE failure. OBE experiences
    can be breathtakingly vivid, but memories
    of them, like dream memories, have the
    annoying habit of disappearing unless precautions
    are taken.We call these types of memories
    shadow memories, as they lie just beneath
    the surface of conscious recall like vaporous
    shadows in the mind.

    Memory storage and recall functions are
    complex matters, including both short- and
    long-term memory processes. Shadow memory
    is related more to the former. How many
    times have you walked into a room to do
    something, only to stop and wonder what it
    was you were planning to do? Then something
    triggers an association with the memory and
    you suddenly remember. This is similar to
    what happens when you first wake up clearly
    remembering a dream or OBE, only to have it
    vanish a few moments later.

    Recalling shadow memories is all about
    triggering memory associations to make them
    resurface. Dream journaling is one method that
    helps trigger fragments of shadow memories to
    reappear in conscious memory. Once a fragment
    appears, further efforts are then applied
    to trigger more memories associated with it. In
    this way, more complete dream and OBE memories
    can be recalled.

    With practice, the mind learns to access
    shadow memories more efficiently, making
    dream and OBE memories easier to recall.
    Some will be recalled immediately upon waking
    and others will surface when associations
    trigger them. Anything can trigger shadow
    memories: radio or TV, a snatch of conversation,
    thoughts and fantasies, a passing car, and
    so on.

    OBEs that take place during sleep are often
    masked by or blended with dream imagery. The
    more dream memories that are recalled, the
    more chances there are to identify OBE-related
    memories plus OBE symptoms such as flying,
    vibrations, rapid heartbeat, falling sensations,
    paralysis, astral sight, and so on. More discussion
    on shadow memory will be in Week 2.

    An excellent way to improve OBE memory
    is to keep a dream journal. A dream journal
    can be as simple or as elaborate as you want.
    In this program, the emphasis is on capturing
    key words and phrases and using these to trigger
    shadow memory fragments.

    Always keep a notepad and pen handy,
    especially by your bed. It is also a good idea to
    have a bedside lamp or flashlight for recording
    key words and phrases when you awaken during
    the night. A small voice-activated tape
    recorder can also be used, though recordings
    are less accessible than notes.

    Before going to sleep, draw a line across a
    page in your notepad to signal the beginning
    of a new entry and add the date. This is a symbolic
    action that will help trigger your subconscious
    mind, like an affirmation, to provide
    you with dream memories. When you wake
    from a dream or should anything unusual happen
    during sleep, jot down a few key words
    describing what happened.Write clearly or you
    may not be able to read it later. If you have flying
    or falling dreams as you are going to sleep,
    write something like “Flying, falling, woke with
    a jerk” on the notepad. If you have a dream
    about vacationing in Italy, write something like
    “Rome, fountains, pizza,” giving only a brief
    description to help trigger shadow memories
    when you wake the next morning.

    Recording key words provides strong memory
    association sequences that can trigger the
    shadow memories they represent. Avoid writing
    long descriptions during the night unless
    something spectacular happens that you want
    to remember in detail. In the morning, as soon
    as possible after awakening, review your list of
    key words and try to recall more details, fleshing
    out each section as necessary.

    Once or twice a week transfer these notes
    to a separate dream journal or into the daily
    journaling space in this book. They will build
    a record of your progress.

    If you were unable to write key words during
    the night, spend some time recalling dream
    imagery the moment you wake. Start by shifting
    into the same position in which you were
    last sleeping. Behind your closed eyelids, look
    up and focus your eyes in the middle of your
    forehead, which is where your brow center or
    third eye is located. This helps promote dream
    recall. Next, try to pull back the last memories
    you have of your dreams.

    If nothing surfaces, think about people
    with whom you frequently interact or about
    whom you often think or dream. Review
    places you habitually visit, such as work or
    school or locales that are frequently part of
    your dreams. Think of other houses you've
    lived in, schools you've attended, homes
    you've visited often or lived in during your
    childhood and teens. Review what you were
    thinking about the night before, what you
    were doing, conversations you had, what you
    watched on TV. Frequently, things on your
    mind before you go to sleep bleed into your
    dreams and remembering these can help trigger
    more interesting memories. Try to recall
    flying or falling sensations too. Any of the
    above can trigger shadow memory fragments.
    Some people say they never dream, but
    what they really mean is that they don't
    remember their dreams. Everyone dreams and
    these memories are there somewhere. If you
    do not usually remember your dreams, put
    more time and effort into the remembering
    techniques above. This will help train your
    mind to recall shadow memories. Do not give
    up if you keep drawing blanks. In the beginning
    you may only recover some tiny fragments
    and these may not seem worth the
    effort. But even the smallest fragment provides
    something from which you can build.

    To review:
    • Keep a notepad, pen, and light source
    near your bed.
    • When you wake, take time to recall your
    dreams and then write key words and
    phrases in your notebook.
    • Spend a few minutes each morning
    reviewing your key words and trying
    to recall more information about your
    • At least once a week transfer your key
    words into your dream or OBE journal.

