Rumor Has It

    4.0 481

    by Jill Mansell



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    • ISBN-13: 9781402237508
    • Publisher: Sourcebooks
    • Publication date: 05/01/2010
    • Pages: 416
    • Sales rank: 211,989
    • Product dimensions: 5.20(w) x 7.90(h) x 1.20(d)

    UK bestselling author Jill Mansell has written twenty romances, and sold over 4 million books. A master of romantic comedy, her smart, sassy style has an irresistible appeal for women of all ages. A full-time writer, Ms. Mansell worked for many years at the Burden Neurological Hospital, Bristol. She lives with her partner and their children in Bristol, England.

    Read an Excerpt

    How weird that you could push open your front door and know in an instant that something was wrong.

    Tilly stopped in the doorway, her hand fumbling for the light switch. Back from work at six o'clock on a cold Thursday evening in February, there was no reason to believe that anything should be different.

    But it was; she could feel it. She could tell.

    Flick went the light switch, on came the light. So much for spooky sixth sense; the reason opening the door had felt different was because the hall carpet had gone.

    The hall carpet? Had Gavin spilled something on it? Mystified, her heels clacking on the bare floorboards, Tilly headed for the living room.

    What was going on? She gazed around the room, taking everything- or rather the lack of everything-in. OK, they'd either been targeted by extremely picky burglars or...

    He'd left the letter propped up on the mantelpiece. Gavin was nothing if not predictable. He had probably consulted some etiquette guru: Dear Miss Prim, I'm planning on leaving my girlfriend without a word of warning-how should I go about explaining to her what I've done?

    To which Miss Prim would have replied: Dear Gavin, Oh dear, poor you! In a situation such as this, the correct method is to convey the necessary information in a handwritten letter-not in an email and please not in a text message!-and leave it in the center of the mantelpiece where it can't be missed.

    Because, in all honesty, what other reason could there be? Tilly conducted a rapid inventory. Why else would the DVD recorder- hers-still be there, but the TV-his-be missing? Why else would three-quarters of the DVDs be gone (war films, sci-fi, and the like), leaving only the slushy make-you-cry films and romantic comedies? Why else would the coffee table given to them by Gavin's mother have vanished while the-

    'Tilly? Coo-eee! Only me!'

    Damn, she hadn't shut the door properly. And now Babs from across the landing was doing her exaggerated tiptoeing thing, as if that made barging into someone else's flat somehow acceptable.

    'Hello, Babs.' Tilly turned; maybe Babs had a message for her from Gavin. Or maybe he'd asked her to pop round and check that she was all right. 'Did you want to borrow some tea bags?'

    'No thanks, petal, I've tea bags coming out of my ears. I just wanted to see how you're doing. Oh, you poor thing, and there was me thinking the two of you were so happy together... I had no idea!'

    Bright green earrings jangled as Babs shook her head, overcome with emotion. 'Love's young dream, that's what Desmond and I used to call you. Bless your heart, and all this time you've been bottling it up. I wish you could've told me; you know I'm always happy to listen.' Happy to listen? Babs lived to listen to other people's woes.

    Gossip was her middle name, her number one hobby. Then again, you couldn't dislike her; she was a good-hearted, well-meaning soul, in an avid, meddling kind of way.

    'I would have told you,' said Tilly. 'If I'd known.'

    'Oh my GOOD LORD!' Babs let out a high-pitched shriek of disbelief. 'You mean...?'

    'Gavin's done a runner. Well'-Tilly reached for the letter on the mantelpiece-'either that or he's been kidnapped.'

    'Except when I saw him loading his belongings into the rental van this afternoon, he didn't have any kidnappers with him.' Her expression sympathetic, Babs said, 'Only his mam and dad.'

    The commuter-packed train from Paddington pulled into Roxborough station the following evening. It was Friday, it was seven fifteen, and everyone was going home.

    Except me, I'm escaping mine.

    And there was Erin, waiting on the platform, bundled up against the cold in a bright pink coat and waving madly as she spotted Tilly through the window.

