My Jesus Year: A Rabbi's Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith

    My Jesus Year: A Rabbi's Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith

    by Benyamin Cohen


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      ISBN-13: 9780061980336
    • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
    • Publication date: 10/06/2009
    • Sold by: HARPERCOLLINS
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 272
    • Sales rank: 365,051
    • File size: 833 KB

    Benyamin Cohen is the son of an Orthodox rabbi who married a Methodist minister's daughter who converted to Judaism. He was the founder and editor of the award-winning national magazine American Jewish Life and the online magazine Jewsweek, and is currently an editor at the Mother Nature Network.

    Read an Excerpt

    My Jesus Year

    A Rabbi's Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith

    By Benyamin Cohen
    HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
    Copyright © 2008

    Benyamin Cohen
    All right reserved.

    ISBN: 9780061245176

    Chapter One

    Son of a Preacher Man

    The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was a quiet man, staying among the tents.
    —Genesis 25:27

    There's a story about my birth, and I'm told it's not an apocryphal one. Eight days after I entered this world, the morning of my circumcision, my father and I had our very first bonding experience. Just me and him in the back room of a butcher shop. Allow me to explain. Please.

    I was a tiny baby, and our rabbi was unsure if I weighed enough to medically handle a circumcision. My dad, a man who holds multiple graduate degrees, was getting medical advice from our rabbi. That's like getting a chef's opinion on Middle Eastern politics. Or Paris Hilton's thoughts on anything.

    Nobody in our neighborhood, the story goes, had a proper scale to weigh a baby. So my dad took me to the butcher.

    Early on the morning of my circumcision, in the dark stillness before daybreak, my dad drove me in our family's brown Plymouth Volare to Sam's Kosher Meats and Deli. This was a depressing place. Sam was a cantankerous old man, always yelling at his wife in his thick eastern European accent. The place was in aconstant state of disarray. Bad vibes abounded. Don't bring babies here. This is not a manger.

    In the back room, deep inside the frigid meat locker, my dad took my little baby body and placed it on the ice-cold metal meat scale. The scale read 5.2 pounds. At least that's what he thought it read. It was 1975, and digital scales wouldn't appear on the scene for years.

    For years afterward, members of our tight-knit Jewish community would come up to me, pinch my cheek, and call me "Butcher Boy." At my bar mitzvah, the Jewish rite of passage into manhood, someone brought a rubber chicken to the party thinking it was funny. It wasn't.

    My dad called the rabbi and woke him up.

    "Five point two pounds," he said. "Will that work?"

    "Yep," said the rabbi, in a bleary daze. He was surely still half asleep and completely oblivious to what he was agreeing to. And in that moment, my fate was sealed. There was no turning back.

    Circumcision is more than just a minor surgical procedure. It is what ties a Jew to his ancestors. It's a remembrance of the covenant between Abraham and God made back in Genesis. The only difference between Abraham and me is that he had a choice. I didn't. At eight days old, I wasn't given a vote. And now I'm stuck with this religion for life.

    Hours later, in the company of a couple hundred of our closest friends and family, I officially became a member of my people. The ceremony involved a scalpel, a lot of pain, and an emotional dent that would leave me reeling for years to come. This was how I was introduced to religion. It was forced upon me, beginning in the frigid meat locker of a kosher butcher.

    The Cohens are a clan of rabbinic rock stars. My dad's a rabbi, and from the very beginning we were brought up to join him in the family business. Of us six kids only my younger sister and I didn't either become a rabbi or marry one (although, for the record, she does work in Jewish education).

    Religion was served to us on a silver platter—whether we wanted it or not. We kept kosher, we observed the Sabbath, we prayed three times a day. No questions asked. These were all givens. I went to a preschool called the Garden of Eden. Except in this kindergarten, sin was not an option.

    What's more, as religious as we were growing up, I never actually understood Judaism's fundamentals. After I was circumcised, like a prepackaged product coming off an assembly line, I felt haphazardly heaved into the deep end of the Jewish religious pool with the rest of them.

    I tried to rebel at every turn. In preschool, I'll now finally admit, I tasted the sweet nectar of forbidden indulgence by gobbling up nonkosher Nerds candy behind my school building, crumpling its sin-soaked box back into my knapsack just before my carpool ride arrived. My dad once caught me yanking my tzitzit off one hot summer morning when I was about ten. What are tzitzit? you ask. The term literally means "fringes" and refers to the heavy wool garment with string and fringes on its corners that Jewish males are supposed to wear under their clothing at all times. Yes, let's say it together, that's crazy. I know.

    In my childish eyes, my dad was someone who treated my siblings and me all the same, trying to raise us all in the same mold—with what appeared to me to be an ironclad fist of religion. With clenched teeth, he told us not to overdose on television, not to talk a lot with those of the opposite sex, and to avoid just about anything else that sounded like fun to a pre-pubescent kid. My brothers and sisters seemed to be fine with the religion we were born into. I, on the other hand, felt it as an unbearable weight upon my shoulders.

    The fundamental basis of Judaism is that we're the chosen people. But what if we didn't choose to be chosen?

    Don't get me wrong. I still did everything I was told (well, except for the now infamous Nerds candy incident of 1980). To the outside world, I was the rabbi's son, and no one would think otherwise. But a look inside my psyche yielded a different picture—one glossed with a gnawing sense of envy of those who could have what I couldn't. No bacon cheeseburgers. No girlfriends. No Cosby show.

