Soul Circus (Derek Strange & Terry Quinn Series #3)

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    by George Pelecanos, Richard Allen (Read by)

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    Customer Reviews

    George Pelecanos is the author of several highly praised and bestselling novels, including The Cut, What It Was, The Way Home, The Turnaround, and The Night Gardener. He is also an independent-film producer, an essayist, and the recipient of numerous international writing awards. He was a producer and Emmy-nominated writer for The Wire and currently writes for the acclaimed HBO series Treme. He lives in Maryland.

    Brief Biography

    Silver Spring, Maryland
    Date of Birth:
    February 18, 1957
    Place of Birth:
    Washington, D.C.
    B.A., University of Maryland at College Park, 1980

    Read an Excerpt

    Soul Circus

    By George Pelecanos

    Warner Vision

    Copyright © 2003 George P. Pelecanos
    All right reserved.

    ISBN: 0-446-61142-5

    Chapter One

    The chains binding Granville Oliver's wrists scraped the scarred surface of the table before him. Manacles also bound his ankles. Oliver's shoulders and chest filled out the orange jumpsuit he had worn for half a year. His eyes, almost golden when Strange had first met him, were now the color of creamed-up coffee, dull in the artificial light of the interview room of the D.C. Jail.

    "Looks like you're keeping your physical self together," said Strange, seated on the other side of the table.

    "Push-ups," said Oliver. "I try to do a few hundred every day."

    "You still down in the Hole?"

    "You mean Special Management. I don't know what's so special about it; ain't nothin' but a box. They let me out of it one hour for every forty-eight."

    Strange and Oliver were surrounded by Plexiglas dividers in a space partitioned by cubicles. Nearby, public defenders and CJA attorneys conferred with their clients. The dividers served to mute, somewhat, the various conversations, leaving a low, steady mutter in the room. A thick-necked armed guard sat watching the activity from a chair behind a window in a darkened booth.

    "It won't be long," said Strange. "They finished with the jury selection."

    "Ives told me. They finally found a dozen D.C. residents weren't opposed to the death penalty, how'd they put it, on principle. Which means they found some white people gonna have no problem to sit up there and judge me."

    "Four whites," said Strange.

    "How you think they gonna find me, Strange? Guilty?"

    Strange looked down and tapped his pen on the open folder lying on the table. He didn't care to take the conversation any further in that direction. He wasn't here to discuss what was or was not going to happen relative to the trial, and he was, by definition of his role as an investigator, uninterested in Oliver's guilt or innocence. It was true that he had a personal connection to this case, but from the start he had been determined to treat this as just another job.

    "The prosecution's going to put Phillip Wood up there first," said Strange.

    "Told you when I met you the very first time he was gonna be my Judas. Phil can't do no more maximum time. Last time he was inside, they took away his manhood. I mean they ass-raped him good. I knew that boy would flip." Oliver tried to smile. "Far as geography goes, though, we still close. They got him over there in the Snitch Hive, Strange. Me and Phil, we're like neighbors."

    Wood had been Granville's top lieutenant. He had pled out in exchange for testimony against Oliver. Wood would get life, as he had admitted to being the triggerman in other murders; death had been taken off the table. He was housed in the Correctional Treatment Facility, a privately run unit holding informants and government witnesses in the backyard of the D.C. Jail.

    "I've been gathering background for the cross," said Strange. "I was looking for you to lead me to one of Phillip's old girlfriends."

    "Phil knew a lot of girls. The way he used to flash ... even a bitch can get some pussy; ain't no trick to that. Phil used to drive this Turbo Z I had bought for him around to the high schools, 'specially over in Maryland, in PG? Drive by with that Kenwood sound system he had in there, playin' it loud. The girls used to run up to the car. They didn't even know who he was, and it didn't matter. It was obvious he had money, and what he did to get it. Girls just want to be up in there with the stars. It's like that, Strange."

    "I'm looking for one girl in particular. She swore out a brutality complaint against Wood."

    "The prosecution gave you that?"

    "They don't have to give you charges, only convictions. I found it in his jacket down at the court. This particular charge, it was no-papered. Never went to trial."

    "What's the girl's name?"

    "Devra Stokes. Should be about twenty-two by now. She worked at the Paramount Beauty Salon on Good Hope Road."

