State of Wonder

    State of Wonder

    3.8 788

    by Ann Patchett



    Customer Reviews

      ISBN-13: 9780062049827
    • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
    • Publication date: 06/07/2011
    • Sold by: HARPERCOLLINS
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 384
    • Sales rank: 13,794
    • Lexile: 990L (what's this?)
    • File size: 625 KB

    Ann Patchett is the author of six novels and three books of nonfiction. She has won many prizes, including Britain's Orange Prize, the PEN/Faulkner Prize, and the Book Sense Book of the Year. Her work has been translated into more than thirty languages. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where she is the co-owner of Parnassus Books.

    Brief Biography

    Nashville, Tennessee
    Date of Birth:
    December 2, 1963
    Place of Birth:
    Los Angeles, California
    B.A., Sarah Lawrence College, 1985; M.F.A., University of Iowa, 1987

    Read an Excerpt

    State of Wonder

    By Ann Patchett


    Copyright © 2011 Ann Patchett
    All right reserved.

    ISBN: 978-0-06-204980-3

    Chapter One

    The news of Anders Eckman's death came by way of Aerogram,
    a piece of bright blue airmail paper that served as both the
    stationery and, when folded over and sealed along the edges, the en-
    velope. Who even knew they still made such things? This single sheet
    had traveled from Brazil to Minnesota to mark the passing of a man, a
    breath of tissue so insubstantial that only the stamp seemed to anchor
    it to this world. Mr. Fox had the letter in his hand when he came to the
    lab to tell Marina the news. When she saw him there at the door she
    smiled at him and in the light of that smile he faltered.
    "What?" she said finally.
    He opened his mouth and then closed it. When he tried again all
    he could say was, "It's snowing."
    "I heard on the radio it was going to." The window in the lab where
    she worked faced out into the hall and so she never saw the weather
    until lunchtime. She waited for a minute for Mr. Fox to say what he
    had come to say. She didn't think he had come all the way from his
    office in the snow, a good ten buildings away, to give her a weather
    report, but he only stood there in the frame of the open door, unable
    either to enter the room or step out of it. "Are you all right?"
    "Eckman's dead," he managed to say before his voice broke, and
    then with no more explanation he gave her the letter to show just how
    little about this awful fact he knew.
    There were more than thirty buildings on the Vogel campus, labs
    and office buildings of various sizes and functions. There were
    labs with stations for twenty technicians and scientists to work at the
    same time. Others had walls and walls of mice or monkeys or dogs. This
    particular lab Marina had shared for seven years with Dr. Eckman. It
    was small enough that all Mr. Fox had to do was reach a hand towards
    her, and when he did she took the letter from him and sat down slowly
    in the gray plastic chair beside the separator. At that moment she un-
    derstood why people say You might want to sit down. There was inside of
    her a very modest physical collapse, not a faint but a sort of folding, as
    if she were an extension ruler and her ankles and knees and hips were
    all being brought together at closer angles. Anders Eckman, tall in his
    white lab coat, his hair a thick graying blond. Anders bringing her a
    cup of coffee because he'd picked one up for himself. Anders giving
    her the files she'd asked for, half sitting down on the edge of her desk
    while he went over her data on proteins. Anders father of three. Anders
    not yet fifty. Her eyes went to the dates—March 15th on the letter,
    March 18th on the postmark, and today was April 1st. Not only was
    he dead, he was two weeks dead. They had accepted the fact that they
    wouldn't hear from him often and now she realized he had been gone
    so long that at times he would slip from her mind for most of a day.
    The obscurity of the Amazonian tributary where Dr. Swenson did her
    research had been repeatedly underscored to the folks back in Minne-
    sota (Tomorrow this letter will be handed over to a child floating downriver in a dugout
    log, Anders had written her. I cannot call it a canoe. There never were statistics
    written to cover the probability of its arrival.), but still, it was in a country, it
    was in the world. Surely someone down there had an Internet connec-
    tion. Had they never bothered to find it? "Wouldn't she call you? There
    has to be some sort of global satellite—"
    "She won't use the phone, or she says it doesn't work there." As
    close as they were in this quiet room she could scarcely hear his voice.
    "But for this—" She stopped herself. He didn't know. "Where is he
    now?" Marina asked. She could not bring herself to say his body. Anders
    was not a body. Vogel was full of doctors, doctors working, doctors
    in their offices drinking coffee. The cabinets and storage rooms and
    desk drawers were full of drugs, pills of every conceivable stripe. They
    were a pharmaceutical company; what they didn't have they figured
    out how to make. Surely if they knew where he was they could find
    something to do for him, and with that thought her desire for the im-
    possible eclipsed every piece of science she had ever known. The dead
    were dead were dead were dead and still Marina Singh did not have to
    shut her eyes to see Anders Eckman eating an egg salad sandwich in
    the employee cafeteria as he had done with great enthusiasm every day
    she had known him.
    "Don't you read the reports on cholesterol?" she would ask, always
    willing to play the straight man.
    "I write the reports on cholesterol," Anders said, running his finger
    around the edge of his plate.
    Mr. Fox lifted his glasses, pressed his folded handkerchief against
    the corners of his eyes. "Read the letter," he said.
    She did not read it aloud.
    Jim Fox,
    The rain has been torrential here, not unseasonable yet year after year it
    never ceases to surprise me. It does not change our work except to make it more
    time-consuming and if we have been slowed we have not been deterred. We
    move steadily towards the same excellent results.
    But for now this business is not our primary concern. I write with
    unfortunate news of Dr. Eckman, who died of a fever two nights ago. Given
    our location, this rain, the petty bureaucracies of government (both this one
    and your own), and the time sensitive nature of our project, we chose to bury
    him here in a manner in keeping with his Christian traditions. I must tell you
    it was no small task. As for the purpose of Dr. Eckman's mission, I assure
    you we are making strides. I will keep what little he had here for his wife, to
    whom I trust you will extend this news along with my sympathy. Despite any
    setbacks, we persevere.
    Annick Swenson
    Marina started over at the top. When she had read it through
    again she still could not imagine what to say. "Is she calling Anders
    a setback?"
    She held the letter by its slightest edges as if it were a document still
