| Introduction | xi |
Chapter 1 | You Are Getting Sleepy | 1 |
| Mystique of Hypnosis | 2 |
| Development of Hypnosis in the Twentieth Century | 3 |
| Trance States | 5 |
| Hypnosis Concerns | 6 |
| Suggestibility Tests | 7 |
| Stage Hypnosis | 10 |
| Hypnosis Inductions | 11 |
| A Relaxation Exercise | 12 |
Chapter 2 | Your Mental Makeup | 17 |
| The Mind Is Like a Computer | 18 |
| The Sense of Sight | 18 |
| The Sense of Hearing | 20 |
| The Sense of Touch | 21 |
| The Sense of Taste | 22 |
| The Sense of Smell | 23 |
| The Importance of Sensory Imagery | 24 |
| Relaxation Exercise | 27 |
Chapter 3 | Your Conscious and Unconscious | 29 |
| Conscious and Unconscious | 30 |
| Communication and Storage | 31 |
| Time Zones of the Mind | 31 |
| Recalling the Past | 32 |
| Projecting into the Future | 33 |
| Living in the Present | 37 |
| Flooding Technique | 39 |
| Sleep on It | 41 |
| Universal Consciousness | 42 |
Chapter 4 | Instant Hypnosis | 43 |
| External and Internal Influences | 44 |
| Posthypnotic Suggestions | 45 |
| Self-Hypnotic Anchors | 46 |
| Recognize Negative Anchors | 47 |
| Develop Positive Anchors | 48 |
| Benefits of Instant Self-Hypnosis | 49 |
| Automatic Response Exercises | 50 |
| Surround Yourself with External Anchors | 53 |
Chapter 5 | Building a Model for Change | 57 |
| Thinking Models | 58 |
| What Works for You? | 58 |
| What Is Your Comfort Zone? | 62 |
| What Doesn't Work for You? | 63 |
| Comparing Negative and Positive Models | 64 |
| Other Self-Hypnosis Tools | 65 |
| Big Picture, Little Picture | 67 |
| Permission to Treat Yourself Positively | 69 |
Chapter 6 | Changing a Bad Habit | 71 |
| What Is a Habit? | 72 |
| Identifying Your Habits | 73 |
| Reasons to Change a Habit | 75 |
| Imagine Yourself without the Habit | 77 |
| The Ecology Check | 80 |
| Installing the Change | 80 |
| Reinforcing the Change | 81 |
| A Case Study: Changing a Habit | 82 |
Chapter 7 | Hypnosis and Stress | 85 |
| What Is Stress? | 86 |
| The Effects of Stress | 86 |
| Internal and External Stress | 89 |
| Identifying Stress | 90 |
| Resolving Stress | 92 |
| Unresolved Past Stress | 95 |
| Current Stress | 96 |
| Future Stress | 97 |
| Keeping Stress Under Control | 97 |
Chapter 8 | Stop Smoking with Hypnosis | 99 |
| The History of Tobacco | 100 |
| Addiction | 100 |
| The Word Quit | 101 |
| The Benefits of a Smoking Lifestyle | 102 |
| What Do You Dislike about Smoking? | 103 |
| Going Back to the Roots | 104 |
| Begin to Change Your Habit | 105 |
| The Model for Change | 108 |
Chapter 9 | Weight Loss | 111 |
| The Word Diet | 112 |
| The Eating Trance | 112 |
| Examine Your Eating Habits | 113 |
| Who Controls the Food You Eat? | 114 |
| Understand the Food You Eat | 115 |
| Reframe Your Eating Habits | 119 |
| Balance Your Mind, Body, and Soul | 122 |
Chapter 10 | Improving Your Health | 123 |
| Establish Your Wellness Habit | 124 |
| Hypnosis and Pain Control | 127 |
| Hypnosis and Surgery | 130 |
| Depth Testing | 132 |
| Hypnosis and Oncology | 134 |
| Hypnosis and Other Areas of Medicine | 134 |
Chapter 11 | Overcoming a Fear or Phobia | 137 |
| Social Phobias | 138 |
| Specific Phobias | 138 |
