The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex

    The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex

    by W. Adam Mandelbaum


    (First Edition)

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      ISBN-13: 9780312271497
    • Publisher: St. Martin's Press
    • Publication date: 03/26/2002
    • Sold by: Macmillan
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 336
    • File size: 414 KB

    W. Adam Mandelbaum is a New York attorney, practicing psychic, and former intelligence officer. He is the co-founder of the Intuitive Studies Institute, a remote viewing research group.

    W. Adam Mandelbaum is a New York attorney, practicing psychic, and former intelligence officer. He is the cofounder of the Intuitive Studies Institute, a remote-viewing research group.

    Read an Excerpt

    The Psychic Battlefield

    A History of the Military-Occult Complex

    By W. Adam Mandelbaum

    St. Martin's Press

    Copyright © 2000 The Reference Works W. Adam Mandelbaum
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-0-312-27149-7



    The World of the Psychic Soldier

    One of the darkly fascinating aspects of man's history on Earth has been his progress, in method and magnitude, in the development of ever more efficient means of destroying his fellow man. Bereft of claw and fang, yet possessed of the most developed brain of all species, man has become the most dangerous predator on the planet.

    But this predator, whose feet stalk the ground in search of kill or conquest, has his eyes ever on the stars, in search of, and in supplication to, the extrasensory—what some have called the spirit world, what many still call God. This need to believe walks hand in hand with the need to kill.

    As divergent and diametrically opposed as these needs appear to be, they have at times coalesced in a mystical marriage, wherein the warrior is also the wizard, the marauder is also the magician. It is the history of this relationship that concerns us in this work. It is the saga of Psychics and Soldiers—A History of the Military-Occult Complex.

    A hunter since the dawn of his time, man, with his opposable thumbs and highly developed cerebral cortex, has progressed from club to spear to flint arrow to flintlock to the summit of destruction, the mushroom cloud producing thermonuclear destruction. He has now reached into the genetic code of life itself to create biological weapons that cannot just kill, but have the potential to be indestructible and irrevocable. As his "technology of thanatology" has evolved, man's concept of the supernatural, the spirit world, has also changed.

    The primitive animist became the civilized polytheist. The polytheist became the monotheist. The most recent step is the development of the atheist, a creature with a lesser need to believe in an anthropomorphic deity, but who nevertheless, as we shall see, can still accept the extrasensory spiritual world under a different terminology. The scientific spirit is what now guides him in the paranormal realms.

    Whereas the ancient shaman painted cave walls, predicting successful hunts, and danced before tribal fires to contact the spirits, the modern-day magus sits on his CIA-issue couch and sends his government-trained astral body into the ether in search of prey. Even today, what might be called "Private Third Eyes" exist, veterans of the military-psychic spying program. Now, for hefty fees, they will enter the astral world for information, the world's most valuable commodity.

    In this survey of psychics and soldiers, the early interaction of the spirit world and the martial world shall be examined. (The word "martial" has its origin in the Roman war god, Mars). We will bear witness to the wonder workings of the Egyptians, who conducted naval warfare in the ether as well as in the real world, and learn the ancient spells to obtain prophetic dreams to predict the outcome of great battles to be fought. Leaving the ancient world, the next stop shall be the frozen north, where the armored Valkyries ride wolves into battle alongside mortal men and weave death on their looms of human guts and skulls.

    Our journey across time and space as witnesses to this world of conquest and sorcery reveals the pantheon of war gods and the rituals used to invoke their aid, and the techniques of the samurai and ninja who, as mystic warriors, refined death into an art and a spiritual exercise. Leaving the east and moving through time, we will trek the sands of Jerusalem with the warrior-monks Knights Templars, who started under vows of poverty and chastity to protect the earthly bodies of spiritual pilgrims, and yet became Europe's greedy bankers, then tinder for the stakes of Rome.

    Other times and territories shall be revealed in the realm of the psychic and the soldier, until an arrival at the twentieth century. The atheists of the Soviet Union will achieve a TKO (a telepathic knockout) via "remote influence." They will intercept telepathic transmissions and use electro-magnetics to enhance human extrasensory perception.

