Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts

    Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts

    4.4 9

    by Donald Michael Kraig


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      ISBN-13: 9780738728063
    • Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
    • Publication date: 11/08/2010
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 528
    • Sales rank: 373,644
    • File size: 4 MB

    Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such topics as Kabalah, Tarot, Magic, Tantra, and Psychic Development. He was a member of many spiritual and magical groups and was an initiated Tantric.

    Table of Contents

    And an Overview of the Subjects Covered in Each Lesson
    Author’s Note
    Foreword by Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero
    Foreword by John Michael Greer
    Foreword by Lon Milo DuQuette
    Foreword by David F. Godwin
    Preface to the Third Edition
    Preface to the Second Edition

    Getting Started; Dreams and the Dream Diary; The importance of delaying dream interpretation; The Ritual Diary and its use; Why you should also read other books on these subjects; Tarot Decks; The Relaxation Ritual; Definitions of Magick: White, Grey, and Black; The Story of Robin the Satanist; The Tarot Contemplation Ritual; Brief Divinatory Meanings of the Major Arcana Cards of the Tarot; Mythic and Factual Histories of the Tarot; Modern Tarot Evolution; My Theory for the Creation of the Tarot; Fortunetelling vs. Divination; The Split Hexagram Tarot Divination Spread; A Sample Tarot Reading; Learning the Tarot; Reasons for Regularly Performing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP); Attitudes in Preparation for Ritual; Magickal Tools: Location, The Altar, Candles, The "Weapons," The Bell, The Robe; Drawing the Banishing Earth Pentagram in the Air; Appropriate Visualizations; Review; Bibliography.

    Preparations for the LBRP including the Ritual Cleansing Bath; Physical Setup for the LBRP; The LBRP: The Kabalistic Cross (including the meaning of the words), The Formulation of the Pentagrams (including how the God names relate to one Deity), The Evocation of the Archangels, The Recapitulation of the Kabalistic Cross; How to Vibrate Words of Power (Vibratory Formulae); Psychic Attack and Psychic Self-Defense; The Four Solar Adorations; Advanced Work for the Four Adorations; Cultish Behavior of a Supposed Kabalah "Centre;" Hebrew; The Mythological History of the Kabalah; The Factual History of the Kabalah (including Merkabah Mysticism); The "Kosher Kabalah" and the "Wasp Kabalah;" The Dogmatic Kabalah; The Practical Kabalah; The Literal Kabalah (including Gematria, Notarikon, and Temurah); The Unwritten Kabalah; Introduction to The Tree of Life; The Flaming Sword; The Three Veils of Negative Existence; Formulation of the Universe; Freud; Reich; Kundalini, Libido, and Orgone; The Kabalistic Power Centers; The Ritual of the Middle Pillar; "Little Nasties;" Review; Bibliography.

    Reflection; Pride; The Design of the Golden Dawn; On Initiation; On Elemental Earth; Exercises to Master Elemental Earth; More on the Tree of Life: The Three Pillars, The Three Triangles, The Path of the Arrow, The Path of the Serpent, The Four Worlds; Real Meditation; The Secrets of Kabalistic Meditation; A Technique of True Meditation; Kabalistic Correspondences to the Sephiroht and What They Mean; The Advanced Middle Pillar Ritual; The Circulation of the Body of Light; Using Magickal Energy for Healing; What you Should Experience in Ritual; The Pentagram and the Elements (Eastern and Western); Making the Magickal Pentacle; Magickal Names; Ceremonial vs. Ritual Magick; Advantages and Disadvantages of Working with Others; Increasing Magickal Energy; The I.O.B. Technique; Review; Bibliography.