| The Phobia Habit | 139 |
| Roots of a Phobia | 140 |
| Resolving a Phobia | 144 |
| Cognitive Behavior Therapy | 144 |
| Interrupting the Phobic Trance | 146 |
| The Benefits of Fear | 147 |
Chapter 12 | Improving Your Sports Performance | 149 |
| Hypnosis and Sports Psychology | 150 |
| Working with Your Natural Abilities | 151 |
| Your Mental Makeup | 152 |
| Self-Hypnotic Imagery Relaxation Exercise | 154 |
| Self-Hypnosis Mental Training Model | 157 |
| Make a Habit of Mental Training | 159 |
| In the Sports Zone | 161 |
Chapter 13 | Developing Your Creative Abilities | 163 |
| Creativity: A Gift or a Curse? | 164 |
| What Are Your Talents? | 164 |
| Your Creative Strengths | 166 |
| Your Creative Weaknesses | 169 |
| Develop Your Creative Gifts | 170 |
| Where Does Creativity Come From? | 172 |
| Enhance Your Creativity | 174 |
| Strike a Balance | 175 |
Chapter 14 | Becoming a Better Student | 177 |
| How Do You Know What You Know? | 178 |
| Learning Environment | 181 |
| The Parent's Role in Learning | 183 |
| The Teacher's Role in Learning | 184 |
| The Student's Role in Learning | 185 |
| Self-Hypnotic Learning Trance | 186 |
Chapter 15 | Hypnosis and Work | 189 |
| Hypnosis at Work for You | 190 |
| The Mental Makeup of Others | 191 |
| Working with Other People | 194 |
| Self-Hypnosis and Your Work | 195 |
| A Career Is Not Just a Job | 198 |
| Self-Hypnosis and Career Goals | 199 |
| Using the Imagery of Hypnosis at Work | 200 |
Chapter 16 | Improving Your Personal Relationships | 203 |
| Sailing the Waters of Life | 204 |
| Family Relationships | 205 |
| Clean Up the Clutter | 206 |
| Social Relationships | 208 |
| Rejection of Human Relationships | 209 |
| Your Soul Mate | 210 |
| Understanding Relationships | 212 |
| Self-Hypnosis for a Balanced Relationship | 214 |
Chapter 17 | Understanding Your Past Lives | 217 |
| Do You Believe in Past Lives? | 218 |
| Influences of Past Life Soul Memories | 220 |
| Childhood Memories | 222 |
| Cycles of Souls and Karma | 223 |
| Past Life Regressions | 223 |
| Deepening the Past Life Regression | 225 |
Chapter 18 | Increasing Your Psychic Ability | 229 |
| Psychics Through History | 230 |
| Who Is Psychic? | 231 |
| Psychic Ability and the Senses | 233 |
| Psychic Trance Tools | 235 |
| Receiving Information | 236 |
| Past, Present, and Future | 236 |
| What to Do with Too Much Information | 237 |
| Recognizing Your Psychic Trances | 238 |
| The White-Light Psychic Trance | 239 |
Chapter 19 | Writing Your Own Hypnosis Scripts | 243 |
| Hypnosis Scripts | 244 |
| Scripting Your Goal | 247 |
| Connecting with Guides, Angels, or Universal Mind | 250 |
| Scripts for Pain Control and Stress Relief | 250 |
| Scripts for the Universal Mind | 251 |
| Scripts for Your Life's Work | 252 |
| Past Life Scripts | 253 |
| Continual Scripts | 253 |
Chapter 20 | Hypnosis: A Way of Life | 255 |
| Everything Hypnosis | 256 |
| The River of Life Self-Hypnosis Meditation | 260 |
| You Are Now a Self-Hypnotist | 263 |
| Should You Hypnotize Others? | 263 |
| Hypnosis Is a Lifelong Study | 264 |
| Just Imagine | 265 |
Appendix A | Glossary | 267 |
Appendix B | Additional Resources | 273 |
| Index | 277 |