    Oliver grunted. "Sounds right. Phil did like to chill in those beauty parlors. Said that's where the girls were, so he wanted to be there, too. But I don't know her. We went through a lot of young girls. We were kickin' it with 'em, for the most part. But we were using them for other shit, too."

    "What else would he have used a girl like Devra Stokes for?"

    "Well, if she was old enough, and she didn't have no priors, we'd take her into Maryland or Virginia to buy a gun for us. Virginia, if we needed it quick. We paid for it, but she'd sign the forty-four seventy-three. What they call the yellow form."

    "You mean for a straw purchase."

    "A straw gun, yeah. Course, not all the time. You could rent a gun or get it from people we knew to get it from in the neighborhood. It's easy for a youngun to get a gun in the city. Easier than it is to buy a car. Shoot, you got to register a car."

    Strange repeated the name: "Devra Stokes."

    "Like I say, I don't recall. But look, she was workin' in a salon, chance is, she still doin' the same thing, maybe somewhere else, but in the area. Those girls move around, but not too far."


    "Phil's gonna say I killed my uncle, ain't that right?"

    "I don't know what he's going to say, Granville."

    Oliver and Strange stared at each other across the desk.

    "You standin' tall, big man?" said Oliver.

    Oliver was questioning Strange's loyalty. Strange answered by holding Oliver's gaze.

    "I ain't no dreamer," said Oliver. "One way or the other, it's over for me. The business is done. Most of the boys I came up with, they're dead or doin' long time. One of the young ones I brought along got his own thing now, but he's cut things off with me. Word I get is, he still got himself lined up with Phil. Shoot, I hear they got two operations fighting over what I built as we sit here today."

    "What's your point?"

    "I feel like I'm already gone. They want to erase me, Strange. Make it so I don't exist no more. The same way they keep poor young black boys and girls out of the public's eyes today, the same way they did me when I was a kid. Warehousin' me and those like me down in the Section Eights. Now the government wants to bring me out and make an example out of me for a hot minute, then make me disappear again. And I'm a good candidate, too, ain't I? A strong young nigger with an attitude. They want to strap me to that table in Indiana and give me that needle and show people, that's what happens when you don't stay down where we done put you. That's what happens when you rise up. They want to do this to me bad. So bad that they'd fuck with someone who was trying to help me to stop it, hear?"

    You left out the part about all the young black men you killed or had killed, thought Strange. And the part about you poisoning your own community with drugs, and ruining the lives of all the young people you recruited and the lives of their families. But there were some truths in what Granville Oliver was saying, too. Strange, following a personal policy, did not comment either way.

    "So I was just wondering," said Oliver. "When they try to shake you down - and they will - are you gonna stand tall?"

    "Don't insult me," said Strange. "And don't ever let me get the idea that you're threatening me. 'Cause I will walk. And you do not want me to do that."

    Strange kept his voice even and his shoulders straight. He hoped his anger, and his fear, did not show on his face. Strange knew that even from in here, Oliver could have most anyone killed out on the street.

    Oliver smiled, his face turning from hard to handsome. Like many who had attained his position, he was intelligent, despite his limited education, and could be a charming young man at will. When he relaxed his features, he favored his deceased father, a man Strange had known in the 1960s. Oliver had never known his father at all.

    "I was just askin' a question, big man. I don't have many friends left, and I want to make sure that the ones I do have stay friends. We square, right?"

    "We're square."

    "Good. But, look here, don't come up in here empty-handed next time. I could use some smokes or somethin'."

    "You know I can't be bringin' any contraband in here. They bar me from these meetings, it's gonna be a setback for what we're trying to accomplish."

    "I hear you. How about some porno mags, though?"

    "I'll see you next time."

    Strange stood.

    "One more thing," said Oliver.

    "What is it?" said Strange.

    "I was wonderin' how Robert Gray was doin'?"

    "He's staying with his aunt."

    "She ain't right."

    "I know it. But it's the best I could do. I got him all pumped up about playing football for us this year. We're gonna start him in the camp this summer, comin' up."

    "That's my little man right there. You're gonna see, that boy can jook. Check up on him, will you?"

    "I get the time, I'll go by there today."

    "Thank you."

    "Stay strong, Granville."