    On Elemental Air; Exercises to Master Elemental Air; Elemental Pore Breathing; A Group Ritual for Healing; Symbolism of the Cross; Mystical Meaning of INRI; Physical Representation of Letters; Magickal Hexagrams and How to Draw Them; The Advanced Tarot Contemplation Ritual; The Wand and the Dagger; Making the Air Dagger; Kabalistic Psychology; Using the Tarot to Improve a Person’s Mindset; Egotism vs. Egoism; My Failure—My Problem Student; Teachers’ Karma; Yoga; The LBRP as the Basis for Ceremonial Magick; The Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram (BRH): The Analysis of the Keyword, The Formulation of the Hexagrams, The Completion of the Ritual; Ceremonial Versions of the BRH; A Lack of Astrology; The Miracle Stick; Grimoires; The Three Necessities of Grey Magick; Review; Bibliography.

    The Effects of Stress; The Instant Relaxation Ritual; On Elemental Water; Exercises to Master Elemental Water; Pore Breathing Elemental Water; Construction of the Water Chalice; The Tetragrammaton and the Pentagrammaton; Jesus and Christian Origins; The Rose Cross Ritual, Including How it Differs from the LBRP; The Rite of Self-Dedication; Reincarnation; Past Lives; The Magickal Memory; Reincarnation and Tee-Koon (Kabalistic Karma); Soul Mates; Invoking and Banishing Pentagrams; The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram; The Basis of Grey Magick; The Soul, the Ego, Why We Have Trouble Remembering Past Lives and the Four Worlds; The Linking of the Soul and the Body; Signs of Physical Fitness and Health: Vitality, Appetite, Deep and Sound Sleep, Good Memory of the Past, Present and Future, Humor; Infinite Giving; Clear Thinking, and Precise Action; Realization of Oneness; Perfectionism; The Five Rites of Rejuvenation; Review; Bibliography.

    On Elemental Fire; Exercises to Master Elemental Fire; Pore Breathing; Additional Elemental Tests; Potential Unexpected Side Effects of Elemental Magick; Magic and Magick; Hocus Pocus; Construction of the Fire Wand; Evolution of Energy on the Tree; Paths on the Tree; Correspondences to the Paths; Numbering Systems; Magickal Formulae; Tablets Representing the Magickal Elements; Dee and Kelly; The Tablet of Union; The Watchtower Ritual; Construction of the Rainbow Wand; The Consecration of the Rainbow Wand; Altar Layout; Consecration Ritual for the Pentacle; Consecration Ritual for the Dagger; Consecration Ritual for the Chalice; The Value of Consecrations; Consecrations in a Group; Consecration Ritual for the Fire Wand; The Ritual of Magickal Obligation; Dealing With Non-Magickal People; SSOTBME; Viewpoints and Biases; Review; Bibliography.

    Our Direct Link to the Astral Plane; Positive Affirmations, Creative Visualization, and Why They May Not Work; Sphere of Availability; The Kabalistic System of Mental Magick including the Treasure Map; The Kabalistic Secret of Mental Magick; The Natures of High and Low (Art and Natural) Magick; A Timeline of Some Important Dates in the History of Witchcraft; A History of Fear, Hatred, and Persecution; Definition of a Talisman; The Difference Between Talismans and Amulets; The Stories of Three Students; Magickal vs. Natural Elements; Sympathetic Magick; Symbolism of the Magickal Elements; Designing Low Magick Talismans; Karma; The Best Times to Perform Low Magick Rituals; Skyclad; How to Describe the Purpose of Rituals; A Low Magick Ritual for Charging Talismans; Magickal Guardians; The Ideal Kabalistic Talisman; Types of Traditional Kabalistic Talismans; Correspondences for Talismans; Designing High Magick Talismans from Scratch, Including Pythagorean Numerology, Theosophical Reduction, A Talismanic Purpose Chart, Kabalistic Numerology, Austin Osman Spare and His Alphabet of Desire, and Using the Hermetic Rose Cross; The Final Design; An Important Secret Revealed; Supplement with Corrected Sigils of Olympian Spirits from the Arbatel of Magick, Planetary Symbols, Shapes for Talismans, Geomantic Figures, the Importance of Being Able to Design a Talisman from Scratch; Review, Bibliography.

