Study with the Teacher

    Study with the Teacher

    by Karen Leigh Williams


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      ISBN-13: 9781524649111
    • Publisher: AuthorHouse
    • Publication date: 11/10/2016
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 178
    • File size: 199 KB

    Read an Excerpt

    Study with the Teacher

    By Ruth C. Bullock


    Copyright © 2016 Ruth C. Bullock
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-1-5246-4912-8


    The Quest

    Confusion and Conflict: Where is the truth?

    When I was little I was certain of a God who is in heaven, not near, but he could see all I would do. I was not faced with conflict. The confusion began later. I only knew one faith, as taught to me at one church. Religion was expressed by a single denomination that outlined what we were to believe and what we were expected to be involved in on Wednesday, often Saturday, all day on Sunday, and for any special meeting. This was where we learned about God and what was expected of us. God was out there, in heaven watching, to see if we were sinning or being good and trying hard. We learned to feel guilty over any rule or standard that we neglected or disobeyed.

    After school was out in the spring, we spent a week at vacation Bible School where we studied prescribed scriptures, played games, ate snacks and related to other youngsters of the same church.

    Later, when I was older I spent a week or two at church camp. As I got older still, there were kids I came to know who were being taught different things that were considered to be wrong. And, some of the things that they were to do, seemed strange to me. I thought we all served the same God and he was "the same yesterday, today and forever". Yet we seemed to be taught by different gods. Or the god changed his expectations for different groups.

    With social media resources, the variations in the worship of God that exist, become clear, and there seem to be many gods. Many other people say there is no god, others are disillusioned about the hypocrisy within a religion. And there are many religions, with varying descriptions of what god is like.

    From the beginning of time, humans sought for an explanation of life, the origins of life, the forces that govern daily life and how to have control over their own lives. Who or what brought life into existence and continues to bring about changes. Who controls living, dying, sunshine, rain, or no rain, movement of earth that can be seen and felt? What or who controls the movement of winds that cannot be seen only the result of such changes ... Changes in animals, over time and in different places. What controls growth, sickness, gentleness, and violence, winning and losing?

    Then in order to have some control, they developed forms of authority, power, worship and obedience. We have come to call this religion, with a deity, a form of obedience and membership. Is the deity human or animal, wood or metal, male or female, demanding or loving? Is the god man-made? Made by hand or out of the mind? How does the god let its followers know what is expected and the rewards or punishments for obedience or disobedience?

    I was teaching full-time at a Christian University in California. During the summer professors were sent out to other countries, to teach missionaries who were working on advanced degrees. I was sent to Brazil, Bolivia, Kenya, Taiwan and Japan during three different summers. Variations in teaching the gospel of Christ was often mixed with doctrines and practices of a denomination. Too often the Western missionary was the authority and when they were to leave, those who had come to believe were not always prepared to carry on with only other local believers. This has now changed as western religious persons are no longer welcome and indigenous leadership must be developed. Add government conflicts to the changes that shape religions, how they are presented and how they are practiced.

    Are there others who are alarmed as I have been? Or perhaps curious or disillusioned by what is going on with religions today, in this country and around the world? Or just disgusted with the efforts of religious groups to run their governments according to their specific beliefs. There are groups that support such changes and many who don't agree with some of the things they want the government to make legal. The effort of citizens to shape government is not new. Sometimes they are led by religious leaders, other times by military leaders. Other times it is a reaction from citizens who finally join together to speak loud and demand attention be given to their cause. We see all of this today.

    With social media we now know immediately when these differences erupt into violent conflict, one group accusing another of false teaching. A television evangelist or priest being accused of molesting children or teens and even adults. One branch of a religion at war with another branch of the same religion. Killing, kidnapping, destroying property or entire villages on a mission to establish a permanent religious state. At the same time that main line Western denominations are being blocked from foreign missions, we learn of amazing numbers turning to Christ as the result of indigenous mission outreach. I am stunned by the violence, yet I know this is not new. I remember learning about the Crusades.

    In 1096 Pope Urban II, in the midst of population growth in Europe, and many other economic and religious changes, called for the first Crusade to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims. They were temporarily successful, but there followed several more crusades to free Jerusalem. Later other crusades were called for plunder and land. Not all were successful.

    We learn daily of people dying because of religious conflicts. The Islamic State, or ISIS (also referred to as ISIL) is abducting, killing, and expelling Christians, Yazidis, Shia Turkmen, and Shabaks. Sunni and Shiite Muslims are fighting each other.