    During the time of Nazi power in Germany are found top-level officers who practiced astrology: The head of the SS conducted "remote influence" experiments and the prophecies of Nostradamus, a converted Jew, were used to further Nazi propaganda aims.

    It was the influence of the prewar magical societies that were to give spiritual sustenance to the Nazi movement, and we'll see how some of the world's most famous "sorcerers" were deeply involved in military and intelligence matters during the National Socialist era.

    A cast of characters includes such men as Aleister Crowley, a bisexual heroin addict who worked at times for British Intelligence. Jack Parsons, head of a sex-magic cult, who developed solid rocket propellant for the military in World War II. Present also are bogus German aristocrats who, in the years before the war, mixed magic and mayhem as they sought military conquest via magically aided means. Their plans, dreams, and bodies all are now but dust.

    More recently, the CIA used superstition to battle insurgents in the Congo, investigated the possibilities of mind control via hypnosis and drugs, and even considered using subliminal persuasion as a behavior modification tool.

    The final historical destination shall be at the end of the twentieth century on the eve of the third millenium, in Maryland, sitting alongside CIA-trained psychics who venture out astrally into the ether to spy upon strategic and tactical targets, find downed aircraft, and locate hostages. Interested parties will be able to enroll in a correspondence course in remote viewing, sold over the Internet.

    At the end of this work is a special interview with the top CIA psychic, the heavyweight champion of remote viewing, Joseph McMoneagle, and a description of his work, his life, and his predictions for the future, not only for remote viewing, but for the world at large.

    But this will be more than a survey of the spirit world and its spies and soldiers. More than a history, this will be, and must be, an analysis, a critique, and finally, in the full spirit of this effort, a prognostication. We must ask Why? How? We must know if this mystic marriage of martial and metaphysical ways is a sham wedding, and if not, what is its future?

    In addressing the how and why of the psychic soldier, perhaps a partial answer is obtained from the the Hindu god Krishna. In urging the warrior Arjuna on to conquest and the slaughter of his enemies in the Hindu saga, the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna details the warrior's qualities: "Heroism, majesty, firmness, skill and not fleeing in battle also.

    Generosity and Lordly nature are the natural-born actions of warriors."

    This is a description of more than a mere mortal. It is the description of a veritable god of war.

    An ancient idealization and idolizing of the warrior. Was it not logical, then, for the warrior to seek divine aid in order to live up to this ideal, and die in accordance with it?

    Society calls upon its warriors to act as gods. It empowers them to kill without punishment, destroy without accountability, and it extols the virtue of self-sacrifice. The warrior is our Adonis, our Osiris, our Attis—and, yes, our Jesus too. We demand of him the strength of Hercules, the speed of Hermes and the thundering power of Zeus.

    The societies that created the pressure to be as gods, along with these expectations, treated their warriors as if they were gods. Indeed, they were higher beings: exempt from mundane occupations, beneficiaries of the sacrifices of grain and gold, they reigned over the other castes and classes. The warrior was the Mercury of mortality, a divine messenger of Death.

    It was Death who was the constant companion of the warrior, but historically, death was not a terminus, but a doorway to a better world for the valiant. The Teutonic warrior fallen in battle found his reward in Valhalla. The Saracen whose scimitar fell from his dead hand found his spiritual hand holding a cup of wine, served by a dark-eyed and beautiful houri of Paradise.

    The whole existence of the warrior was involved with the mystery of death, the glory of an afterlife, and a temporal exalted status in his society. Not only his function and status, but his way of life also made the warrior comfortable—in the robe of the wizard.

    Ritual plays an important role in both the military and in magic. A certain cadence in a march, the execution of certain movements, etiquette, are all taught the warrior. In magical ceremonies, a place for everything and everything in its place is a sine qua non for effective evocation. Thus both endeavors were accustomed to formal methods of movement and action.

    Symbolism is also found throughout military establishments and magical endeavors, whether it is the five-pointed star on the major general's epaulet, or the five-pointed pentagram on the wizard's breast. The salute is a gesture invoked when confronting a higher-ranking being—both in camp and in coven—although its form may vary with the time and territory.

