The Power of Patience: How This Old-Fashioned Virtue Can Improve Your Life

    The Power of Patience: How This Old-Fashioned Virtue Can Improve Your Life

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    by M. J. Ryan


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      ISBN-13: 9781609258368
    • Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
    • Publication date: 04/01/2013
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 224
    • File size: 732 KB

    M. J. Ryan is one of the creators of the New York Times bestselling Random Acts of Kindness and the author of The Happiness Makeover, How to Survive Change You Didn't Ask For, and Attitudes of Gratitude, among other titles. Altogether, there are 1.75 million copies of her titles in print. She is a contributing editor to Health.com and Good Housekeeping and has appeared on The Today Show, CNN, and hundreds of radio programs. Visit her at mj-ryan.com. 

    Read an Excerpt

    THE POWER OF Patience

    How this Old-Fashioned Virtue Can Improve Your Life

    By M. J. RYAN

    Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC

    Copyright © 2013 M. J. Ryan
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-1-60925-836-8



    Dear God, I pray for patience. And I want it RIGHT NOW!

    Oren Arnold

    Consider THIS:

    • Some McDonald's are promising lunch in ninety seconds or it's free.

    • The average doctor visit now lasts eight minutes.

    • An over-the-counter drug is marketed for women who "don't have time for a yeast infection."

    • Politicians currently take a mere 8.2 seconds to answer a question, regardless of the complexity of the topic.

    • A popular all-you-can-eat buffet in Tokyo charges by the minute—the faster you eat, the cheaper it is.

    • The head of Hitachi's portable computer division motivates his workers with the slogan: "Speed is God, and time is the devil."

    • Developers of high rises have discovered an upward limit to the number of floors—the amount of time people are willing to wait for elevators. Fifteen seconds is what feels best; if it stretches to forty, we freak out.

    All of us these days, it seems, spend our lives rushing around. We're in constant motion, and we expect everything and everyone around us to go faster as well. As technology watcher David Shenk notes, between our smartphones and our speed dials, email and FedEx, "quickness has disappeared from our culture. We now only experience degrees of slowness." Writer James Gleick says it more bluntly—we're all suffering from "hurry sickness," a term first coined by Meyer Friedman, the identifier of the Type A personality.

    I know I have it. I can't stand how slowly my computer boots up. I actually timed it recently; it took one minute and I was fidgeting the whole time. I'm the person pushing the elevator button more than once to make it come faster. I hit the pound key to bypass the message on other people's voice mail. And I use the one-minute button on the microwave because it's quicker than punching in the time myself.

    This is how bad I've got it. Yesterday, I went to my local copy shop. I made my copies and was standing in line, waiting to pay. The young man behind the counter was struggling to help a very old lady figure out how to send a package to her grandchild. There's one other person in line in front of me. My inner monologue goes like this: Lines, I hate lines. Why can't they get enough help in here? (Fume.) Why can't they at least post how much they charge for copies so I could pay without waiting? (A minute passes. More fuming.) I don't have time for this. I've got more important things to do. I can't just stand here. I have to get home and write this book on patience.

    I can't take it anymore. I blurt out from my place in line, "How much for a copy?" "Ten cents," replies the flustered young man. Flinging down a dollar for my forty-cent purchase, I storm out of the store, the irony of the situation not occurring to me until I am driving away.

    Another word for hurry sickness is impatience, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one suffering from it. Road rage, violence of all sorts, blowups at the office, divorce, yelling at our kids ... all of these and many other of the world's ills can be traced at least in part to a lack of patience.

    A while ago the state of California ran public service announcements to "slow for the cone zone." It was a campaign to get drivers to slow from sixty-five to fifty-five miles per hour in construction areas because so many workers have been killed. The ads informed listeners that the time difference between going fifty-five and sixty-five in a one-mile construction area is ten seconds. People are getting killed because we're not willing to get somewhere ten-seconds-a-mile later!