    On Doing One’s Best; The Story of a Writer; Another Sample Talisman Design; Why You Shouldn’t Incorporate Designs from Other Sources at this Time; Why a Kabalistic Talisman May Be More Powerful than a Low Magick Talisman; Plantary Associations with Days of the Week; Planetary (or Magickal) Hours and How to Calculate Them; Planetary or Magickal Hours Chart; The Simple Talisman Charging and Consecrating Ritual; Keys to Performing the Same Ritual with a Group; The Story of Mathers and the Peas; Ad-Libbing in Rituals; Language Styles; The Complete Ritual for Charging and Consecrating a Talisman; Texts for the Next Lesson; Three Reasons Some Magicians Don’t Do Magick; Review; Bibliography.

    Magick and Natural Laws; The Problem with Grimoires; How I Discovered the Three Secrets of Magickal Evocation: My Sources—The Whites, Dion Fortune; Six Revelations; Invocation or Channeling; Spiritism; Construction of the Triangle of the Art; The Magick Mirror; The Appropriate Location for the Triangle of the Art; A rawing Attributed to Saint Germain and How It Relates to Evocation; Methods of Altering Consciousness; Disclaimer; The Use of Goetic Seals; The Seal of Bael; A Ritual for Evocation; The Opening and Conjurations; The Questionings; Lies of Commission, Omission, and Obfuscation: The Welcome Unto the Spirit; The Purpose of the Ritual; The License to Depart; Other Seals of Spirits and Their Purposes; On Role-Playing Games; Books Needing Translation; The Yetziratic Sealing Rite; Pentacles from the Greater Key of Solomon; Elemental Entities: Gnomes, Sylphs, Undines, and Salamanders; Artificial Elemental; Ritual for the Creation of an Artificial Elemental; Notes to the Ritual; Spiritism and Channeling vs. Magickal Invocation; Guidelines for Invocation Rituals; The Bornless One; Review; Bibliography.

    Sexuality; Cults and Preventing Sexual Manipulation; Sex Magick Techniques Including Thought Control, Inner Alchemy and Outer Alchemy; The Holy Letter; Wilhelm Reich; The Potent Orgasm, the Subconscious, and Symbols; A Sex Magick Ritual for a Couple; The Place of Comfort; Notes on the Ritual; Sex Magick Divinatory Techniques; The Yoni Mudra; Eroto-comatose Lucidity; The Position Known as 'the Crow;" Separating Love and Sex; Alchemy and Sex Magick; Karezza; Male Ejaculation Control and Multiple Orgasm; The Masters and Johnson "Squeeze" Technique; Conception Vessel One; The Magickal Elixir; The Powers of the Moon; The Mass of the Holy Ghost; Truths about Tantra and Kundalini Yoga; The Hahm-Sah Mantra; Shaktipat; Sex Magick Using Inner Alchemy; The Tantrik Ritual of Inner Alchemy; MahaTantra; God Eating; A Taoist Alchemical Ritual; KalaKakra: A Group Sex Magick Ritual; Personal Responsibility, STDs, and AIDS; Review; Bibliography.

    Piscean and Aquarian Age Mentality; Three Things Needed to Work Any Magick; Where Magickal Secrets Come From; The False Notion of White, Black, and Grey Magick; Higher Spiritual Entities; Do what thou Wilt; Karma and Morality; Types of Non-Physical Entities on Other Planes: Etheric Body, Astral Body, Azoth, Artificial Elementals, The Empty Ones, Elementaries (Elementals), Larvae, Ghosts, Pseudo-Ghosts, Poltergeists; Thought Forms; Forbidden Planet and "Monsters from the Id;" The Shadow; Astral Projection; Astral LBRP; Concentration Cards Exercise; Mental Projection vs. Astral Projection; Methods to Develop Astral Projection; Bi-Locationality; Astral Travel; Astral Whiplash; The Ultimate Secret of Magick; Pathworking and Kabalistic Pathworking; Why Memorization of Correspondences is Important to Kabalistic Pathworking; An Example of Kabalistic Pathworking; Comments on the Example; The Ritual of the Paths; Hebrew for Gematria; Payment; Sandalphon; Discovering Your Guardian Angel; The Ceremony of the Paths; Directions for Future Study; Review; Bibliography.