    Just the sight of her made Tilly feel better. She couldn't imagine not having Erin as her best friend. Ten years ago when she had been deciding whether to do her degree course at Liverpool or Exeter, she could have chosen Liverpool and it would never have happened. But she'd gone for Exeter instead-something about the seasidey feel to it and possibly the fact that a friend of a friend had happened to mention that there were loads of fit boys at Exeter-and there had been Erin, in the room next to hers in the halls of residence. The two of them had hit it off from day one, the platonic equivalent of love at first sight. It was weird to think that if she'd gone to Liverpool instead-where there would surely have been hordes of equally fit boys-she would have a completely different best friend, a tall skinny triathlete, say, called Monica.

    God, imagine that.

    'Oof.' Erin gasped as Tilly's hug knocked the air from her lungs. 'What's this in aid of?'

    'I'm glad you aren't a triathlete called Monica.'

    'Blimey, you and me both.' Shuddering at the thought, Erin tucked her arm through Tilly's. 'Come on, you. Let's get home. I've made sticky toffee pudding.'

    'You see?' Tilly beamed. 'Monica would never say that. She'd say, "Why don't we go out for a nice ten-mile run, that'll cheer us up!"'

    Erin's flat, as quirky and higgledy-piggledy as the properties that lined Roxborough's High Street, was a one-bedroomed affair situated on the first floor, above the shop she'd been running as a dress exchange for the last seven years. Working in a shop hadn't been her dream career when she'd graduated from Exeter with a first-class degree in French, but Erin's plans to work in Paris as a translator had been dashed the month after her twenty-first birthday when her mother had suffered a stroke. Overnight, Maggie Morrison had been transformed from a bright, bubbly antiques dealer into a fragile, forgetful shadow of her former self. Devastated, Erin had given up the dream job in Paris and moved back to Roxborough to nurse her mother. A complete ignoramus where antiques were concerned, she converted the shop into an upmarket dress exchange and did her best to combine caring for Maggie with keeping the business afloat.

    Three years after the first stroke, a second one took Maggie's life. Grief mingled with relief, which in turn engendered more guiltfuelled grief, but this was when the inhabitants of Roxborough had come into their own. Having always intended to move back to Paris once the unthinkable had happened, Erin realized she no longer wanted to. Roxborough, an ancient market town in the center of the Cotswolds, was a wonderful place to live. The people were caring and supportive, there was real community spirit, and the business was doing well. This was where she was happy and loved, so why move away?

    And now, almost four years on, Erin had even more reason to be happy with her decision to stay. But she wouldn't tell Tilly yet, not while she was still reeling from Gavin's disappearing act. That would definitely be insensitive.

    Although it had to be said, Tilly didn't seem to be reeling too badly. It had come as a shock, of course it had, but discovering that her live-in boyfriend had moved out appeared to have left her surprised rather than distraught.

    'I phoned him this afternoon,' Tilly said now, between spoonfuls of sticky toffee pudding. 'Honestly, you wouldn't believe it. He couldn't face telling me in person in case I cried, so doing a bunk was the only thing he could think of. He's moved back in with his parents and he's sorry, but he just didn't feel we were going anywhere. So he left!' She shook her head in disbelief. 'Which leaves me stuck with a flat there's no way I can afford on one salary, and I can't even advertise for a flatmate because there's only one bedroom. I mean, talk about selfish!'

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    Would you be tempted?

    Newly single, Tilly Cole impulsively accepts a job offer in a small town as a "Girl Friday." Fun job, country house, fresh start, why not? But soon she finds herself in a hotbed of gossip, intrigue, and rampant rivalry for the town's most desirable bachelor-Jack Lucas.

    Rumors of Jack's "love 'em and leave 'em" escapes abound, and Tilly decides to do the mature, sensible thing... avoid Jack at all cost. But the more time Tilly spends with Jack, the more the rumors just don't make sense. Tilly doesn't know what to believe... and Jack's not telling.