    The Crusades involved Europeans fighting to free Jerusalem from Muslim control. ISIS is a Muslim group fighting to eradicate other religions and set up an Islamic Caliphate or government.

    Christian denominations are fighting over which one is the "true" religion and which are false. Doctrinal and practice standards, declared to be the "will of God" differ from group to group. Jim Denison reports that youth raised in church oriented homes are turning to being unbaptized and having their names removed from church records. The niece of Pope Francis, claims to be spiritual but not religious. She is hoping her uncle will make changes in the religion.

    Conflict between and within religious groups is not new. The violence associated with such conflict is as old as history. In the United States we hear of people turning away from religion and retaining a faith, a faith in what? Others, rejecting traditional religions, yet claiming to be spiritual. Still others are turning to atheism, there is no God. If there were a God, where is he, what does he or she expect in response?

    In other countries many are turning to Christianity and away from their traditional religions, even in the face of torture or death. What is going on? I wanted to know the truth about God and what God has to say about life on this planet. Is it possible to learn the truth? Are there many truths?

    To learn how widespread these questions have become, I needed only to listen to or read the international news. As I began to search I found that millions are also searching about "faith vs. religion". I searched publishers and found that writers are publishing a variety of perspectives about the growing frustration over religious "truths" and practices. I wanted to know what churches teach and how that was reflected in what they do or fail to do.

    Protestant ministers and Catholic Priests are exposed for financial as well as sexual misconduct. Television evangelists have been given prison terms for misuse of church funds, even embezzlement. Their religious outreach or ministry includes continuous fundraising. Youth are targeting and killing students and teachers. Teens are planning killings in their own school in the United States. In other countries, children and adults are forced to choose between a religion and being killed. Other children are kidnapped and trafficked for sexual purposes or forced into the military or for suicide attacks.

    The Islamic State (ISIS), is involving people from several nations in the effort to create a Caliphate or religious state specifically built on the teachings of Mohamed, prophet of Allah. At the same time, in the United States, various denominations have become active in reminding listeners that this is a "Christian Nation", and are very specific about what they mean by "Christian", often a set of religious "truths" in the form of rules and behaviors. Political pressure is being exerted to pass into state and federal law their specific standards and practices.

    It reminded me of what Jesus said as recorded by Matthew, Mark and Luke:

    "Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs." (Luke 12:1-3)

    The international news and social media reveal activities, events, terror and conflicts related to religions, instantly, daily.

    Today, we only need a cell phone to call millions to protest against some wrong or "evil". A group of conservative Baptists protests at the funerals of soldiers killed in battle. People in Syria organized a protest against their government. People all around the world organized a protest against the murder of French cartoonists by Islamic terrorists. I began to wonder, what is the role of religion in activism against or for a cause, locally or globally? What does God expect followers to do relevant to political action, military action, or even humanitarian action?

    In the forties, during WW11 "conscientious objectors" did not have to go to war but could enlist in alternative service. A friend of mine chose service through the American Friends Service Committee, an organization of Quakers, where he was involved in providing humanitarian services. What does God expect of believers in the face of unbelievable cruelty? What is the goal of faith, of spirituality, or religion? There are always homeless to shelter, hungry to feed, the sick who need medical care, and the imprisoned, by law, by illness, by color, who need release.

    Many like the niece of Pope Francis are demanding change to religions they consider outdated. If faith, then faith in whom, what or something else. Even atheists are forming organizations where they can meet together and share ideas. How does this differ from groups forming around religious values? What kind of change is desired or needed? Where to turn?

    It is written that Jesus confronted the religious leaders about not practicing what they taught, yet demanding that everyone keep all the traditions and rules of the church. Jesus broke these rules of the religion as specified by the Pharisees and teachers of the law. He did not try to create a new nation or a new religion but a new kind of person, a believer, forgiven and obedient to God's command: To love God, and others as self.

    More than two thousand years ago a boy was to be born who was to be named Jesus. Even before his birth it was told that he was to be the son of God. As an adult this same Jesus made it clear that he is the Son of God, and many believed him. When he spoke and taught in the synagogues, people were amazed as he talked with authority, not as the teachers of the Law. They wondered where he learned this as he was known to be the son of a carpenter. Therefore his description of his Father, God, and what God expects of people, and those who gather together to share about God, will be important. Perhaps he also has something to say about those who do not believe who he is, those who falsely accuse others and kill their opponents. I want to learn what Jesus has said about God his Father. This Jesus claimed to be truth.

    "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." (John 14:6-7)

    Many believed Jesus, some asked him to leave their community, and still others tried to kill him. There were those who followed him wherever he went.