    Alas, these were the halcyon days of my childhood. And yet, I wondered: Why was I being denied a typical American upbringing? What had I done to deserve this?


    Excerpted from My Jesus Year by Benyamin Cohen Copyright © 2008 by Benyamin Cohen. Excerpted by permission.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    What People are Saying About This

    Rob Kutner

    “Cohen’s witty and trenchant observations on identity and interfaith relations are like an early Christmukkah present.”

    A.J. Jacobs

    “Cohen spends a year on a fascinating and thought-provoking inter-faith exploration. The resulting witty memoir should appeal to Christians and Jews alike (as well as Wiccans, Jains and Bahais, for that matter).”

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    One day a Georgia-born son of an Orthodox rabbi discovers that his enthusiasm for Judaism is flagging. He observes the Sabbath, he goes to synagogue, and he even flies to New York on weekends for a series of "speed dates" with nice, eligible Jewish girls. But, something is missing. Looking out of his window and across the street at one of the hundreds of churches in Atlanta, he asks, "What would it be like to be a Christian?"

    So begins Benyamin Cohen's hilarious journey that is My Jesus Year—part memoir, part spiritual quest, and part anthropologist's mission. Among Cohen's many adventures (and misadventures), he finds himself in some rather unlikely places: jumping into the mosh-pit at a Christian rock concert, seeing his face projected on the giant JumboTron of an African-American megachurch, visiting a potential convert with two young Mormon missionaries, attending a Christian "professional wrestling" match, and waking up early for a sunrise Easter service on top of Stone Mountain—a Confederate memorial and former base of operations for the KKK.

    During his year-long exploration, Cohen sees the best and the worst of Christianity— #8212;from megachurches to storefront churches; from crass commercialization of religion to the simple, moving faith of the humble believer; from the profound to the profane to the just plain laughable. Throughout, he keeps an open heart and mind, a good sense of humor, and takes what he learns from Christianity to reflect on his own faith and relationship to God. By year's end, to Cohen's surprise, his search for universal answers and truths in the Bible Belt actually make him a better Jew.

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    Publishers Weekly
    Raised as an Orthodox Jew, mostly in Atlanta, Cohen, editor of Jewish Life in America magazine, obsessed over the church across the street from his childhood home-a home onto which his father, a rabbi, added a place of worship for Orthodox services. Struck by a crisis of faith, and not long after marrying the converted daughter of a Baptist minister, he decided to see if Jesus couldn't lead him back to Judaism. Each week, mere hours after celebrating the Jewish Sabbath, he'd attend Sunday services. He visited myriad denominational churches, Faith Day at Turner Field, Winter Jam at the Georgia Dome and even the home church of Ultimate Christian Wrestling. After 30-odd years of speculating that the sun shines brighter on the church side of the street, and 52 weeks of an Oz-like journey, his yarmulke turned out to have the same power as Dorothy's red shoes. A delicious olio of guilt, longing, surprise, wonder, unease and of course humor, Cohen's quest has universal appeal. One need not be Jewish, Christian or even a seeker to enjoy this wonderful loop around the Bible Belt. (Oct.)

    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    A.J. Jacobs
    Cohen spends a year on a fascinating and thought-provoking inter-faith exploration. The resulting witty memoir should appeal to Christians and Jews alike (as well as Wiccans, Jains and Bahais, for that matter).
    Rob Kutner
    Cohen’s witty and trenchant observations on identity and interfaith relations are like an early Christmukkah present.
    Christianity Today
    Cohen’s experiences were certainly different from mine, but the life lesson—that there is a lot Christians and Jews can learn about themselves from the other—was the same.
    The Jerusalem Post
    Orthodox Jews who have gotten past the cover with the “J” word on it have read the book and recommended it to fellow members of the tribe.
    Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    Cohen is a Jack Kerouac searching for a way back to his own faith on the Bible Belt’s gospel road.
    Cohen writes that what he learned from the year’s spiritual journey was that there are many paths people take to find faith in God and there are more similarities than differences in various religions. “Hanging out with Jesus has made me a better Jew,” he writes. Amen to that.
    USA Today
    If there’s a prodigal son on your Hanukkah gift list, Cohen’s book, subtitled, ‘A rabbi’s son wanders the Bible Belt in search of his own faith,’ could be the book to get.
    Shelf Awareness
    My Jesus Year stirs together keen-eyed journalism and a spiritual quest to create a book that can be read both for its heartfelt examination of one man’s religous faith and as a revelatory tour of the landscape of Christian life in the U.S. today.
    The Jewish Voice and Opinion
    Cohen is an engaging writer and his book is very well worth reading.
    Jewish Book World
    Cohen’s prose is insightful, filled with wit, warmth, and wonder.
    The Atlanta Jewish Times Online
    This hysterical book is literally one of those ‘laugh out loud’ books that can be imitated, but never duplicated.
    The Jewish Journal
    Cohen’s experiences have been quite different from mine, but the life lesson — that Christians and Jews can learn a lot about their own faiths from the other — is the same.
    Kansas City Jewish Chronicle
    [Cohen] retells his journey with humor and wit.

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