The Power of Birthdays, Stars, & Numbers is to the average horoscope what The Encyclopedia Britannica is to a copy of Reader's Digest magazine. As the introduction states:
"This book goes far beyond the simple Sun sign astrology to provide insight into the unique characteristics of each day. We have drawn on our knowledge of astrology, psychology, numerology, and fixed stars, and only after synthesizing all these disciplines have we created these comprehensive daily profiles. No two days share identical cosmic forces; therefore, each day is uniquely special. Every daily profile provides intriguing information about yourself and your future and will also prove irresistible in checking up on birthdays of friends, lovers, family, and colleagues. You will gain a greater understanding of your own capabilities and potential as well as insight into the character and motivation of people around you."
Before getting to these hugely in-depth daily forecasts (which make up the bulk of this rather enormous book and reveal, among other things, your positive and negative personality traits, career strengths, tips on love and relationships, your secret self, your best days for romance and friendship, potential fatal attractions, and which days of the year carry special significance for you in these areas), the authors provide extensive information about their methodology. An introduction to astrology explains, more clearly and in better detail than I have seen before, each of the 12 zodiac signs, the ten planets, and how standard readings are made using decanatesandprogressions. Next comes a history of fixed stars and their interpretation, followed by a discussion of numerology that includes the formula for calculating your holistic number, explanations of the nine basic numbers and their significance, and interpretations of the 31 personal days (the personal-day number corresponds to the day of the month you were born).
If you believe that the cosmos holds the keys to self-knowledge and to better understanding your place in the world, and you want to learn more about how to interpret it, The Power of Birthdays, Stars, & Numbers is indispensible; if you're going to buy one book on the subject, this should absolutely be it. Because it is nicely arranged as a reference guide and lucidly written with humor and a minimum of flaky pretentiousness, this is a good bet even for someone with only a fanciful interest in the stars and their meaning.
Olli Chanoff