    Indeed it appears that the faster things go, the less patience we are able to muster. This is a problem because life inevitably has a certain degree of delay in the form of lines, traffic jams, and automated message systems. More important, our lack of patience creates difficulties because the more complex of life's challenges—illness, disability, relationship conflicts, job crises, parenting issues, to name a few—require that we practice patience in order not merely to cope, but to grow in love and wisdom.

    Without patience, we can't truly learn from the lessons life throws at us; we're unable to mature. We remain at the stage of irritable babies, unable to delay gratification more than momentarily, unable to work toward what we truly want in any dedicated way. If we want to live wider and deeper lives, not just faster ones, we have to practice patience—patience with ourselves, with other people, and with the big and small circumstances of life itself.

    I know we're longing to put more patience in our lives because I've published more than two hundred books and written twenty-two. Never before had people said to me so emphatically, "I need that!" when I told them what I was working on. But with this book, every person who heard of it said something to that effect. The world is going faster and faster and we are all trying to keep up. Never before has patience been more needed—and never has it been in such short supply.

    But we can change that. With the right attitudes and a bit of practice, we can learn to harness the power of patience in our lives. If I, a speeded-up, Type A, overachieving middle-aged woman can do it, so can you. It's a combination of motivation (wanting to), awareness (paying attention to our inner landscape), and cultivation (practicing).

    We can do it because patience is a human quality that can be strengthened. We have what we need. We're patient already—how else did we get through school, learn to love, find a job? We're just not always aware of what helps us be patient, what triggers our impatience, or what to do when our patience wears thin.

    The most important thing to know is that patience is something you do, not something you have or don't have. It's like a muscle. We all have muscles, but some people are stronger than others because they work out.

    The same is true with patience. Some of us may be better at it right now, but each of us can develop more with practice. That's what this book is all about.

    The Power of Patience looks at the importance of patience—what it can do for us, why it's so crucial now, and how to become more patient. It does this from a broad spiritual and inspirational point of view, using my own stories as well as ideas from centuries of wisdom on the topic from around the world. It springs from my quest to live a happy and meaningful life, and my passion to help others do the same.

    This has been a lifelong search for me, but it began to take shape about twenty years ago, when I, as the executive editor of Conari Press, put together a little book with some friends called Random Acts of Kindness. It seemed like a good idea at the time—let's do nice little things for strangers—but when I began to see and hear about the effects it was having, I began to sense I had stumbled onto something very important. Suddenly I was inundated with letters from people telling me of the joy they had experienced as either a doer or a receiver of these acts. The letter I will never forget was from a high school student who said he was going to kill himself, until he read our book and decided that maybe life was worth living.

    I became fascinated with the power of kindness to create happiness, and went on to help write a series of books on the topic. And I began to try to become more kind, both to strangers and those I am close to. And lo and behold, just like the boy who didn't kill himself, I got happier.

    Then I began to wonder, If kindness can have such a positive effect, what other qualities right under our noses could have similar results? I turned my attention to gratitude, and discovered that the more I cultivated a sense of appreciation for all that I had, the happier and less fearful I was. Again, I wrote about my experiences, this time in Attitudes of Gratitude, which also seemed to strike a chord. And once again, I received many letters, this time about the power of gratitude.

    My study of gratitude, the awareness of all that we are receiving, led me naturally to generosity, the giving of ourselves and our resources to someone else, in The Giving Heart, which then led me, naturally, to patience. For the more we cultivate patience, the happier and more peaceful we are, even if things don't always turn out the way we want.

    Using a bit more patience, I could have waited calmly for the (maybe) five minutes it would have taken to pay at the copy shop. I would not have had those negative feelings of irritation and anger, and I would not have upset the other people in the store. My blood pressure would have remained low, my immune system strong. I would have been more content—even while waiting!

    Indeed, the longer I study and practice patience, the more I've come to see that it is a crucial factor in whether we have satisfying lives or not. Patience gives us self-control, the capacity to stop and be in the present moment. From that place we can make wise choices. Patience helps us be more loving toward others, more at ease with the circumstances of our lives, and more able to get what we want. It constantly rewards us with the fruits of maturity and wisdom: healthier relationships, higher-quality work, and peace of mind. It accomplishes this magic by bringing together three essential qualities of mind and heart that allow us to be and do our best: persistence, serenity, and acceptance.


