Protecting Your Parents' Money: The Essential Guide to Helping Mom and Dad Navigate the Finances of Retirement

    by Jeff D. Opdyke



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    • ISBN-13: 9780061358203
    • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
    • Publication date: 08/09/2011
    • Pages: 288
    • Product dimensions: 5.14(w) x 8.04(h) x 0.72(d)

    Jeff D. Opdyke has written about personal finance, family finance, and the investment markets for Tgiehe Wall Street Journal since 1993. He lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with his wife, Amy, and their two children.

    Read an Excerpt

    Protecting Your Parent's Money

    The Essential Guide to Helping Mom and Dad Navigate the Finances of Retirement
    By Jeff D. Opdyke

    Harper Paperbacks

    Copyright © 2011 Jeff D. Opdyke
    All right reserved.

    ISBN: 9780061358203

    Chapter One

    The Talk
    This is the single most important chapter in this book. I
    placed it first in line for one overarching reason: Just about
    everything else you will read in these pages—and all your
    efforts at helping Mom and Dad manage or deal with the
    financial aspects of aging—will work out so much easier for
    you and your family if you first learn to communicate with
    your parents.
    Everybody thinks they know how to communicate
    because, well, we've all spent thirty or forty or fifty years or
    more expressing our thoughts and feelings and emotions.
    We've learned how to talk to one another. So, really, how
    difficult can chatting with parents be? Just ask the questions
    for which you want answers and then catalog what Mom and
    Dad say.
    Good luck with that.
    I promise that for many, many families the necessary
    answers won't be that easy to pry loose. Just as you are likely
    quite private with your own finances, your parents are just as
    private with theirs. They easily could look suspiciously on
    your unexpected queries about their money, what they spend
    their Social Security checks on, where their bank accounts
    are located, and their plans for distributing an estate when
    they pass on. As such, don't be surprised when Mom or Dad
    or both delicately or brusquely brush aside your advances,
    stall providing adequate answers, or even express outright
    worry or anger over perceptions that you might be out to
    wrest control of their financial freedom or, worse, rob them
    of their assets before they're dead. Dramatic? Yes. However,
    the news in the last decade or so has been filled with so many
    sad tales of elderly victims of financial abuse, statistically
    perpetrated most often by a family member, that aging
    parents at times can't help but question a child's intentions. In
    short, Mom and Dad, at least in their own minds, have real
    reason to fear your unwanted intrusion into their personal
    financial lives. As a result, the answers you want aren't always
    as forthcoming as you might expect.
    And those parents who do want to talk, meanwhile, the
    ones who implicitly trust their children and want their kids
    involved in making the big and small decisions of old age, don't
    always know how to tell you what they want to say for fear that
    you don't want to hear it. They don't know how to ask the
    questions that have them concerned, and they worry they'll
    be thought of as stupid or financially incompetent. Sometimes
    they simply don't know how to begin the conversation.
    Parents, of course, aren't the only ones incapable of
    expressing themselves. Kids, too, feel intimidated asking Mom
    and Dad highly personal questions about an aspect of their
    lives that might always have been private. Kids often assume
    parents don't want to talk, and so they never raise the questions
    they need answers to in order to understand whether
    their parents might need help with some part of the day-to-
    day finances. Others simply refuse to contemplate Mom or
    Dad's mortality.
    This lack of communication can be a major problem in
    the unique relationship between elderly parents and their
    grown children. Because once it's too late, it's much too late.
    When a parent falls ill or dies, you're suddenly thrown into
    the tempest—unprepared for all you will have to confront in
    managing the situation. Take, for example, the simple safe
    deposit box. All you need to know is the location of the bank
    and the key to get into it, right? And since you already know
    where Mom banks and the desk drawer where she keeps the
    key, you've got that covered; you know that when the moment
    comes you can at least access the box to gather the paperwork
    she's kept stuffed in there ever since you were a kid.
    However, you're in for a stressful confrontation with that
    bank at precisely the moment in life when additional stress
    is the last burden you want. When you try to access the
    safe-deposit box, Mom's banker will bar you, legally, from
    even entering the vault if you're not listed on the account.
    While some states will allow heirs or executors to access a
    safe-deposit box when an owner dies, that's not the case
    everywhere. So when you're in desperate need of the will or
    the insurance contract or burial papers or some other
    document you know is in that box, you might find you have no
    access. You'll have to hire a lawyer to help you jump through
    the various hoops required to prove that you legally have
    a right to open the box. Had you and your parents had the

