"As a new teacher mentor, you need to have empathy and illustrate that you have survived the trial by fire. You need to have a great sense of humor to lighten the tough moments. And you need to have tried-and-tested tools and tips. See Me After Class has all of those components and is a valuable addition to the resource library for new teachers and those who work with them." - Ellen Moir, Founder and CEO of The New Teacher Center
"...a useful, empathetic guide to weathering the first-year lumps.... a frothy, satisfying Guinness for the teacher's soul." - Dan Brown, NBCT, Director of the Future Educators Association, and author of The Great Expectations School
"Roxanna Elden is one of the most practical, engaging and entertaining writers on education issues around. See Me After Class is a must-have book for any teacher's bookshelf. On second-thought, you'll probably want to keep it on your classroom desk since you'll use it so much!" - Larry Ferlazzo, teacher and author of Helping Students Motivate Themselves
"This is the kind of no-nonsense straight talk that teachers are starved for, but too rarely get. I sure wish this had been available when I was a new teacher. Roxanna Elden tells it like it is, with a heavy dose of practicality, a dash of cynicism, a raft of constructive suggestions, and plenty of wry humor. I recommend See Me After Class, wholeheartedly and unabashedly." - Rick Hess, Director Education Policy Studies at AEI
"With disarming humor, Elden's supremely practical book includes firsthand accounts from the trenches and helps new recruits figure out what no college prep class taught." - American Teacher Journal
"A grab bag of advice, anecdotes, horror stories, and tales of triumph, See Me After Class offers straightforward professional advice with a wry twist." - One Day Magazine
"Without any sugarcoating, Roxanna deals with the challenges that educators face day-in and day-out through insights and stories from long-time educators as well as her own experiences." - Teacherscount.org
"A great idea for required reading in teacher education classes." - Shawn Denight, Florida Teacher of the Year
"A great deal of insight here... See Me After Class sets itself apart by better capturing what it actually feels like to be a new - or otherwise imperfect - teacher." - Paul Bruno, Scholastic
Rereading the second edition of Roxanna Elden's See Me After Class is just as much fun as the first read...young teachers should read Elden for her practical advice and humor, while veterans might read first for her wit.
We like this book (and think you will too!) for its no-nonsense, humorous take on teaching, especially during the early years. Whether you're an aspiring, early career, or mentor teacher needing a gift for your protégé, you'll appreciate the practical advice on everything from stressing about lessons to due-date blues to taking charge of an out-of-control class.
Full of veteran teachers' insights, this book reminds you that while a number of things can go wrong, things will get better. Teachers provide stories of some of their best and most disastrous situations in this beautiful pairing of humor and wisdom.