    Patience gives us stick-to-it-ness, the ability to work steadily toward our goals and dreams. Recent research in emotional intelligence demonstrates that the effect of such persistence can equal many IQ points. Asian students in the United States are thought to be, on average, within one or two IQ points of caucasians. But because they are usually taught persistence when young, they end up, as a group, behaving as though they have a much higher average IQ and are disproportionately represented in top universities and highly intellectual professions.

    I once read an interview with the founder of Fast Company magazine, one of the few dot-com–related media still standing after the dot bust. He had had an idea to create a magazine that reflected the new ideas of the times and he pursued it despite huge obstacles. He borrowed against his personal credit cards and stormed the country, trying to get investors. No takers. But he passionately believed in his idea and refused to give up. Literally the day he was down to his last dime and had run out of options, he made the connection that led to the founding of the magazine—and ultimately to his selling it to a publishing conglomerate for a huge sum.

    Stories abound about folks who persisted despite the odds, before finally achieving great success. Walt Disney, for instance, was turned down 302 times before he got financing for Disneyland. George Lucas put up his own money to make Star Wars because no one believed in his vision. By the time the movie came out, he was completely broke. But he ended up becoming phenomenally wealthy precisely because he had been unable to sell any of the rights to the film or sequels.

    Patiently continuing on despite obstacles doesn't mean that we will necessarily reap the kind of huge reward Mr. Fast Company, Walt Disney, or George Lucas did. But it sure increases the odds that we will make our own personal dreams come true, whatever they are.


    Patience also gives us calmness of spirit. With patience, our inner experience is more like a still pond than a raging river. Rather than being thrown into anger, panic, or fear by every circumstance life throws at us—a canceled plane, a missed deadline by a workmate, our spouse forgetting to do an errand—we are able to put it into some kind of perspective that allows us to keep our cool.

    With this composure, rather than being the miserable kvetch who upsets everyone around us, we're the ones people look to for comfort and humor when things go awry. Jesuit priest and author Anthony de Mello describes this attitude when he writes, "All is well, all is well. Though everything is a mess, all is well."

    With patience, we are more able to stay calm on the inside no matter what is happening on the outside. We trust in our capacity to deal with whatever comes our way. And that trust gives great peace of mind.

    One reason for this is that a synonym for patience is self-possession. I love that word; it helps me remember that, with patience, we are in charge of our selves. We can choose how to respond to a given event, rather than being hijacked by our emotions. In this way, patience is like a keel on a boat—it allows us to keep our stability in the stormiest of seas while continuing to move in the direction we desire.


    Patience also gives us the ability to put up graciously with obstacles in our path, to respond to life's challenges with courage, strength, and optimism. A business failure, disappointments in love, a serious disability, money woes—these are just a few of the trials that we might be faced with over the course of a lifetime. Being patient in these circumstances doesn't mean that we have to like the curveballs that get hurled at us. But we recognize that they come with being alive and so we don't add the additional suffering of bitterness, revenge, or hopelessness to the mix. Rather than whining or complaining, we roll up our sleeves and tackle the task at hand.

    Patience in the form of acceptance also allows us to have empathy for others, because we recognize that as human beings, we all have limitations. It gives us the emotional resilience to respond with kindness, to feel compassion.

    When you lovingly tend to an elderly parent who never thanks you, when you calmly explain to a fussy two-year-old for the forty-seventh time why he can't climb on the furniture, you are demonstrating patience, putting up with situations that given your preference you'd rather not, because you understand they are created by people who are, like you, flawed human beings who just want to be happy.

    Through this acceptance of others as they are, and of life as it is showing up right now, we prove our true strength and beauty as human beings. It's easy to be accepting when all is well. But when we are patient when things aren't going the way we want, we truly shine as heroes.

    Take a moment to reflect on a time when you employed the power of patience. What were the circumstances? Did you calm an otherwise volatile situation? Treat someone you care about better than if you had blown your stack? How did it feel? What helped you to act patiently? What happened as a result?