    appropriate discussion about what's in the safe deposit box
    and how they want to handle who has access to it in an emergency,
    you wouldn't be in such a frustrating position when
    emotions are already running high and the last complication
    you want is an inability to provide for your parents.
    It all begins with a few simple words: "Mom, Dad . . . can
    we talk?"
    When to Have The Talk
    Life is rarely considerate enough to dish up a perfect
    moment for every key episode we must live through. In some
    families an event might transpire that clearly exclaims in its
    subtext, "Now is that perfect moment. Act!" That could be
    the death of one parent, a hospitalization that leaves Mom
    or Dad incapable of handling money matters, or it could be a
    financial emergency in which a parent seeks money from you
    to cover an expense. If those situations arise in your life, take
    advantage of them in the moment and have The Talk.
    Not every family will have that opportunity, though, and
    the absence of a dramatic event doesn't negate the need to
    talk to parents about their finances. Instead you'll have to
    fabricate a perfect moment, and, well, there's no time like the
    present—because you just never know what the future might
    hold or how soon that future might arrive.
    The time to initiate The Talk is when questions about
    your parents' financial self-sufficiency become an issue you
    spend time thinking about yourself. Unless your only
    concern is when you're going to get your hands on your parents'
    money (and that's not a healthy concern), thoughts about their
    financial life generally don't just pop into your head without
    reason. You've probably noticed something subconsciously—
    maybe even overtly—when you're with your parents or when
    you're talking to them. Pay attention to those instincts. You
    might not immediately be able to pinpoint exactly what has
    you concerned, and that's fine. The point isn't to immediately
    recognize the worrisome issue, but rather that you are
    worried and that you want to better understand your parents'
    finances so that you can assist them effectively, if and when
    the times comes to do so.
    Sometimes parents will signal when they want to have
    The Talk. So listen to what they say and pay attention to
    the context. A parent, for instance, might be fretting about
    paper losses suffered in the stock market or worrying about
    replacing a car, and they're seeking your advice. Maybe
    they're complaining about a large medical bill or an overdue
    utility statement that has destroyed their budget. Such
    comments might well be a parent's way of trying to draw you into
    a conversation they've wanted to have with you for a while
    but were afraid to initiate for any number of reasons. Pounce
    on those opportunities. This is your chance to open up a
    much more thorough discussion about their finances without
    having to be the one to broach the subject first.
    Whatever the case, remember that you're not just helping
    your parents; you're helping yourself and your own family.
    Ultimately, helping your parents manage their finances
    means you're running two households—yours and theirs—
    and anything you can do now to prepare for that possibility
    will be preparation well worth the effort.
    So initiate The Talk sooner rather than later.
    Breaking the Ice
    Money is taboo, no two ways about it. More times than
    not, people are reluctant to share the innermost details of
    their wallet, even with their own offspring, out of fear they'll
    soon be separated from their own money in some reprehensible
    That taboo is particularly strong among the elderly, who
    typically grew up in an era where money simply wasn't
    discussed openly among family members. Think back: Did your
    parents talk to you about their income, household expenses,
    or budgeting worries? Probably not. And that probably hasn't
    changed all these years later.
    Along with privacy, there's also the issue of pride. Every
    adult wants to feel capable of managing the finances of daily
    living. Indeed, starting at an early age money management is
    a large part of what many of us define as independence. Even
    when young kids first begin to learn that green paper can be
    traded for toys at the store, they want to be able to control
    their own (albeit limited) financial resources—if only to buy
    as many toys as they can. Little wonder, then, that broaching
    the subject of Mom or Dad's personal finances naturally
    raises defenses in parents who have been in control of their
    own pocketbook for decades. And some people, even in their
    dotage, simply do not want to be reminded of their mortality,
    which is clearly a central point when you ask your parents
    about the end-of-life issues that are inherent in The Talk.
    As such, breaking the ice is a game of perception. If you
    come on too forcefully, as though you are trying to commandeer
    their money for their own good, Mom and Dad will shut
    down, concerned that you might only be after their money
    for your own uses. If you come off too meekly, as though
    you're just a friend asking if everything is OK, they'll easily
    deflect your questions and say, "We're fine; there's no reason
    to worry about us, Honey," or something along those lines.
    You want an approach somewhere in the middle of that
    spectrum. On one hand, you want to be heartfelt and sincere.
    On the other, you should be clear that while you might not
    try to delve into every last aspect of their financial life, you're
    not taking no for an answer because understanding how you
    might be called on to help or take control of assets and bills
    and whatnot in an emergency is that important to you.
    Some personal finance publications encourage a backdoor
    approach to this conversation and suggest you start by sharing
    your own experiences first—something like: "You know
    my retirement plan really took a beating in the market crash.
    How is your account holding up?" Some suggest using the "I
    have a friend" approach, as in: "I have a friend and this, that,
    and the other thing just happened to his/her mom/dad. Has
    anything like that happened to you?"
    I'm not saying don't try these approaches; they might
    work with some parents. But they are tepid at best and easily
    brushed aside by parents who feel uncomfortable talking to
    you about such a personal subject, regardless of your own
    experiences or those of that "friend."
    The best approach is at once the simplest and, for some
    people, the most difficult conversation starter:
    "Mom/Dad, I want to talk to you about your money. I know
    it's a private matter, and I know you might not feel entirely
    comfortable talking about it at this very moment, but I'd
    like to make some time to sit down with you and understand
    your finances so that if anything ever happens I can help you
    deal with it in whatever way you need me to help. If there are
    financial items or accounts that you don't want me to know
    about, that's fine. But I would like to know what accounts and
    what documents are necessary for managing your household,
    your health, or your finances in an emergency or when you
    pass away."
    Direct. Honest.
    True, summoning the gumption to raise the issue might
    not be as easy as that simple string of words might suppose.
    And your parents might not immediately open their wallet to
    reveal the secrets to their financial kingdom right then and
    there. But they're much more likely to respect your approach
    because it clearly leaves them in control of the process and
    tells them you're not out for selfish gains. Moreover, they are
    quite likely to see that you're being sincere about wanting to
    be there to help them when they ultimately need the help of
    someone they want to be able to trust. That will go a long
    way in setting a parent's mind at ease. And even if your
    parents aren't inclined to open up at the moment you raise the
    topic, there's a very good chance you will receive a phone
    call in the not-too-distant future with an offer to sit down
    and talk about finances. When that day arrives, you're also
    quite likely to find that Mom/Dad is not only willing to talk,
    they might even have an envelope waiting for you that
    contains the keys to their personal financial vault: the locations
    of their accounts, copies of their insurance policies and other
    important paperwork, and instructions on how they want
    you to handle their end-of-life issues.
    For parents who do want to talk but have been just as
    anxious as you about diving headlong into such a potentially
    emotionally charged conversation, breaking the ice in
    a direct, honest manner gives them the entry they've been
    looking for. They might jump at the chance to finally open up
    and share with you all this information they've been waiting
    to divulge. At the end of the day, the elderly want to feel
    secure, and part of that security comes in knowing there is
    someone they can trust with their finances.
    Some people, of course, will still feel queasy questioning
    Mom or Dad directly about money and end-of-life preparations.
    If the spoken word is a problem for you, then write
    a letter or e-mail. Your note—again, honest and direct—
    should clearly explain what you're seeking. Detail why the
    information is so important to you—and stress that you want
    to be able to help effectively when that help is needed most.
    Also explain honestly why you're writing a letter instead of
    talking face-to-face (maybe you feel uncomfortable talking
    about this issue with the people you love most because it
    raises in your own mind those issues of Mom and Dad's
    mortality; maybe you know you'll get too emotional talking to