    Hierarchical organization is a major phenomenon in the warrior and magician castes. The sergeant has his captain who has his major who has his general. The priest (who is the intercessor between the material and spiritual worlds) has his bishop who has his cardinal who has his pope.

    We have the psychological background in his obligations and status for the warrior to do double duty as a wizard. We have the procedural similarities of ritual, symbolism and structure to facilitate the trip from sword bearer to wand waver. We also have matters of blood ties.

    Throughout much of history, the noble families produced the warriors and the priests for their societies. The one who sought adventure in conquest might be a knight. The one who sought learning and the comforts of the cloister, such as they were, might be a priest. Thus, in the ruling classes of nations, where throughout history a theocratic form of government had both de facto and de jure power, the soldier and the spiritual practitioner might well have been related.

    The above parallels show the shared world of the psychic and soldier, and lend understanding to the factors that allow the trained military man to become the trained practitioner of extra-sensory manipulations. Thus the explanation. The question, however, is, Does it work?

    In this book, it shall be shown that these powers impact on military and intelligence operations. That they are of real tactical and strategic value; psychics are the spies of the future. The answer lies in the supposed successes and failures of the psychic soldier, and an attempt to analyze why what worked, worked, and why what failed, failed.

    This analysis required the input of parapsychologists, neuroscientists, the examination of declassified government studies and documents, newspapers and medieval grimoires, the exploration of divinatory methods, and comments from experts in both espionage and ESP. Like the intelligence agent I was, I sifted through all of this material and created a SITREP, or situation report analyzing just what might be going on in this shadow realm of the psychic soldier. Mechanical and electronic devices designed to enhance or inhibit ESP have also been investigated, in a survey of the emerging technologies of the spirit world.

    All of this was done in support of the raison d'être of this book—to raise public awareness of the history of the military-occult complex, examine its present status (as far as access to unclassified sources will allow), and consider the future of the use of psychics by the military and intelligence services.

    As our material military technologies are constantly being upgraded, so must our spiritual technologies—such as they are, such as they might become. Given modern informational demands on our military, if pyschic soldiers did not exist, we should have to invent them.

    This present endeavor is in some ways a further stepping stone in the already existing path of works on psychic warfare. However, it is believed that this work is the first survey and analysis of the entire history of the wizard warrior, from the dawn of man to the eve of the third millennium.

    Other works have dealt with specific times and techniques. Herein, all times and techniques are surveyed. And the surveyor encompasses a background not shared by any other who has gone this way before.

    The author has served in military intelligence and the National Security Agency in the area of COMINT, communications intelligence. Further, for over twenty years, I have both personally and professionally read and prognosticated from the tarot. I am the legal advisor to a major metropolitan organization of skeptics, and a fellow of the American Society for Psychical Research. Add to that my two decades of working as a civil and criminal litigator and coming up against some rather accomplished liars, I am a rather unusual observer of the psychic soldier scenario.

    Research consistently shows that not only does belief in the paranormal persist in spite of increases in education, but that acceptance of the possibility of such phenomena as extrasensory perception, remote viewing (clairvoyance), telekinesis (mind over matter), astral projection (out-of-body experiences), telepathy, all manner of divination techniques, and a host of other paranormal phenomena is greater at the extreme ends of the intelligence scale—that is, among the most intelligent members of society (to whom this work is addressed)—and the less gifted.

    The cultural and intellectual middle classes are a new silent majority for the New Age. However, it is hoped that this present volume—with respect to this subject—may shed some light into these darkened crevices of mass culture and belief systems. If completely false, it is at least fascinating and thought provoking, and if even partially true, it represents the greatest revolution in human potential since our exodus from the trees and our standing upon two feet.

    Many will question, some incredulously, how those in power and authority throughout history, and especially now, in our microchip, micromanaged age, can spend time, manpower, and money on what may not inaccurately be called witchcraft in modern dress.

    This is not an unfair question. It deserves, and shall receive, an answer.