    to be submitted into evidence. Clearly the paper had been wet at some
    point and then dried again. She could tell by the way it was puckered
    in places, it had been carried out in the rain. Dr. Swenson knew all
    about the relationship of paper and ink and rain and so she cut in her
    letters with a pencil of hard, dark lead, while on the other side of Eden
    Prairie, Minnesota, Karen Eckman sat in a two-story brick colonial
    thinking her husband was in Brazil and would be coming home as
    soon as he could make Dr. Swenson listen to reason.
    Marina looked at the clock. They should go soon, before it was
    time for Karen to pick the children up from school. Every now and
    then, if Anders happened to look at his watch at two-thirty, he would
    say to himself in a quiet voice, School's out. Three little Eckmans, three
    boys, who, like their mother, did not know enough to picture their
    father dead. For all that loss Dr. Swenson had managed to use just
    over half the sheet of paper, and in the half a sheet she used she had
    twice thought to mention the weather. The rest of it simply sat there,
    a great blue sea of emptiness. How much could have been said in
    those remaining inches, how much explained, was beyond scientific
    Mr. Fox closed the door and came to stand beside Marina's chair.
    He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed, and because the blinds
    on the windows that faced the hall were down she dropped her cheek
    against the top of his hand and for a while they stayed like this, washed
    over in the palest blue fluorescent light. It was a comfort to them both.
    Mr. Fox and Marina had never discussed how they would conduct
    their relationship at work. They had no relationship at work, or not
    one that was different from anyone else's. Mr. Fox was the CEO of
    Vogel. Marina was a doctor who worked in statin development. They
    had met, really met, for the first time late the summer before at a com-
    pany softball game, doctors vs. administration. Mr. Fox came over to
    compliment her pitching, and that compliment led to a discussion of
    their mutual fondness for baseball. Mr. Fox was not a doctor. He had
    been the first CEO to come from the manufacturing side. When she
    spoke of him to other people she spoke of Mr. Fox. When she spoke to
    him in front of other people she addressed him as Mr. Fox. The prob-
    lem was calling him Jim when they were alone. That, it turned out, was
    a much more difficult habit to adopt.
    "I shouldn't have sent him," Mr. Fox said.
    She raised her head then and took his hand in her hands. Mr. Fox
    had no reason to wear a lab coat. Today he wore a dark gray suit and
    striped navy tie, and while it was a dignified uniform for a man of sixty,
    he looked out of place whenever he strayed from the administrative
    offices. Today it occurred to Marina that he looked like he was on his
    way to a funeral. "You didn't make him go."
    "I asked him to go. I suppose he could have turned me down but it
    wasn't very likely."
    "But you never thought something like this would happen. You
    didn't send him someplace dangerous." Marina wondered if she knew
    this to be true. Of course there were poisonous snakes and razor-
    toothed fish but she pictured them safely away from the places where
    doctors conducted scientific research. Anyway, the letter had said he
    died of a fever, not a snake bite. There were plenty of fevers to be had
    right here in Minnesota. "Dr. Swenson's been down there for five years
    now. Nothing's happened to her."
    "It wouldn't happen to her," Mr. Fox said without kindness in his voice.
    Anders had wanted to go to the Amazon. That was the truth.
    What are the chances a doctor who worked in statin development
    would be asked to go to Brazil just as winter was becoming unendur-
    able? He was a serious birder. Every summer he put the boys in a canoe
    and paddled them through the Boundary Waters with binoculars and
    notepads looking for ruddy ducks and pileated woodpeckers. The first
    thing he did when he got word about the trip was order field guides to
    the rain forest, and when they came he abandoned all pretense of work.
    He put the blood samples back in the refrigerator and pored over the
    slick, heavy pages of the guides. He showed Marina the birds he hoped
    to see, wattled jacanas with toes as long as his hand, guira cuckoos
    with downy scrub brushes attached to the tops of their heads. A person
    could wash out the inside of a pickle jar with such a bird. He bought a
    new camera with a lens that could zoom straight into a nest from fifty
    feet away. It was not the kind of luxury Anders would have afforded
    himself under normal circumstances.
    "But these are not normal circumstances," he said, and took a pic-
    ture of his coworker at her desk.
    At the bright burst of the flash, Marina raised her head from a
    black-necked red cotinga, a bird the size of a thumb who lived in
    a cone-shaped daub of mud attached to the tip of a leaf. "It's an
    ambitious lot of birds." She studied every picture carefully, mar-
    veling at the splendors of biodiversity. When she saw the hyacinth
    macaws she experienced one split second of regret that she wasn't the
    one Mr. Fox had tapped for the job. It was a singularly ridiculous
    thought. "You'll be too busy with birds to ever find the time to talk
    to Dr. Swenson."
    "I imagine I'll find a lot of birds before I find Dr. Swenson, and
    when I do find her I doubt she'll pack up on the first day and rush
    back to Johns Hopkins. These things take finesse. Mr. Fox said that
    himself. That leaves me with a lot of daylight hours."
    Finding Dr. Swenson was an issue. There was an address in Manaus
    but apparently it was nowhere near the station where she did her field
    research; that location, she believed, needed to be protected with the
    highest level of secrecy in order to preserve both the unspoiled nature
    of her subjects and the value of the drug she was developing. She had
    made the case so convincingly that not even Mr. Fox knew where she
    was exactly, other than somewhere on a tributary off the Rio Negro.
    How far away from Manaus that tributary might begin and in which
    direction it ran no one could say. Worse than that was the sense that
    finding her was going to be the easy part. Marina looked at Anders
    straight on and again he raised his camera. "Stop that," she said,
    and turned her palm to the lens. "What if you can't get her to come
    back at all?"
    "Of course I can," Anders said. "She likes me. Why do you think
    I'm the one Mr. Fox decided to send?"
    It was possible that Dr. Swenson had liked him on the one day she
    spent at Vogel seven years ago, when she had sat at a conference table
    with Anders and four other doctors and five executives who made up
    the Probability Assessment Group to discuss the preliminary budget
    for the development of a program in Brazil. Marina could have told
    him Dr. Swenson had no idea who he was, but why would she have said
    that? Surely he knew.


