Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything

    3.2 3

    by Ervin Laszlo


    (Updated Second Edition)


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    • ISBN-13: 9781594771811
    • Publisher: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
    • Publication date: 05/03/2007
    • Edition description: Updated Second Edition
    • Pages: 208
    • Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.80(d)

    Ervin Laszlo, holder of the highest degree of the Sorbonne (the State Doctorate), is recipient of four Honorary Ph.D.s and numerous awards and distinctions, including the 2001 Goi Award (the Japan Peace Prize) and a nomination for the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. He is a former professor of philosophy, systems theory, and futures studies in the U.S., Europe, and the Far East and founder and president of the international think-tank The Club of Budapest as well as of the General Evolution Research Group. The author of 74 books, translated into 20 languages, he lives in Italy.

    Read an Excerpt

    Chapter Three
    Searching for the Memory of the Universe


    In the beginning of the 20th century the much neglected—but now more and more rediscovered—genius Nikola Tesla, the father of modern communication technologies, spoke of an “original medium” that fills space and compared it to Akasha, the light-carrying ether. In his unpublished 1907 paper “Man’s greatest achievement” he wrote that this original medium, a kind of force field, becomes matter when Prana, cosmic energy, acts on it, and when the action ceases, matter vanishes and returns to Akasha. Since this medium fills all of space, everything that takes place in space can be referred to it. Curved space, said Tesla, which was put forward at the time by Einstein, is not the answer.

    However, by the end of the first decade of the 20th century physicists adopted Einstein’s mathematically elaborated four-dimensional curved space-time and, with the exception of a few maverick theoreticians, refused to consider any concept of a space-filling ether, medium, or force field. Tesla’s insight fell into disrepute, and then into oblivion. Today it is revived. Bohm, Puthoff, and a small but growing group of scientists are rediscovering the role of information in nature, and locating nature’s information-field in the quantum vacuum, the much discussed if as yet imperfectly understood virtual energy field that fills all of cosmic space.


    A region of space may be free of matter, but it is never free of energy—more exactly, of energy-carrying fields. Matter-free space is filled with a variety of complex fields. They are fields in the quantum vacuum, the energy-sea that extends throughout space. The energies of the vacuum are intrinsically unobservable (although they have observable effects); hence they are called “virtual.” Virtual vacuum energies fluctuate around their zero-point baseline value, present even at the absolute zero of temperature. Consequently they are known as zero-point energies or ZPE, and their field is known as the zero-point field or ZPF.

    Even the stability of our planet in its orbit around the Sun derives from vacuum-energy inputs. As the Earth pursues its orbital path it loses momentum, and the gravitational field of the Sun would ultimately overcome the centrifugal force of its momentum and the Earth would spiral into the Sun—just as the moon would spiral into the Earth.

    The space-filling quantum vacuum is a superdense sea of energy. Pressure waves propagate through it, traversing the universe from one end to the other. According to German mathematical physicist Hartmut Mueller the observed dimension of all entities, from atoms to astronomical structures, is determined by interaction with density-pressure waves in the vacuum. His “global scaling theory” claims that the universe is dimensionally limited: on the lower end of the dimensional horizons matter- density is the greatest, and on the upper end it is the least. This is due to a pressure-wave that extends throughout space. Because the universe is finite, at the critical dimension-points the waves superpose and create enduring standing waves. The waves determine physical interactions by setting the value of the gravitational, the electromagnetic, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. They are responsible for the distribution of matter throughout the cosmos. By means of resonance they amplify some vibrations and repress others. All processes in the world have an inner rhythm according to their resonance with the vacuum’s standing waves. Mueller concludes that the vacuum is a cosmic ultraweak background that acts as a morphogenetic field.

    Recent findings confirm the presence of pressure waves in the vacuum. Astronomers using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory found a wave generated by the supermassive black hole in the Perseus cluster of galaxies, some 250 million light years from Earth. This vacuum pressure wave translates into the musical note of B flat. This is a real note that has been traveling through the vacuum for the past 2.5 billion years. Our ears cannot perceive it: its frequency is 57 octaves below middle-C—more than a million billion times deeper than the limits of human hearing.

    A field that transports light (which are electromagnetic photon-waves), density-pressure waves, and replenishes the energy lost by atoms and solar systems, is not an abstract theoretical entity. No wonder more and more physicists prefer to speak of the quantum vacuum as the “physical vacuum”. . .