    Strange signaled the fat man in the booth and walked from the room.

    Out in the air, on the 1900 block of D Street in Southeast, Derek Strange walked to his car. He dropped under the wheel of his work vehicle, a white-over-black '89 Caprice with a 350 square block under the hood, and rolled down the window. He had a while to kill before meeting Quinn back at the office, and he didn't want to face the ringing phone and the message slips spread out on his desk. He decided he would sit in his car and enjoy the quiet and the promise of a new day.

    Strange poured a cup of coffee from the thermos he kept in his car. Coffee was okay for times like this, but he kept water in the thermos when he was doing a surveillance, because coffee went through him too quick. He only sipped the water when he knew he'd be in the car for a long stretch, and on those occasions he kept a cup in the car with a plastic lid on it, in which he could urinate as needed.

    Strange tasted the coffee. Janine had brewed it for him that morning before he left the house. The woman could cook, and she could make some coffee, too.

    Strange picked up the newspaper beside him on the bench, which he had snatched off the lawn outside Janine's house earlier that morning on his way to the car. He pulled the Metro section free and scanned the front page. The Washington Post was running yet another story today in a series documenting the ongoing progress of the Granville Oliver trial.

    Oliver had allegedly been involved in a dozen murders, including the murder of his own uncle, while running the Oliver Mob, a large-scale, longtime drug business operating in the Southeast quadrant of the city. The Feds were seeking death for Oliver under the RICO act, despite the fact that the District's residents had overwhelmingly rejected the death penalty in a local referendum. The combination of racketeering and certain violent crimes allowed the government to exercise this option. The last execution in D.C. had been carried out in 1957.

    The jury selection process had taken several months, as it had been difficult to find twelve local residents unopposed to capital punishment. During this time, Oliver's attorneys, from the firm of Ives and Colby, had employed Strange to gather evidence, data, and countertestimony for the defense.

    Strange skipped the article, jumping inside Metro to page 3. His eyes went to a daily crime column unofficially known by longtime Washingtonians as "the Roundup," or the "Violent Negro Deaths." The first small headline read, "Teen Dies of Gunshot Wounds," and beneath it were two sentences: "An 18-year-old man found with multiple gunshot wounds in Southeast Washington died early yesterday at Prince George's County Hospital Center, police said. The unidentified man was found just after midnight in the courtyard area behind the Stoneridge apartments in the 300 block of Anacostia Road, and was pronounced dead at 1:03 a.m."

    Two sentences, thought Strange. That's all a certain kind of kid in this town's gonna get to sum up his life. There would be more deaths, most likely retribution kills, related to this one. Later, the murder gun might turn up somewhere down the food chain. Later, the crime might get "solved," pinned on the shooter by a snitch in a plea-out. Whatever happened, this would be the last the general public would hear about this young man, a passing mention to be filed away in a newspaper morgue, one brief paragraph without even a name attached to prove that he had existed. Another unidentified YBM, dead on the other side of the Anacostia River.

    River, hell, thought Strange. The way it separates this city for real, might as well go ahead and call it a canyon.

    Strange dropped the newspaper back on the bench seat. He turned the key in the ignition and pushed a Spinners tape into his deck. He pulled out of his spot and drove west. Just a few sips of coffee, and already he had to pee. Anyway, he couldn't sit here all day. It was time to go to work. (Continues...)

    Excerpted from Soul Circus by George Pelecanos Copyright © 2003 by George P. Pelecanos. Excerpted by permission.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

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    SOUL CIRCUS starts with a rented gun and moves into the vacuum created by the imprisonment of a D.C. crime lord. Two young dealers are fighting for the now unclaimed territory, prestige, and millions of dollars in future profits. Now the kid brother of one of those dealers is going to escalate the friction into wholesale slaughter.

    Private investigators Derek Strange and Terry Quinn have found a woman whose testimony could prove the difference between a death sentence and a return to the streets for the crime lord. First they have to get her to talk. Then, they have to keep her alive.

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    The Barnes & Noble Review
    George Pelecanos's previous 11 novels have earned him high praise and a cult following. But here he has come up with a formula that's finally taking him to the top of the bestseller lists. Fans will find everything they've come to expect in this Derek Strange and Terry Quinn novel, in heaping dollops: street crime action, authentic ghetto dialogue, and the atmosphere of classic noir. The investigative duo work at cross-purposes again, leading them to confront one another and their own weakening moral stances, as Strange tries to save a gang lord on trial for his life and Quinn comes to the aid of a witness for the prosecution.