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    Publishers Weekly
    Londoner Tilly Cole discovers the perils of smalltown life in Mansell's perfectly executed exemplar of fluff. After her live-in boyfriend “does a runner,” Tilly ditches London for Roxborough and a job as assistant to interior designer Max Dineen. Much of the town's gossip centers on handsome ladies' man Jack Lucas, and despite his almost irresistible charm, Tilly resolves not to be the latest notch on his bedpost. Meanwhile, gossip threatens to wreck Tilly's friend Erin when she's targeted by a jealous former friend and gets Max's ex-wife, Hollywood soap-opera star Kaye Dineen, hounded back to England. At the center, Tilly and Jack get into tangles, literally and figuratively, as they bounce toward their happy ending. While witty dialogue and wry observations keep the pace brisk, Mansell (Miranda's Big Mistake) still manages to tug at the heart. (May)
    From the Publisher
    "The pages flow seamlessly as you find yourself taking a ride with all the glitz, glamour, and secrets of these marvelous characters all with the same goal; to find true love." - Romance Junkies

    "Mansell's cheerful tale of modern love.
    " - Booklist

    "Delightful characters... The journey to the happy ending is well worth taking. " - Shelf Awareness

    "A great book that I just didn't want to put down. " - Night Owl Romance

    "Jill Mansell's sleek and sexy style that won't disappoint!" - Romance Junkies

    "An absolutely delightful and refreshing story readers are bound to enjoy... Be sure not to miss this enchanting story. It has everything you could possibly want and more." - The Long and Short of It Reviews

    "This is the most hilarious story with that off the wall pure British comedy that will make you chuckle from page one to the end." - Yankee Romance Reviewers

    "This book made me feel swept away to the English country side... one of the best chick lit I've read!" - Queen of Happy Endings

    "Chick lit fans will devour this book. " - Books, Movies and Chinese Food

    "Small-town life is portrayed in all its gossipy yet close-knit glory." - Lady Tess Reads

    "Mansell has a breezy writing style that moves the story along. " - Find Your Next Book Here

    "Mansell is able to balance the mix of chick lit and heartache -- it's one of the reasons to me that her books really set themselves apart in this genre." - Booking Mama

    "I enjoyed her writing style--good characters, humor, romance and a nice job tying all those elements together." - Palmer's Picks for Reaing

    "The pace was quick, the dialogue was witty and the action kept me turning the pages almost non-stop." - Pudgy Penguin Perusals

    "Move over Shopaholic, Rumor Has It is on the way!" - My Overstuffed Bookshelf

    "This book is like chick lit comfort food... pleasant and amusing. " - Luxury Reading