    Table of Contents



    Part One
    The Quest For An Integral Theory Of Everything

    1 A Meaningful Worldview for Our Time

    2 On Puzzles and Fables: The Next Paradigm Shift in Science

    3 A Concise Catalog of Contemporary Puzzles
    1. The puzzles of cosmology
    2. The puzzles of quantum physics
    3. The puzzles of biology
    4. The puzzles of consciousness research

    4 Searching for the Memory of the Universe
    On the track of nature’s information field
    How the quantum vacuum generates, conserves, and conveys information

    5 Enter the Akashic Field
    Why the A-field—reviewing the evidence
    1. Cosmology
    2. Quantum Physics
    3. Biology
    4. Consciousness Research

    6 The “A-Field Effect”
    The varieties of A-field effect
    In conclusion . . .

    Part Two
    Exploring The Informed Universe

    7 The Origins and Destiny of Life and the Universe
    Where everything came from—and where it is going
    Life on Earth and in the universe
    The future of life in the cosmos

    8 Consciousness: Human and Cosmic
    The roots of consciousness
    The wider information of consciousness
    The next evolution of human consciousness
    Cosmic consciousness
    Immortality and reincarnation

    9 The Poetry of Cosmic Vision

    An Autobiographical Retrospective:
    Forty Years in Quest of the Integral Theory of Everything

    The author’s journey mirrored in comments by some of the foremost scientists and thinkers of our time

    References and Further Reading


    What People are Saying About This

    Ignazio Masulli

    “This is one of the most important books to be published in the last decades. Ervin Laszlo’s Science and the Akashic Field has the power and coherence to explain the major phenomena of cosmos, life, and mind as they occur at the various levels of nature and society. In demonstrating that an information field is a fundamental factor in the universe, Ervin Laszlo catalyzes a radical paradigm-shift in the contemporary sciences.”

    Peter Russell

    “A seminal book from one of the best thinkers of our time. Ervin Laszlo charts the ­frontiers to which science is inexorably headed. In years to come people will look back at the amazing foresight of this work.”

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    Recent discoveries in vacuum physics show that at the roots of reality there exists an interconnecting cosmic field that conserves and conveys all information. This field, the Akashic record, is the constant and enduring memory of the universe, holding the record of all that has happened in the cosmos and reflecting all that is yet to come.