    For an example of how to keep a more
    detailed dream journal, refer to appendix C.
    Your dream journal need not be this elaborate,
    but this should give you ideas.

    Daily Affirmations
    Each week you'll be given two short affirmations
    to memorize: a daytime affirmation and a
    nighttime affirmation. The purpose of these
    affirmations is varied. Generally, daytime affirmations
    are geared to program your beliefs to
    accept and allow you to have OBEs. Later, these
    can be associated with overcoming astral projection
    -related fears and difficulties. In essence,
    they are to help you focus and to reassure you,
    to program all levels of your mind and body
    toward what you are trying to accomplish.
    Nighttime affirmations are commonly used
    to program your dreams or to prompt you
    to remember dreams and OBE experiences.
    Sometimes they will contain cues to help you
    recognize inconsistencies in dreams so you
    will realize you are dreaming and can take
    control, or have what is called a lucid dream.
    Other times they will be directions for your
    body to project as you are slipping into the
    sleep state, or triggers to alert you when an
    OBE begins spontaneously.

    By design, we have made these affirmations
    simple and short so they will be easy to
    remember. They are meant as guides only. Feel
    free to add, revise, or to create your own.
    If you do write your own affirmations,
    there are some factors to keep in mind in
    order to program your subconscious effectively.
    Always keep them in the first person: “I
    am . . . ,”“I believe . . . ,”“I have the ability . . . ,”
    and so on.Make them positive: “I remain calm
    and relaxed . . .” instead of “I am not afraid.”
    The subconscious has trouble comprehending
    negative words and phrases like don't, won't,
    can't, non-,
    and not, as in “I am not afraid.” So
    if you use an affirmation like “I am not
    afraid,” the subconscious will pick up on the
    word afraid and this could program you to
    become more afraid.

    It is important to write affirmations in an
    active present tense. For example, “I now leave
    my body . . .” or “I am leaving my body . . .”will
    work. “I am about to project . . .” or “I will project
    tonight . . . ,” which relate to the future, will
    be less effective. The subconscious mind exists
    entirely in the present moment, so it must be
    programmed with active present-tense phrases.
    It does not understand the future or the past,
    only the now.

    You can perform a simple procedure each
    week to prepare for the daily affirmations. On
    the first morning of each new week, read the
    daily and nightly affirmations aloud several
    times to help you remember and get the feel of
    them. Start with the daily affirmation. Read it
    several times and then cover the text and recite
    it without looking. Write the affirmation on
    paper a dozen times or so until it is committed
    to memory.

    During the day, whenever you think about
    it, recite the affirmation to yourself (or out
    loud if you can) over and over again like a
    mantra. Consider writing down the affirmation
    several times a day to really saturate your
    brain with it.

    Do the same thing with the nighttime affirmation
    before going to bed. Once you're in
    bed, spend a few minutes relaxing and settling
    yourself.When you are ready, clear your mind
    and mentally repeat the nighttime affirmation
    slowly and carefully as you drift off to sleep.
    Some people lose track of affirmations or fall
    asleep before they have repeated them sufficiently.

    For best results, nighttime affirmations
    should be repeated about thirty times. Use
    your fingers to keep track of the number of
    times you recite a particular affirmation; this
    will prevent you from having to mentally
    count. Alternatively, move a knotted string
    through your fingers to do the count.

    The more you use affirmations, the more
    you will understand and value their power to
    program your goals. You will find they have
    many uses and possibilities. Just remember to
    always keep them simple, active, first person,
    present tense, and avoid negatives like not,
    don't, cannot,
    and so on.

    It can help if you listen to the nighttime
    affirmations while going to sleep. Consider
    recording each week's nighttime affirmation
    thirty times on a tape so you can fall asleep
    while listening to it.

    For the technologically oriented, the affirmations
    are included in audio form (WAV
    and MP3 files) on the CD included with this
    book. Use the MP3 with your PC or portable
    media player, set it to repeat, and then just listen.
    For those with the know-how, the affirmations
    have been included in WAV format
    should you want to add your own quiet music
    or ambient sound effects.

    About the BrainWave Generator
    The CD that accompanies this book contains a
    shareware program called the BrainWave Generator,
    which can be used to supplement the
    exercises in this book. Unlike recorded sound,
    the BrainWave Generator produces sound programmatically
    through the sound card on your
    personal computer to create a consciousness altering
    sound presentation. The controls for
    each sound program are pre-set to play for a
    certain amount of time at given frequencies;
    often there are different voices and layers of
    sound, and sometimes they are modulated to
    create a rich, overall experience. Each program's
    pre-set sound controls are referred to as
    a preset.

    Listening to a BrainWave Generator preset
    through headphones can enhance relaxation,
    increase the depth and speed with which
    trance meditation is achieved, and even bring
    on an OBE (especially when used with the
    techniques given in this book). Presets can also
    be used with light and sound machines. Light
    and sound machines include light goggles that,
    when worn over the eyes (with eyes closed),
    flash at given speeds and intensities to increase
    the effectiveness of the sound program.
    The BrainWave Generator, like CDs containing
    prerecorded sound, music, and/or
    guided vocal instructions aimed at inducing
    an alternate state of consciousness, should be
    considered a supplemental tool only. Use of
    these aids is definitely not required for the
    ninety-day program to be effective.