    Soul Circus is an achievement both as a gritty urban thriller and an intense portrait of realistic, fallible characters. The energy and perils of Washington, D.C.'s dark side truly envelop the reader in Pelecanos's writing. The ugly, dangerous neighborhoods are also filled with compassion and even nobility, making a perfect parallel to the Strange-Quinn dynamics. It's a provocative, disturbing, and compelling narrative that will send shivers up your spine. Tom Piccirilli

    The Barnes & Noble Review
    George Pelecanos's previous 11 novels have earned him high praise and a cult following. But here he has come up with a formula that's finally taking him to the top of the bestseller lists. Fans will find everything they've come to expect in this Derek Strange and Terry Quinn novel, in heaping dollops: street crime action, authentic ghetto dialogue, and the atmosphere of classic noir. The investigative duo work at cross-purposes again, leading them to confront one another and their own weakening moral stances, as Strange tries to save a gang lord on trial for his life and Quinn comes to the aid of a witness for the prosecution.

    Soul Circus is an achievement both as a gritty urban thriller and an intense portrait of realistic, fallible characters. The energy and perils of Washington, D.C.'s dark side truly envelop the reader in Pelecanos's writing. The ugly, dangerous neighborhoods are also filled with compassion and even nobility, making a perfect parallel to the Strange-Quinn dynamics. It's a provocative, disturbing, and compelling narrative that will send shivers up your spine. Tom Piccirilli

