Secrets of a Dog Trainer: Positive Problem Solving for a Well-Behaved Dog

    by Victoria Schade


    (First Edition)


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    • ISBN-13: 9781118509296
    • Publisher: Turner Publishing Company
    • Publication date: 06/10/2014
    • Edition description: First Edition
    • Pages: 224
    • Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.70(d)

    Victoria Schade has been a dog trainer for more thanfourteen years and has worked with thousands of dogs and owners to hone her unique dog-handling and coaching technique. She has worked on television shows like Animal Planet’sannual Puppy Bowl, The Puppy Games, the Smithsonian Channel’s special Animals Aloft, and on various commercials.She was also the featured trainer on the Animal Planet show FaithfulFriends for two seasons. Her gentle engaging style has led to regular televisionappearances,including CBS’s The Early Show and WE tv. Victoria created the puppy-training DVD New Puppy! Now What? to assist overwhelmed puppy owners, and wrote Bonding with Your Dog: A Trainer’s Secrets for Building a BetterRelationship to help dogs and their people create a strongerconnection.

    Victoria frequently serves as a resource for the media on topics related to dog handling and puppy training and has been quoted in outlets such as the Washington Post,MarthaStewart Living, Real Simple, Dog Fancy magazine, The Bark magazine, Dogs USA Magazine, and many breed-specific Training Secrets magazines.

    Victoria is a proud dog mom to Millie the Smooth Brussels Griffon andOlive the mixed-breed dog.

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    Read an Excerpt

    Often, major canine challenges stem from humble beginnings. The tiny puppy that pulls on his leash when he walks can become the uncontrollable sled dog when he matures. The dog who gets a laugh every time he barks at the doorbell can become the nonstop alarm barker that drives his family crazy. The adolescent rescue dog that still puts her teeth on skin when she plays tug might become the dog that nips a neighbor child during a rough-and-tumble game of fetch. We don’t always think ahead as to how what seems like a “throw-away” behavior can morph into something much more troubling. Engaging in mindful interactions with your dog will allow you to take a step back and ask yourself, “If I react to my dog in this way, is his response a behavior that I can live with?” Taking a moment to evaluate the way you relate to your dog might well prevent problems from developing.  

    It’s helpful to have mindful interactions with our dogs—to think about why we’re doing what we’re doing, and how it will impact our dogs’ behavior—particularly when they’re young and impressionable. Forcing ourselves to be aware of how we work with our dogs, and to realize that every interaction is a potential lesson, can prevent easily avoidable missteps.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction – Life with Olive

    Part One – Puppy Problems

    Crate Training

    Potty Training

    Household Destruction

    Nipping and Biting

    Jumping Up

    Shyness and Socialization

    Part Two – Life with Fido

    Leash Pulling

    Running Away & Coming When Called

    Grooming and Handling

    Attention Seeking Behavior

    Picky Eating & Begging



    Part Three – Beyond the Basics

    Leash Reactivity

    Separation Intolerance

    Resource Guarding

    Hyperactivity/Failure to Calm

    Thunderstorm Phobia


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    Easy, positive solutions that deliver long-lasting results for the most common dog challenges

    Whether helping a new puppy adjust or working with a dog who’s been a member of the household for years, the need for dog training advice is constant. For dog lovers seeking positive solutions to persistent behavior problems, veteran dog trainer Victoria Schade provides fresh, innovative answers in her latest book, Secrets of a Dog Trainer.

    Approaching common dog training problems from a trainer's point of view, Schade helps readers understand how minor problems can become major ones if treated incorrectly. She illustrates each behavioral challenge with a case study, then provides several '“choose-your-own-ending”' possibilities as to how the behavior might develop without proper intervention. She then shares the positive training alternatives. When executed properly, Schade’s solutions provide predictable, positive outcomes—and happy, better-behaved dogs.

    From an approachable perspective, Schade delivers a valuable, solutions-oriented resource for even the newest dog trainers. Heartwarming and engaging stories about her clients' dogs are also woven in, making it both informative and lively.

    Secrets of a Dog Trainer provides solutions for:

    - Common behavior problems including begging, submissive urination, jumping up, barking, running away, stealing household items, and leash aggression

    - The proper process for housetraining

    - Easy strategies for grooming tasks such as nail trimming, tooth brushing, and bathing

    - And much more!

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