    Romance Junkies
    The pages flow seamlessly as you find yourself taking a ride with all the glitz, glamour, and secrets of these marvelous characters all with the same goal; to find true love.
    Shelf Awareness
    The journey to the happy ending is well worth taking.
    — Marilyn Dahl
    Night Owl Romance
    A great book that I just didn't want to put down.
    The Long and Short of It Reviews
    An absolutely delightful and refreshing story readers are bound to enjoy... Be sure not to miss this enchanting story. It has everything you could possibly want and more.
    Yankee Romance Reviewers
    This is the most hilarious story with that off the wall pure British comedy that will make you chuckle from page one to the end.
    — Terra Studer
    Queen of Happy Endings
    This book made me feel swept away to the English country side... one of the best chick lit I've read!
    — Alaine Bucknall
    Movies and Chinese Food Books
    Chick lit fans will devour this book.
    — Deb
    Lady Tess Reads
    Small-town life is portrayed in all its gossipy yet close-knit glory.
    — Lady Tess
    Find Your Next Book Here
    Mansell has a breezy writing style that moves the story along.
    — Jenners
    Booking Mama
    Mansell is able to balance the mix of chick lit and heartache -- it's one of the reasons to me that her books really set themselves apart in this genre.
    — Julie
    Palmer's Picks for Reaing
    I enjoyed her writing style--good characters, humor, romance and a nice job tying all those elements together.
    — Melissa Palmer
    Pudgy Penguin Perusals
    The pace was quick, the dialogue was witty and the action kept me turning the pages almost non-stop.
    — Kaye
    My Overstuffed Bookshelf
    Move over Shopaholic, Rumor Has It is on the way!
    — Amy Jacobs
    Luxury Reading
    This book is like chick lit comfort food... pleasant and amusing.
    — Rachel
    Best Romance Stories
    ill Mansell has created sympathetic characters and a humorous storyline that made it difficult for me to put the book down.
    — Chanya
    Crazy misunderstandings abound to make this a funny, laugh out loud read. Rumor Has It is a fast paced romantic comedy.
    — Joan Burton
    Books Like Breathing
    A complete and unfettered joy... pick this one up. You will not regret it.
    — Grace
    One Literature Nut
    If you're at all a fan of Cabot or Kinsella, then I can readily and happily recommend this novel as another fun addition to the genre.
    — Becky
    Delightfully refreshing... a charmingly witty, and all around fun novel.
    — Jennifer
    A Buckeye Girl Reads
    Rich, delicious, and all around filled with goodness... This book has heart, depth, wit and cool British slang.
    — Colette
    Write Meg!
    It's official: I have a literary crush on Jill Mansell... Rumor Has It is awesome.
    — Meg
    The Book Binge
    Great dialogue and fantastic characters.
    — Rowena
    The Book Chick
    Jill Mansell has written a book that does her genre proud. It's smart, it's funny, and I couldn't put it down
    — Jonita
    A Curious Statistical Anomaly
    A good story with comedy, romance, and a bit of drama.
    — Gayle
    Diary of an Eccentric
    Brilliant... Mansell perfectly balances the drama and humor to create a fun book that is impossible to put down.
    — Anna
    Ultra dry-witted joie de vivre.
    — Maya
    Thoughts in Progress
    When you need a relaxing, fun book to help you unwind and have a laugh or two, reach for RUMOR HAS IT. You won't go wrong.
    — Mason Canyon
    Thoughts From and Evil Overlord
    Quirky English village life at its very best, with interesting characters, gossip, and romantic machinations.
    — Elizabeth
    Bellas Novellas
    I adore Jill Mansell... the perfect amount of light fluffiness mixed with a perfect dry wit to make her novels the perfect confection.
    — Ashley
    I Heart Book Gossip
    Rumor Has It is a light heartfelt read that will have you laughing all the way to the last page.

    — Cindy

    Between the Pages
    Originality, wonderful characters, and delicious humor.
    — Lynda Coker
    Laura's Reviews
    A fantastic, fun read.
    — Laura
    A Bookworm's World
    Quick, witty and always entertaining.
    — Luanne
    She Read a Book
    Full of great characters who have even greater relationships... so delightful.
    — Virginie Barbeau
    Books and Needlpoint
    Fun and full of life... very humorous.
    — Kristi
    Mrs. Q Book Addict
    Mansell keeps the reader engaged and speculating.
    — Jennifer
    Books with a Cup of Coffee
    Light and funny and fast paced. Perfect for this summer.
    — Sumana
    Love Romance Passion
    I enjoyed the humor, the friendships, the unfolding of the loves stories, each of which drew the characters into a richer sense of life and a fuller sense of love.
    — Karin
    Cindy's Love Of Books
    I am devouring Jill's books... fun and easy reads with some funny aspects thrown in.
    — Cindy
    Steph the Bookworm
    Never a dull moment and every page was filled with juicy gossip... resembles Sophie Kinsella
    — Stephanie
    Bookgirl's Nightstand
    I know I'll be adding more of Jill Mansell's book to my radar for when I need a good, comfort read.
    — Iliana
    Savvy Verse & Wit
    Mansell has a writing style that will make readers stand up and pay attention as well as fall of their chairs in laughter.
    — Serena Cox-Agusto
    Starting Fresh
    Mansell comes up with another hilarious madcap and satisfying read!
    — Gaby
    Romance Reviews Today
    An excellent tall... Both light hearted and serious .

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