    Excerpted from Protecting Your Parent's Money by Jeff D. Opdyke Copyright © 2011 by Jeff D. Opdyke. Excerpted by permission of Harper Paperbacks. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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    Wall Street Journal “Love and Money” columnist Jeff D. Opdyke offers a compassionate and highly effective handbook designed to help elderly parents manage their money. Protecting Your Parents’ Money is the essential guide to helping Mom and Dad navigate the finances of retirement, covering such topics as understanding Medicare, preventing elder fraud, and the hunt for a quality, affordable retirement home. Protecting Your Parents’ Money is a book everyone should own, as members of the Baby Boomer generation find themselves dealing with the many financial problems surrounding aging parents, and face their own future as seniors.

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    The author, the man behind theWall Street Journalcolumn "Love & Money," guides adult children through the many issues involved with juggling an additional household budget, from accessing bank accounts and safe-deposit boxes to obtaining forgotten CDs or pensions. Making parents' money increase through investments or by finding banks/credit unions with higher interest yields is beneficial. For times when withdrawing from their nest egg becomes necessary, Opdyke discusses several scenarios—e.g., a Prudential Insurance study showing how, because of tax rates, it is cheaper over time to draw on an IRA instead of taking early Social Security. The author also digs into the morass of Medicare and Medicaid, including explanations of terms, such as the simple "benefit period" or the more complex "Medigap coverage," detailed in simple language and illustrated with an intelligible table. Opdyke also provides a variety of resources and information for those debating home care versus assisted living or nursing homes—and suggestions for how to navigate the tricky terrain of that conversation. Regardless of the issue at hand, the author provides several respectful conversation starters for each step of this difficult process. He's also wise enough to caution readers against what they shouldn't say. Phrases like "you don't understand" and "if you had listened to me instead of..." have offensive implications and can only complicate an already overwhelming process.

    A solid, informative reference.

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