    Excerpted from State of Wonder by Ann Patchett Copyright © 2011 by Ann Patchett. Excerpted by permission of HarperCollins. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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    Ann Patchett has dazzled readers with her award-winning books, including The Magician's Assistant and the New York Times bestselling Bel Canto. Now she raises the bar with State of Wonder, a provocative and ambitious novel set deep in the Amazon jungle.

    Dr. Marina Singh, a research scientist with a Minnesota pharmaceutical company, is sent to Brazil to track down her former mentor, Dr. Annick Swenson, who seems to have all but disappeared in the Amazon while working on what is destined to be an extremely valuable new drug, the development of which has already cost the company a fortune. Nothing about Marina's assignment is easy: not only does no one know where Dr. Swenson is, but the last person who was sent to find her, Marina's research partner Anders Eckman, died before he could complete his mission. Plagued by trepidation, Marina embarks on an odyssey into the insect-infested jungle in hopes of finding her former mentor as well as answers to several troubling questions about her friend's death, the state of her company's future, and her own past.

    Once found, Dr. Swenson, now in her seventies, is as ruthless and uncompromising as she ever was back in the days of Grand Rounds at Johns Hopkins. With a combination of science and subterfuge, she dominates her research team and the natives she is studying with the force of an imperial ruler. But while she is as threatening as anything the jungle has to offer, the greatest sacrifices to be made are the ones Dr. Swenson asks of herself, and will ultimately ask of Marina, who finds she may still be unable to live up to her teacher's expectations.

    In a narrative replete with poison arrows, devouring snakes, and a neighboring tribe of cannibals, State of Wonder is a world unto itself, where unlikely beauty stands beside unimaginable loss. It is a tale that leads the reader into the very heart of darkness, and then shows us what lies on the other side.

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    An engaging, consummately told tale.
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    Packs a textbook’s worth of ethical conundrums into a smart and tidily delivered story. . . . Ms. Patchett presents an alluring interplay between civilization and wilderness, between aid and exploitation.
    The Amazon setting is something Patchett does rather marvelously.… The book is serious, but also so pleasurable that you hope it won’t end.
    The New Yorker
    Emotionally lucid. . . . Patchett is at her lyrical best when she catalogues the jungle.
    the Oprah Magazine O
    The large canvas of sweeping moral issues, both personal and global, comes to life through careful attention to details, however seemingly mundane—from ill-fitting shoes and mosquito bites to a woman tenderly braiding another woman’s hair.
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    Extraordinary. . . . Is there nothing the prodigiously talented Ann Patchett can’t do? . . . Patchett’s last knockout pages proceed full-speed ahead, with more twists and turns and trachery than the Amazon River. Nothing is as it seems, and the ending is as shocking as it’s satisfying.
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