The Long Roll

    The Long Roll

    5.0 2

    by Mary Johnston



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      ISBN-13: 9781480443822
    • Publisher: Open Road Media
    • Publication date: 10/27/2015
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 671
    • Sales rank: 25,078
    • File size: 2 MB

    Mary Johnston (1870–1936) was an American novelist and champion of women’s rights. She wrote a number of popular novels, including To Have and to Hold, that combined elements of romance and history. A staunch advocate for the advancement of women, Johnston used her success to fight for women’s suffrage.

    Read an Excerpt

    The Long Roll

    By Mary Johnston


    Copyright © 2015 Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-1-4804-4382-2



    ON THIS WINTRY DAY, cold and sunny, the small town breathed hard in its excitement. It might have climbed rapidly from a lower land, so heightened now were its pulses, so light and rare the air it drank, so raised its mood, so wide, so very wide the opening prospect. Old red-brick houses, old box-planted gardens, old high, leafless trees, out it looked from its place between the mountain ranges. Its point of view, its position in space, had each its value — whether a lesser value or a greater value than other points and positions only the Judge of all can determine. The little town tried to see clearly and to act rightly. If, in this time so troubled, so obscured by mounting clouds, so tossed by winds of passion and of prejudice, it felt the proudest assurance that it was doing both, at least that self-infatuation was shared all around the compass.

    The town was the county-seat. Red brick and white pillars, set on rising ground and encircled by trees, the court house rose like a guidon, planted there by English stock. Around it gathered a great crowd, breathlessly listening. It listened to the reading of the Botetourt Resolutions, offered by the President of the Supreme Court of Virginia, and now delivered in a solemn and a ringing voice. The season was December and the year, 1860.

    The people of Botetourt County, in general meeting assembled, believe it to be the duty of all the citizens of the Commonwealth, in the present alarming condition of our country, to give some expression of their opinion upon the threatening aspect of public affairs....

    In the controversies with the mother country, growing out of the effort of the latter to tax the Colonies without their consent, it was Virginia who, by the resolution against the Stamp Act, gave the example of the first authoritative resistance by a legislative body to the British Government, and so imparted the first impulse to the Revolution.

    Virginia declared her Independence before any of the Colonies, and gave the first written Constitution to mankind.

    By her instructions her representatives in the General Congress introduced a resolution to declare the Colonies independent States, and the Declaration itself was written by one of her sons.

    She furnished to the Confederate States the father of his country, under whose guidance Independence was achieved, and the rights and liberties of each State, it was hoped, perpetually established.

    She stood undismayed through the long night of the Revolution, breasting the storm of war and pouring out the blood of her sons like water on every battlefield, from the ramparts of Quebec to the sands of Georgia.

    A cheer broke from the throng. "That she did — that she did! 'Old Virginia never tire.'"

    By her unaided efforts the Northwestern Territory was conquered, whereby the Mississippi, instead of the Ohio River, was recognized as the boundary of the United States by the treaty of peace.

    To secure harmony, and as an evidence of her estimate of the value of the Union of the States, she ceded to all for their common benefit this magnificent region — an empire in itself.

    When the Articles of Confederation were shown to be inadequate to secure peace and tranquillity at home and respect abroad, Virginia first moved to bring about a more perfect Union.

    At her instance the first assemblage of commissioners took place at Annapolis, which ultimately led to a meeting of the Convention which formed the present Constitution.

    The instrument itself was in a great measure the production of one of her sons, who has been justly styled the Father of the Constitution.

    The government created by it was put into operation, with her Washington, the father of his country, at its head; her Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, in his cabinet; her Madison, the great advocate of the Constitution, in the legislative hall.

    "And each of the three," cried a voice, "left on record his judgment as to the integral rights of the federating States."

    Under the leading of Virginia statesmen the Revolution of 1798 was brought about, Louisiana was acquired, and the second war of independence was waged.

    Throughout the whole progress of the Republic she has never infringed on the rights of any State, or asked or received an exclusive benefit.

    On the contrary, she has been the first to vindicate the equality of all the States, the smallest as well as the greatest.