    Now think about a time when someone was patient with you. How did he or she treat you? How did it feel? What were you able to do or learn as a consequence?

    It is because patience is so valuable that all religions offer us models to follow. Buddhists are taught that practicing the patience of the Buddha is one of the ways to reach enlightenment, while patience is one of the ninety-nine divine attributes of God in the Koran. In the Old Testament, Job is the epitome of patience, while Christians are inspired by the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


    Excerpted from THE POWER OF Patience by M. J. RYAN. Copyright © 2013 M. J. Ryan. Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents



    Stick-to-It-Ness: The Power of Persistence,

    No Reason to Stress: The Power of Serenity,

    That's OK: The Power of Acceptance,

    Patience Creates Excellence,

    Patience Brings Us into Harmony with the Cycles of Nature,

    Patience Helps Us Make Better Decisions,

    Patience Connects Us to Hope,

    Patience Helps Us Live Longer and More Stress-Free,

    Patience Helps Us Waste Less Time, Energy, and Money,

    Patience Gets Us More of What We Want,

    Patience Guards the Door to Anger,

    Patience Gives Us Greater Tolerance and Empathy,

    Patience Helps Us Have Happier Love Relationships,

    Patience Makes Us Better Parents,

    Patience Teaches the Power of Receptivity,

    Patience Is the Heart of Civility,

    Patience Grows Our Souls,

    I'm Still Learning,

    Patience Is a Decision,

    This Too Shall Pass,

    The Screws Are Just as Important as the Wings,

    Waiting Is Part of Being Alive,

    It's Better to Work At It Than to Buy Your Way Out of It,

    Where Are You Hurrying To?,

    Boredom Is All in Our Heads,

    Remember Rule Number Six,

    Tuning Out Is as Important as Tuning In,

    What Does This Matter in the Larger Scheme of Things?,

    People Are Only Human,

    Some Things Are Worth Waiting For,

    It Will Work Out,

    It Takes as Long as It Takes,

    There's More Than One Right Way,

    Welcome, Teachers of Patience,

    Enough Is Enough,

    Be Here Now,

    Tell Yourself the Truth About Where You Are Right Now,

    Tune In to Yourself in the Morning,

    When Am I Patient? Let Me Count the Ways,

    Know Your Impatience Triggers,

    Learn Your Early-Warning Signs,

    Take a Breather,

    Climb Down to the Base of the Tree,

    Road Sage, Not Road Rage,

    Issue a Storm Warning to Children,

    Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom,

    Keep Your Blood Sugar Level Up,

    Reframe the Situation,

    Find Something Else to Do,

    Practice with Aging Parents and Other Elders,

    Respond from Your Heart,

    Tell Yourself You Have All the Time You Need,

    Do a Risk Analysis,

    Keep Your Eyes on the Prize,

    Underwhelm Yourself,

    Ask Yourself: Is This Thing Still Flying?,

    My Thanks,


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    ". . .proves that the ability to be patient is the mark of wisdom as well as the cause for happiness, and offers straightforward, believable instructions for developing that ability." —Sylvia Boorstein, author of Happiness Is an Inside Job

    It has become the norm in our everyday busy lives: we expect everything to happen instantaneously and become instantly aggravated when it doesn’t. The result is that we can feel frantic and rushed, stressed and unhappy nearly all the time. Not to mention how the people around us feel.

    In The Power of Patience, M. J. Ryan teaches us how to slow the rush and reclaim the forgotten virtue of patience on a daily basis. She shows how doing so allows us to make better decisions and to feel better about ourselves every day.

    As a co-creator of the bestselling Random Acts of Kindness books, and author of Attitudes of Gratitude, M.J. Ryan discovered that the classic virtues have enduring power to bring light and love into our lives. With The Power of Patience, she shares what she has learned about the gifts that this old-fashioned quality can bestow, the attitudes that foster a patient outlook, and the practical tools that help us to respond patiently in any given moment.

    The Power of Patience calls on us to reclaim our time, our priorities, and our ability to respond to life with a firmly grounded sense of who we are. It is the best gift, we soon learn, that we can give ourselves.

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