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    fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the Peter Russell
    A seminal book from one of the best thinkers of our time. Ervin Laszlo charts the ­frontiers to which science is inexorably headed. In years to come people will look back at the amazing foresight of this work.
    Stanislav Grof
    "With extraordinary intellectual clarity, Laszlo provides a vision that links the best of modern science to the wisdom of the great spiritual traditions."
    Ralph Abraham
    This important work unifies the realms of science and consciousness in a truly integral ‘theory of everything.’
    Peter Russell
    A seminal book from one of the best thinkers of our time. Ervin Laszlo charts the ­frontiers to which science is inexorably headed. In years to come people will look back at the amazing foresight of this work.
    Zev Naveh
    In his admirable 40-year quest for an integral theory of everything, Laszlo has. . . presented a coherent global hypothesis of connectivity between quantum, cosmos, life and consciousness."
    László Gazdag
    Laszlo’s book opens the way toward a great synthesis. Whoever reads Laszlo’s book witnesses the greatest awakening of the human spirit. Not since Plato and Democritus has there been such a transformation in the history of thought!
    Ignazio Masulli
    This is one of the most important books to be published in the last decades. Ervin Laszlo’s Science and the Akashic Field has the power and coherence to explain the major phenomena of cosmos, life, and mind as they occur at the various levels of nature and society. In demonstrating that an information field is a fundamental factor in the universe, Ervin Laszlo catalyzes a radical paradigm-shift in the contemporary sciences.
    Fritz-Albert Popp
    In a visionary way based on profound knowledge of modern science, Laszlo creates a genuine architecture of human and cosmic evolution. He provides the bridge between all the different puzzle-stones of science and unifies them in a most remarkable and bold ‘integral theory of everything.’
    Ashok Gangadean
    In this impressive and transformative work Laszlo brings the reader into an integral worldview for our time. The reader who encounters this book will be irrevocably transformed and will henceforth experience the world through a global lens.
    Alfonso Montuori
    Over the last 30 years, Ervin Laszlo has consistently been at the forefront of scientific inquiry, exploring the frontiers of knowledge with insight, wisdom and integrity. With Science and the Akashic Field he takes another quantum leap forward in our understanding of the universe and ourselves. This enthralling vision of mind, science, and universe is essential reading for the 21st century.
    New Age Retailer
    ". . . highly empirical and impressive . . . manages to reveal the connectivity of a wide range of established principles . . . . expands the mind to the point that readers will exit this changed."
    ". . . deeper research into nature's information field is essential. . . . What we discover will have profound personal and social impacts, and . . . accessing this knowledge is intrinsic to the evolution of consciousness."
    The Beacon
    ". . . will be of aid to those students interested in utilising modern science to explain the subtle and unseen."
    Christian De Quincey
    ". . . Laszlo's new book is a provocative overview and a masterful synthesis of knowledge at the frontiers of cosmology, physics, neurobiology, and consciousness studies. . . . provides strong support for the idea that finally we have a common unifying concept for science and spirituality."
    More Than A Book Review Yasuhiko Genku Kimura
    ". . . an eminently readable book written by a preeminent mind of our time. . . . It inspires us to reach beyond the known into the further reaches of our knowing and imagination. . . . Laszlo integrates a vast array of contemporary scientific and perrenial philosophic knowledge, distilling it into a simple and elegant synthesis."
    New Dawn W. Ritchie Benedict
    "Laszlo easily and ably presents the scientific case in terms everyone can understand. There is an extensive bibliography of technical journals for those who wish to know more."
    Alec Franklor
    ". . . provides a non-technical introduction to explain how the interaction of vacuum torson waves could scientifically prove that everything and everyone in the universe is connected."
    Share Guide
    ". . . lends credance to our deepest intuitions of the oneness of life and the whole of creation."
    Stanley Krippner
    Ervin Laszlo presents readers with a tour de force, nothing less than a theory of everything. This book introduces such provocative concepts as the “A-field” and the “informed universe,” making the case that a complete understanding of reality is woefully lacking without them. Readers of this book will never view the universe in quite the same way again.
    March-April 2005 Spirit of Change
    Decoding GUTs, WIMPs, and The Big Crunch, Ervin Laszlo brings the ancient Indian concept of akasha into the new millennium and convincingly details how science is turning this metaphor into a viable scientific theory.
    First Ambassador of the Club of Budapest Lady Montagu of Beaulieu
    Ervin Laszlo is, arguably, the most profound thinker alive today.
    Christian de Quincey
    If you ever wanted to hold the universe in your hand. . . .You can hardly do better than join cosmologist Ervin Laszlo in the ultimate quest: for a theory of everything.
    Henrik B. Tschudi
    . . . . This is a solidly grounded vision of our cosmos, with perspectives that are wide and deep and have profound implications for all of us.
    A. Harris Stone
    . . . Ervin Laszlo’s brilliant new work, Science and the Akashic Field, surpasses previous explorations. . . . This is a “make-sense-of-the-complex” opus, accessible to every reader.
    editor in chief of Ode Magazine and author of Beca Jurriaan Kamp
    Science and the Akashic Field . . . . offers humanity the perspective of more peace and security, not as an idealistic goal but as a reflection of reality.
    David Loye
    Science and the Akashic Field provides the pioneering scientific answer to. . .fundamental questions our species faces at this critical time in human evolution.
    László Gazdag
    Laszlo’s book opens the way toward a great synthesis. Whoever reads Laszlo’s book witnesses the greatest awakening of the human spirit. Not since Plato and Democritus has there been such a transformation in the history of thought!
    From the Publisher
    ". . . will be of aid to those students interested in utilising modern science to explain the subtle and unseen."

    Science and the Akashic Field provides the pioneering scientific answer to. . .fundamental questions our species faces at this critical time in human evolution.”

    Decoding GUTs, WIMPs, and The Big Crunch, Ervin Laszlo brings the ancient Indian concept of akasha into the new millennium and convincingly details how science is turning this metaphor into a viable scientific theory.

    Mar-Apr Nexus
    ". . . deeper research into nature's information field is essential. . . . What we discover will have profound personal and social impacts, and . . . accessing this knowledge is intrinsic to the evolution of consciousness."
    Yasuhiko Genku Kimura
    ". . . an eminently readable book written by a preeminent mind of our time. . . . It inspires us to reach beyond the known into the further reaches of our knowing and imagination. . . . Laszlo integrates a vast array of contemporary scientific and perrenial philosophic knowledge, distilling it into a simple and elegant synthesis."
    W. Ritchie Benedict
    "Laszlo easily and ably presents the scientific case in terms everyone can understand. There is an extensive bibliography of technical journals for those who wish to know more."
    Spirit of Change
    Decoding GUTs, WIMPs, and The Big Crunch, Ervin Laszlo brings the ancient Indian concept of akasha into the new millennium and convincingly details how science is turning this metaphor into a viable scientific theory.
    Lady Montagu of Beaulieu
    Ervin Laszlo is, arguably, the most profound thinker alive today.
    Jurriaan Kamp
    Science and the Akashic Field . . . . offers humanity the perspective of more peace and security, not as an idealistic goal but as a reflection of reality.
    Allan Combs
    It is rare indeed that a revolution in thought can open our eyes to a new universe that transforms our inner experience as well as our relationships with others and even with the cosmos. Martin Buber did it with I and Thou. Now, Ervin Laszlo, one of the most profound minds of our generation, has given us a great gift in this readable book that explores how we are connected to each other in fields of resonance that penetrate to the deepest levels of being.

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