    But, claiming no exclusive benefit for her efforts and sacrifices in the common cause, she had a right to look for feelings of fraternity and kindness for her citizens from the citizens of other States. ... And that the common government, to the promotion of which she contributed so largely, for the purpose of establishing justice and ensuring domestic tranquillity, would not, whilst the forms of the Constitution were observed, be so perverted in spirit as to inflict wrong and injustice and produce universal insecurity.

    These reasonable expectations have been grievously disappointed —

    There arose a roar of assent. "That's the truth! — that's the plain truth! North and South, we're leagues asunder! — We don't think alike, we don't feel alike, and we don't interpret the Constitution alike! I'll tell you how the North interprets it! — Government by the North, for the North, and over the South! Go on, Judge Allen, go on!"

    In view of this state of things, we are not inclined to rebuke or censure the people of any of our sister States in the South, suffering from injury, goaded by insults, and threatened with such outrages and wrongs, for their bold determination to relieve themselves from such injustice and oppression by resorting to their ultimate and sovereign right to dissolve the compact which they had formed and to provide new guards for their future security.

    "South Carolina! — Georgia, too, will be out in January. — Alabama as well, Mississippi and Louisiana. — Go on!"

    Nor have we any doubt of the right of any State, there being no common umpire between coequal sovereign States, to judge for itself on its own responsibility, as to the mode and manner of redress.

    The States, each for itself, exercised this sovereign power when they dissolved their connection with the British Empire.

    They exercised the same power when nine of the States seceded from the Confederation and adopted the present Constitution, though two States at first rejected it.

    The Articles of Confederation stipulated that those articles should be inviolably observed by every State, and that the Union should be perpetual, and that no alteration should be made unless agreed to by Congress and confirmed by every State.

    Notwithstanding this solemn compact, a portion of the States did, without the consent of the others, form a new compact; and there is nothing to show, or by which it can be shown, that this right has been, or can be, diminished so long as the States continue sovereign.

    "The right's the right of self-government — and it's inherent and inalienable! — We fought for it — when didn't we fight for it? When we cease to fight for it, then chaos and night! — Go on, go on!"

    The Confederation was assented to by the Legislature for each State; the Constitution by the people of each State, for such State alone. One is as binding as the other, and no more so.

    The Constitution, it is true, established a government, and it operates directly on the individual; the Confederation was a league operating primarily on the States. But each was adopted by the State for itself; in the one case by the Legislature acting for the State; in the other by the people, not as individuals composing one nation, but as composing the distinct and independent States to which they respectively belong.

    The foundation, therefore, on which it was established, was FEDERAL, and the State, in the exercise of the same sovereign authority by which she ratified for herself, may for herself abrogate and annul.

    The operation of its powers, whilst the State remains in the Confederacy, is NATIONAL; and consequently a State remaining in the Confederacy and enjoying its benefits cannot, by any mode of procedure, withdraw its citizens from the obligation to obey the Constitution and the laws passed in pursuance thereof.

    But when a State does secede, the Constitution and laws of the United States cease to operate therein. No power is conferred on Congress to enforce them. Such authority was denied to the Congress in the convention which framed the Constitution, because it would be an act of war of nation against nation — not the exercise of the legitimate power of a government to enforce its laws on those subject to its jurisdiction.

    The assumption of such a power would be the assertion of a prerogative claimed by the British Government to legislate for the Colonies in all cases whatever; it would constitute of itself a dangerous attack on the rights of the States, and should be promptly repelled.

    There was a great thunder of assent. "That is our doctrine — bred in the bone — dyed in the weaving! Jefferson, Madison, Marshall, Washington, Henry — further back yet, further back — back to Magna Charta!"

    These principles, resulting from the nature of our system of confederate States, cannot admit of question in Virginia.

    In 1788 our people in convention, by their act of ratification, declared and made known that the powers granted under the Constitution, being derived from the people of the United States, may be resumed by them whenever they shall be perverted to their injury and oppression.

    From what people were these powers derived? Confessedly from the people of each State, acting for themselves. By whom were they to be resumed or taken back? By the people of the State who were then granting them away. Who were to determine whether the powers granted had been perverted to their injury or oppression? Not the whole people of the United States, for there could be no oppression of the whole with their own consent; and it could not have entered into the conception of the Convention that the powers granted could not be resumed until the oppressor himself united in such resumption.

    They asserted the right to resume in order to guard the people of Virginia, for whom alone the Convention could act, against the oppression of an irresponsible and sectional majority, the worst form of oppression with which an angry Providence has ever afflicted humanity.