    USA Today
    Readers of this series don't get a free ride. It's uncomfortable having a front-row view of hate, hopelessness and drugs. It's tough delving into the lives and psyches of gun dealers, drug sellers and users, gang members and a population that has never known anything but low self-esteem. And with every book, Pelecanos takes his descriptive powers to a higher level of brilliance. Scenes of violence are re-read for the beauty of the language and the cinematic quality that pushes readers to envision urban evil in all its forms. — Carol Memmott
    The New York Times
    Pelecanos is fascinated with the way things work, and he takes apart the gun trade like an urban anthropologist, fitting the pieces into the drug business and the gang culture with an exactness that is breathtaking -- and depressing. At the same time, he treats his criminals like human beings, talking their talk, driving their cars, listening to their music, getting into their world with something that can only be called sympathy. — Marilyn Stasio
    The Los Angeles Times
    The novels of Pelecanos are passionate, vital and vigorously demotic. They are also first-rate social history. If they have sense, historians to come will plumb them for evidence of how men and women lived, feared and coped in the war zones of everyday life: not only when they preyed on each other but when they talked, loved, listened to music or just wasted time. — Eugen Weber
    The Washington Post
    What's so brilliant about Soul Circus, and Pelecanos's novels in general, is that he raises these questions not only in meditative passages (such as when Strange wonders how he ever lucked into the joys of a good marriage and fatherhood) but also in scenes of the rawest violence. In the space of a couple of paragraphs toward the middle of the novel, four gang members suddenly die in bloody, balletic sequence, and you find yourself reeling from the senselessness of their deaths, the waste of their stupid lives. Ditto for the ending of this superb novel, which shoves readers into an unwanted audience with the awful silence at the center of things. — Maureen Corrigan
    Chris Barsanti
    Crime is rampant on the streets of Washington, D.C., but Derek Strange knows there's not much he cando about it. Unlike too many fictional private eyes, Pelecanos' protagonist isn't a crusader or some burnt-out cynic. This wonderfully odd thriller finds Strange spending more time arguing politics with his white partner, Terry Quinn, than he does brow-beating informants.
    Publishers Weekly
    PI Derek Strange continues to prowl the South East quadrant of Washington, D.C., in Pelecanos's 11th novel (after Hell to Pay), which caroms madly and brilliantly between warring drug crews, opportunistic gun dealers and intimidated witnesses. Strange is hired by lawyers defending Granville Oliver, a murderous high-profile drug dealer now headed for death row. Strange has to locate a reliable witness who could earn Granville a commutation to life in prison. His best bet is Devra Stokes, the former girlfriend of Philip Wood, a deputy drug dealer who had worked under Oliver and testified against his boss. Stokes filed a brutality complaint against Wood, and Strange might be able to cast doubt on Wood's credibility, if he can only find the disgruntled ex-girlfriend. Strange is growing weary of the dejection in this neighborhood, of fatherless black boys who become gullible thugs who go on to orphan another generation. But the real crime, Pelecanos suggests, is the ready supply of firearms ("Simple as buying a carton of milk. And you didn't even need big money to do it... the community could chip in to buy one. What they called a neighborhood gun"). These guns, Pelecanos reminds us, are wielded by little more than children who want to impress their friends. Dewayne and Mario Durham, teenaged brothers trying to work their way up the ladder of thugdom, are prime examples, and Mario's blind allegiance to his smarter younger brother has terrible consequences. The ensemble cast also includes charismatic mercenary gun dealer Ulysses Foreman. Foreman and Strange are the oldest characters in the cast, and as the body count rises, Pelecanos keeps readers guessing as to who will bow first. This is vintage Pelecanos, with characters to remember, dialogue that rocks, an unsentimental, kinetic tableau of the D.C. underworld and, most of all, a conscience. (Mar. 4) Forecast: The paperback edition of Pelecanos's Hell to Pay comes out in March. That book was the first to put him on the extended New York Times bestseller list, and this one could be even bigger, propelled by a 20-city tour, national advertising and floor displays. Copyright 2003 Cahners Business Information.
    Library Journal
    Pretty much a direct sequel to Hell To Pay, this novel finds Washington, DC, investigator Derek Strange looking for a woman who might help acquit an imprisoned mobster whose father Derek killed decades ago. Finding her turns out to be easier than keeping her safe and persuading her to testify. Meanwhile, after Derek's hot-headed partner, Terry Quinn, locates another woman, she turns up dead, having absconded with a dealer's stash. Terry, typically, takes that personally, which leads to some startling twists. Pelecanos delivers his usual mix of great dialog, strong protagonists, music criticism, and light sociology, in this case of the devastating effects of easily obtained weapons in our nation's capital. Reader Richard Allen contributes gritty authenticity, though the heavy accents he uses for some characters and a tendency to drop his voice to the limits of audibility can make him difficult to understand. A strong entry in an excellent series.-John Hiett, Iowa City P.L. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.
    Kirkus Reviews
    It’s official: Pelecanos’s latest dispatch from the trenches of the nation’s capital shows his prodigious ambition overflowing the bounds of one novel into a torrential epic of cops and robbers. As druglord Granville Oliver awaits trial for the crimes against humanity he committed in Pelecanos’s last round (Hell to Pay, 2002), Derek Strange, the private eye working for his lawyer, gets the idea of discrediting Philip Wood, the Judas lieutenant who’s testifying against him, by deposing Wood’s ex-girlfriend, hairdresser Devra Stokes, who filed a brutality complaint against him but then didn’t press charges. Meantime, Strange’s partner, Irish ex-cop Terry Quinn, is looking for Olivia Elliot, the missing girlfriend of Mario Durham, a criminal so ineffectual that he’s completely under the thumb of his kid brother Dewayne, head of the notorious Six-hundred Crew in Washington Highlands. Terry doesn’t believe Mario’s hearts-and-flowers tale about Olivia, who’s actually split with his drugs, but he does believe his $100, and in no time at all he finds her, with unhappy results for all. More complications pop up like ducks in a shooting gallery—Terry’s girlfriend, shamus Sue Terry, seeks Linda Welles, still another missing teenager; rival dealer Horace McKinley decides to move in on Dewayne’s turf; gun seller Ulysses Foreman finds to his dismay that the gun he’d rented out for only a few days has been linked to two homicides; Strange meets Nick Stefanos, the p.i. from Pelecanos’s earlier books (Shame the Devil, 2000, etc.)—but individual plots and people must struggle to assert themselves against the duck-and-cover hell that Strange, who can’t believe his luck in having a stable householdto go home to, finds around every street corner in contemporary D.C. The bleak, powerful fadeout reserves resolution mostly for the dead; the living will clearly have to take their chances in whatever blistering sequel their talented creator has planned. Author tour

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