    If I had known him then, I don't know what I would have done? Would I have believed him more than I believe the leaders of my church? He broke the rules, how can I believe he is the Son of God? He works on the Sabbath, but he also heals people of their illnesses, sometimes on the Sabbath. I wonder if I could have believed him.

    Perhaps I can learn from Jesus, known as the Christ, the Teacher, as his words and teaching were recorded by two of his twelve disciples, Levi, we know as Matthew, and John. The disciple named Peter has left letters that we can look at to learn about Jesus' teaching. These walked with Jesus during his ministry and watched, listened and learned and later wrote it down in what we know as the Gospels and Letters. Two others served with Peter and Paul. John Mark known as Mark and Luke the physician, traveled with Peter and Paul, formerly known as Saul, and learned and wrote two additional Gospels and numerous letters.

    Saul, knew what Jesus was doing and teaching. As crowds grew and Jesus' popularity spread, the religious leaders and government representatives became concerned that Rome would come down hard and take away their self-governance. Saul, was the one to arrest and turn over believers in Jesus, to the authorities of Rome, in Jerusalem.

    Saul was watching and threatening Jesus' disciples. He went to the high priest for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, looking for men or women, who belonged to the Way, so that he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. But God changed his life and his direction.

    So Paul increased his learning of the words and ways of Jesus through the disciples. It is reported that Luke interviewed eyewitnesses and learned from Peter and Paul and through the Holy Spirit. Luke wrote the Gospel that bears his name and is credited with writing the book of Acts.

    I wonder, does God change lives as dramatically as this today? So changed that one man began to change towns and communities?

    Saul was a very well educated man. Today we often relate education with rejection of traditional religion. I don't know what to think about God and changed lives, changed people? Why, in the name of their god, some are changed to violence, such as ISIS. Others are changed to peaceful ways, still others are changed to want control of their governments and citizens. Those in the name of Jesus, are challenged and changed to love? There are many who claim a religion, and claim to worship God, but demonstrate no change.

    I read where the same thing is happening today, see reports of the work of Indigenous Missionaries by K.P. Yohannan. (Notes 1).'

    John wrote in his gospel, "This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." (John 21:24, 25)

    We have the books, the "word of God", yet many still do not believe any more than they did in Jesus' time on earth. What is it we are to believe? What is it we are to do?


    Those Who Were Told

    I have learned that there were some who knew about Jesus before his birth. Their brief stories are below. However, I wonder how God makes his will and his plans known in today's world. There have been times when I believed a thought I had was a message from God, and I felt I had to obey. One time was when I was asked to work with a suicidal student, I was already overwhelmed with duties for the summer. However, there were no angels to tell me what to do.

    Isaiah (7:14) the prophet told the people that the Lord would give them a sign ... "A virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel"

    Zechariah was a priest. He and his wife Elizabeth, were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands and decrees. But they were both very old and remained childless.

    When Zechariah's division was on duty and he was serving as priest before God, he was chosen to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense. When the time for the burning of incense came, all the assembled worshipers were praying outside. Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him When Zechariah saw him, he was gripped with fear.

    The angel said to him: "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born. He will bring back the people of Israel to the Lord their God, and go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children. And the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous — to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."


    Excerpted from Study with the Teacher by Ruth C. Bullock. Copyright © 2016 Ruth C. Bullock. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents


    Dedication, ix,
    Part I Background, 1,
    1 The Quest, 3,
    2 Those Who Were Told, 11,
    3 The Teacher, Son of God, 16,
    Part II Preparation for Study, 25,
    4 Your Counselor: the Holy Spirit, 27,
    5 Be a Questioner: Ask, Seek and Knock, 35,
    6 Pay Attention: Listen and Observe, 53,
    Part III Search for Truth, 57,
    Study with The Teacher, 57,
    7 The Foundation ~ Believe, 59,
    8 The Command ~ Love, 88,
    9 Love requires Obedience, 108,
    10 The New Kingdom, 121,
    11 Final Assignment: Be My Witness, 140,
    12 Student Reports, 147,
    Notes, 157,
    About the Author, 167,

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    Many of us have become disillusioned about religion and what is promoted and what is practiced. Reaction ranges from boredom, to one group accusing or blaming another, to violence within a religious group. If not religion, then atheism, agnosticism, Gnosticism, just be reasonable, or spiritual or define your own faith. This book is one effort to search for clarity, amid the chaos. Study With The Teacher Jesus of Nazareth “Come to me... take my yoke upon you and learn from me.”

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