    Whilst therefore we regret that any State should, in a matter of common grievance, have determined to act for herself without consulting with her sister States equally aggrieved, we are nevertheless constrained to say that the occasion justifies and loudly calls for action of some kind. ...

    In view therefore of the present condition of our country, and the causes of it, we declare almost in the words of our fathers, contained in an address of the freeholders of Botetourt, in February, 1775, to the delegates from Virginia to the Continental Congress, "That we desire no change in our government whilst left to the free enjoyment of our equal privileges secured by the CONSTITUTION; but that should a tyrannical SECTIONAL MAJORITY, under the sanction of the forms of the CONSTITUTION, persist in acts of injustice and violence toward us, they only must be answerable for the consequences."

    That liberty is so strongly impressed upon our hearts that we cannot think of parting with it but with our lives; that our duty to God, our country, ourselves and our posterity forbid it; we stand, therefore, prepared for every contingency.

    RESOLVED THEREFORE, That in view of the facts set out in the foregoing preamble, it is the opinion of this meeting that a convention of the people should be called forthwith; that the State in its sovereign character should consult with the other Southern States, and agree upon such guarantees as in their opinion will secure their equality, tranquillity and rights WITHIN THE UNION.

    The applause shook the air. "Yes, yes! within the Union! They're not quite mad — not even the black Republicans! We'll save the Union! — We made it, and we'll save it! — Unless the North takes leave of its senses. — Go on!"

    And in the event of a failure to obtain such guarantees, to adopt in concert with the other Southern States, OR ALONE, such measures as may seem most expedient to protect the rights and ensure the safety of the people of Virginia.

    The reader made an end, and stood with dignity. Silence, then a beginning of sound, like the beginning of wind in the forest. It grew, it became deep and surrounding as the atmosphere, it increased into the general voice of the county, and the voice passed the Botetourt Resolutions.



    ON THE COURT HOUSE portico sat the prominent men of the county, lawyers and planters, men of name and place, moulders of thought and leaders in action. Out of these came the speakers. One by one, they stepped into the clear space between the pillars. Such a man was cool and weighty, such a man was impassioned and persuasive. Now the tense crowd listened, hardly breathing, now it broke into wild applause. The speakers dealt with an approaching tempest, and with a gesture they checked off the storm clouds. "Protection for the manufacturing North at the expense of the agricultural South — an old storm centre! Territorial Rights — once a speck in the west, not so large as a man's hand, and now beneath it, the wrangling and darkened land! The Bondage of the African Race — a heavy cloud! Our English fathers raised it; our northern brethren dwelled with it; the currents of the air fixed it in the South. At no far day we will pass from under it. In the mean time we would not have it burst. In that case underneath it would lie ruined fields and wrecked homes, and out of its elements would come a fearful pestilence! The Triumph of the Republican Party — no slight darkening of the air is that, no drifting mist of the morning! It is the triumph of that party which proclaims the Constitution a covenant with death and an agreement with hell! — of that party which tolled the bells, and fired the minute guns, and draped its churches with black, and all-hailed as saint and martyr the instigator of a bloody and servile insurrection in a sister State, the felon and murderer, John Brown! The Radical, the Black Republican, faction, sectional rule, fanaticism, violation of the Constitution, aggression, tyranny, and wrong — all these are in the bosom of that cloud! — The Sovereignty of the State. Where is the tempest which threatens here? Not here, Virginians! but in the pleasing assertion of the North, 'There is no sovereignty of the State!' 'A State is merely to the Union what a county is to a State.' O shades of John Randolph of Roanoke, of Patrick Henry, of Mason and Madison, of Washington and Jefferson! O shade of John Marshall even, whom we used to think too Federal! The Union! We thought of the Union as a golden thread — at the most we thought of it as a strong servant we had made between us, we thirteen artificers — a beautiful Talus to walk our coasts and cry 'All's well!' We thought so — by the gods, we think so yet! That is our Union — the golden thread, the faithful servant; not the monster that Frankenstein made, not this Minotaur swallowing States! The Sovereignty of the State! Virginia fought seven years for the sovereignty of Virginia, wrung it, eighty years ago, from Great Britain, and has not since resigned it! Being different in most things, possibly the North is different also in this. It may be that those States have renounced the liberty they fought for. Possibly Massachusetts — the years 1803, 1811, and 1844 to the contrary — does regard herself as a county. Possibly Connecticut — for all that there was a Hartford Convention! — sees herself in the same light. Possibly. 'Brutus saith 't is so, and Brutus is an honourable man!' But Virginia has not renounced! Eighty years ago she wrote a certain motto on her shield. To-day the letters burn bright! Unterrified then she entered this league from which we hoped so much. Unterrified to-morrow, should a slurring hand be laid upon that shield, will she leave it!"