    Prefatory Comments on Three New Technologies of Magick: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Chaos Magick, and Postmodern Magick; Discovering Your Timeline; In Time and Through Time; Working with Your Timeline; Changing Your Timeline; Jung’s Judger and Perceiver; Other Keys for Successful Magickal Goals; Timeline Magick; Aggregation of Non-Essentials; An Incomplete History of Chaos Magick; Chaos and Chaos Magick; Other Chaos Magick Concepts; Kia; Pandamonaeon; A Banishing Ritual; A Practical Chaos Magick Ritual; The Enlightenment, Modernism, and Postmodernism; Magick and Codes; The Practical Use of Symbols for Magick from a Postmodern Perspective; Using Sigils to Change Codes; Three Methods to Prevent Old Codes From Returning; Evoking Symbols; WWBD; The Abstract Sigil; Conclusion; Review; Bibliography.

    APPENDIX ONE: A Ritual to Vastly Increase Personal Magickal Power.
    APPENDIX TWO: Answers to the Self-Test Reviews from the Ends of Each Lesson. APPENDIX THREE: New for the second edition. The Modern Magick FAQ: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions I’ve Received about These Lessons and about Ceremonial Magick in General. On the Magickal Elements and Associated Directions; On the Missing Archangel; On Determining if a Ritual Worked; On Advice for Young Magicians; On What to Do if You Don’t Have a Magickal Tool; On the Necronomicon; On Joining Groups; On Ceremonial Magick and the Kabalah being Patriarchal; On Chaos Magick; On Joining Several Magickal Groups and Covens; On Spirit Communication; On Inertia of the Will; On Having Time; On Tarot Decks; On Satanism; On the Ouija Board; On Talismans; On the Six-Rayed Star; Will You Do Magick For Me?
    APPENDIX FOUR: Course Glossary
    APPENDIX FIVE: Annotated Bibliography

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    For over two decades, Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick has been the world's most popular step-by-step guide to working real magick. Tens of thousands of individuals and groups have used this course as their primary instruction manual. Now, greatly revised and expanded, this set of lessons is more complete and relevant to your life than ever.

    Written with respect for the student, Modern Magick will safely guide you—even if you know little or nothing—through a progressive series of practical exercises and rituals, complemented by the knowledge, history, insights, and theory you need to become a successful ceremonial magician. Firmly rooted in the Western magickal tradition yet designed to be fully compatible with your contemporary practice, this book will help you attain full mastery of all core topics in magick:

    • The inner mysteries of the Kabalah
    • The most powerful rituals of magick
    • How to create and perform your own rituals
    • True meditation
    • Magickal ethics
    • Astral projection
    • Tools of magick
    • Evocation of spirits
    • Pathworking
    • Tantra and sex magick
    • The importance of the Tarot
    • Talismans and amulets
    • Secrets of visualization
    • Alchemy
    • Psychic self-defense
    • Healing rituals

    Filled with personal stories and helpful illustrations, along with updated and brand-new material, this new edition of Modern Magick features a completely new lesson that reveals the concepts, techniques, and rituals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Chaos Magick, and Postmodern Magick. Ideal for beginning, intermediate, or advanced students, and perfect as a manual for magickal temples, this is essential reading for every true magician.

    "Modern Magick is a modern-day classic. It has become the standard textbook of practical magickal knowledge for magicians all over the world. We highly recommend it to beginner and adept alike."—Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, authors of Experiencing the Kabbalah and Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition

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    From the Publisher
    "Modern Magick is a modern-day classic. It has become the standard textbook of practical magickal knowledge for magicians all over the world. We highly recommend it to beginner and adept alike."—Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, authors of Experiencing the Kabbalah and Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition

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