    If you are using the BrainWave Generator
    in conjunction with this program, you will
    need access to a personal computer from your
    meditation practice space. A laptop PC is
    ideal, as this will free you from having to practice
    your exercises in front of your desktop
    computer. There is always the option of temporarily
    moving your desktop computer near
    your practice space for the duration of the
    ninety-day program.

    Note: You should never listen to any Brain-
    Wave Generator preset while driving or operating
    heavy equipment as the programs are
    designed to make you drowsy. For full instructions
    on how to install and operate the Brain-
    Wave Generator, refer to appendix B.

    Optional: BrainWave Generator

    Preset “Week 01: Relaxation”
    The steps in the deep physical relaxation exercise
    can take several days to learn.We do not
    recommend using the BrainWave Generator
    for the first five days while you are still getting
    the hang of the steps.

    On Day 6 you can begin using the first
    BrainWave Generator preset, “MAP Week 01:
    Relaxation.” Put on the headphones, select the
    preset, and press the play button at the very
    beginning of the exercise. Start with the relaxation
    routine, then go straight into the breathwork
    and energy body stimulation techniques.

    If you are eager to use the BrainWave Generator
    from Day 1, you can sit and listen to the
    relaxation preset with your eyes closed for fifteen
    to twenty minutes before you practice the
    day's relaxation, breathing, and energy work.
    Sitting with no head support is recommended
    instead of lying down. This promotes slight
    discomfort, which will reduce the chances of
    you falling asleep during the preset. We recommend
    setting a timer for a warm-up Brain-
    Wave Generator session so you don't have to
    keep looking at the clock to keep track of the
    session length.

    Keep your mind clear during the Brain-
    Wave Generator session. The breath awareness
    technique will help with this. If you start
    falling asleep, suspend use of the BrainWave
    Generator for your current session and go
    straight into your exercises. You do not want
    to condition yourself to fall asleep when using
    the relaxation preset; rather, you want to
    become deeply relaxed while remaining alert
    and lucid.

    The full relaxation preset lasts a total of
    ninety minutes. This is programmed to take
    ten minutes to get you from a fully awake to a
    fully relaxed state, and it will take at least that
    long for the preset to be effective. A fifteen- to
    twenty-minute session will thus provide you
    with a good “warm-up” for deep relaxation.
    There is another advantage to using the
    relaxation preset fifteen to twenty minutes
    before beginning your daily energy work: the
    preset has a mild stimulating effect on the
    energy body. You might notice a faint localized
    or whole-body tingling. This is further
    enhanced when combined with the relaxation
    and energy work routines.

    On Day 6, once you've learned the entire
    relaxation procedure, you can still spend fifteen
    to twenty minutes with the BrainWave
    Generator preset while relaxing, and then go
    straight into the breathwork and energy work
    while still listening to the preset.
    Reminder: The presets in this program are
    designed to induce drowsiness. Do not listen
    to this or any of the presets in this program
    while driving or using heavy or potentially
    dangerous equipment.

    Table of Contents


    Acknowledgments xv
    Preface xvii

    Introduction: Preliminary Instructions for the Ninety-Day Program 1
    How the Ninety-Day Program Develops 4
    What to Expect in Part 1 5

    Week 1: Flexing Your Astral Muscles 9
    Week 2: Manipulating the Energy Body 43
    Week 3: Mind Taming 77
    Week 4: Primary Centers and Their OBE Connection 109
    Week 5: Trance Practice 145
    Week 6: Loosening up the Energy Body 185

    Part 2: LIFTOFF
    Week 7: Anatomy of an OBE 221
    Week 8: Overcoming Mental Blocks 253
    Week 9: Dreams and the OBE 285
    Week 10: Troubleshooting 311
    Week 11: Advanced Methods 345
    Week 12: After the Exit 373
    Week 13: The Basics of OBE Navigation 405

    Afterword 443
    Appendix A: Suggested Supplemental Reading List 445
    Appendix B: BrainWave Generator Installation Guide and Tips 448
    Appendix C: Dream Journal Template and Instructions 451
    Appendix D: Projection Position Posture 453
    Appendix E: Keys to a Successful OBE
    by Laetitia M. Kimball 454
    Appendix F: My OBE Successes
    by Brian Mercer 462
    Glossary 475
    Bibliography 478
    Index 479

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    Projecting out-of-body requires a delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit. Mastering Astral Projection offers everyone the opportunity to explore nonphysical dimensions and learn more about their spirituality.

    This practical guide to achieving conscious out-of-body experiences is based upon Robert Bruce's extensive knowledge of astral projection, Brian Mercer's methods for personal success, and valuable feedback from volunteers who have tested this program. Presented in an easy-to-follow workbook format, the thirteen-week program introduces astral projection methods and provides daily exercises that progressively prepares and trains readers for this incredible, life-changing experience.

    2005 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) 2nd Runner Up of Interactive Sideline category

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