    Excerpted from The Long Roll by Mary Johnston. Copyright © 2015 Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.. Excerpted by permission of OPEN ROAD INTEGRATED MEDIA.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. The Botetourt Resolutions
    Chapter 2. The Hilltop
    Chapter 3. Three Oaks
    Chapter 4. Greenwood
    Chapter 5. Thunder Run
    Chapter 6. By Ashby's Gap
    Chapter 7. The Dogs of War
    Chapter 8. A Christening
    Chapter 9. Winchester
    Chapter 10. Lieutenant McNeil
    Chapter 11. "As Joseph Was a Walking"
    Chapter 12. "The Bath and Romney Trip"
    Chapter 13. Fool Tom Jackson
    Chapter 14. The Iron Clads
    Chapter 15. Kernstown
    Chapter 16. Rude's Hill
    Chapter 17. Cleave and Judith
    Chapter 18. McDowell
    Chapter 19. The Flowering Wood
    Chapter 20. Front Royal
    Chapter 21. Steven Dagg
    Chapter 22. The Valley Pike
    Chapter 23. Mother and Son
    Chapter 24. The Foot Cavalry
    Chapter 25. Ashby
    Chapter 26. The Bridge at Port Republic
    Chapter 27. Judith and Stafford
    Chapter 28. The Longest Way Round
    Chapter 29. The Nine-Mile Road
    Chapter 30. At the President's
    Chapter 31. The First of the Seven Days
    Chapter 32. Gaines's Mill
    Chapter 33. The Heel of Achilles
    Chapter 34. The Railroad Gun
    Chapter 35. White Oak Swamp
    Chapter 36. Malvern Hill
    Chapter 37. A Woman
    Chapter 38. Cedar Run
    Chapter 39. The Field of Manassas
    Chapter 40. A Gunner of Pelham's
    Chapter 41. The Tollgate
    Chapter 42. Special Orders, No. 191
    Chapter 43. Sharpsburg
    Chapter 44. By the Opequon
    Chapter 45. The Lone Tree Hill
    Chapter 46. Fredericksburg
    Chapter 47. The Wilderness
    Chapter 48. The River

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    This classic Civil War novel portrays the rise and fall of Stonewall Jackson and the bravery of the men who fought and died alongside him

    When the American South secedes from the Union, Richard Cleave of Virginia answers the call to arms. The Confederate Army’s victory at Bull Run in the first months of the war bolsters the enthusiasm of the eager young men, Cleave among them, who march proudly behind their able leader, Brigadier General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. Shortly thereafter, the Valley Campaign of 1862 showcases Jackson’s ingenious strategies and bold cavalry maneuvers, offering hope of an early Confederate victory. But for artilleryman Cleave, the high cost of war is rapidly becoming apparent in the staggering loss of life and limb, as Stonewall and his army march toward a fateful reckoning at Chancellorsville.
    The daughter of a Confederate veteran and cousin to Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston, Mary Johnston was one of the most popular authors of the early twentieth century. In The Long Roll, she brings America’s bloodiest conflict to life with electrifying battlefield scenes and vivid historical detail, inspiring a grand tradition of Civil War literature that includes Gone with the Wind and The Killer Angels.

    This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

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    A cousin of Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, Mary Johnston was an enormously popular novelist in her day . . . Innovative[ly] mixing fact and fiction, she drew on wartime diarists and on the memories of her fighting cousin, who figures as a character in the books.
    Washington Post Book World
    Washington Post Book World
    "A cousin of Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, Mary Johnston was an enormously popular novelist in her day... Innovative[ly] mixing fact and fiction, she drew on wartime diarists and on the memories of her fighting cousin, who figures as a character in the books."

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