    It is not only the tendency, but the duty of the military and the intelligence services to explore every technology, hard or soft, that has potential for effective tactical and strategic use. For it is beyond doubt that the world of wholesale killing, the de facto purpose of the military, and the world of information upon which wholesale killing may occur is not the mundane world of the average man. What works ethically, morally, and practically for the man on Main Street is irrelevant to the CIA (or equivalent) "street man" who must use every vice and virtue to accomplish his aims, which are, in actuality, the aims of his government.

    Whether it is a bribe, sexual blackmail, physical intimidation, brainwashing, or even remote viewing, if a technique works, or can be made to work, it goes into the toolbox of the soldier and the spy. And it must. Lives may depend on it. The fate of nations may depend on it. For this arena is not a small one. As in any real arena, death and defeat may be encountered. It is possible that one person can set off Armageddon; and, perhaps, possible that one psychic may prevent it.

    Further, to those who might laugh derisively at the concept of warrior-wizards and psychic soldiers, it is respectfully submitted that you look to your churches, your mosques, your synagogues—all age-old institutions built on concepts of the immaterial, which are so fantastic to a rational mind, that remote-viewing and telekinesis pale in comparison.

    A man who supposedly rose from the dead two millennia ago gives rise to an institution that in the seventeenth century owned twenty percent of French real estate, and today controls the hearts, minds, and pockets of millions. An Arab nomad founded a faith that is practiced by scores of millions of believers, themselves controlling vast natural resources of tremendous geopolitical import. A tiny religion which originated from a volcano spirit, that despite wholesale attempts at its extermination has given rise to some of the greatest scientific and cultural achievements of man, and whose progeny have created the most effective intelligence organization in the world.

    Are all of the above not more fantastic than the idea that the mind of man may be extended beyond his normal five senses and used for military and intelligence purposes? Do those who believe in God, yet scoff at the psychic world, really doubt their own spiritual system, their own foundations of faith?


    Excerpted from The Psychic Battlefield by W. Adam Mandelbaum. Copyright © 2000 The Reference Works W. Adam Mandelbaum. Excerpted by permission of St. Martin's Press.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents


    Title Page,
    CHAPTER 19 - 1984,
    APPENDIX 2 - Supernatural Counterinsurgency in the Congo,
    Copyright Page,

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    A former intelligence professional sheds new light on the obscure intersection of the military and the paranormal-the Military-Occult Complex-and reveals the incredible story of psychic abilities turned into a weapon of war by the world's soldiers and spies.

    In the annals of military and espionage history there have been many strange tales to be told, but none can match the saga of psychic espionage-the history of the Military-Occult Complex. With the flavor of fiction, but the foundation of fact, The Psychic Battlefield is the complete history of the use of man's extrasensory powers in search of the information needed to win wars-hot and cold.

    The Psychic Battlefield spans the five thousand-year history of ESPionage, from the attempted overthrow of the Pharaoh Rameses by magic to the CIA use of military-trained psychics during the Cold War. It is a story as true as it is incredible.

    This book reveals the story of the sacred Templar skull; the Angelic communications of John Dee, intelligence agent of Queen Elizabeth I; the psychic stranglehold of Rasputin on the Romanovs; and the occult endeavors of the Nazis and the Soviets.

    The Psychic Battlefield contains the names and rites of the old demons of war, contacted by military strategists in search of supernatural support. It explains and discusses different methods of divination used by armies throughout history, and reveals the various ways of making a soldier into a superman.

    The cast of characters includes such noteworthy names as sorcerer-poet Aleister Crowley, author Ian Fleming, spoon-bending General Stubblebine, and Psychic Warrior David Morehouse. In addition, the book features an exclusive interview with top psychic spy Joseph McMoneagle.

    Most remarkable of all is Mandelbaum's fascinating exposé of the paranormal research and remote viewing experiments conducted by the CIA, as well as the real effectiveness of the government's Stargate program.

    Attorney, psychic, former intelligence professional and dark-side investigative reporter W. Adam Mandelbaum clearly demonstrates that the final frontier of future wars and spies is the mind. Stay tuned.

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