The Real Grey's Anatomy: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at thte Real Lives of Surgical Residents

    The Real Grey's Anatomy: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at thte Real Lives of Surgical Residents

    4.1 22

    by Andrew Holtz



    Customer Reviews

    Andrew Holtz, MPH, is a health journalist. A former CNN medical correspondent—and co-anchor for the Your Health program—he now works as a freelancer covering health and medicine. Holtz earned a Master of Public Health degree in the Oregon MPH program. He received his BA from Stanford University where he majored in broadcast communication and minored in physics. He is a board member and past president of the Association of Health Care Journalists.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction 1

    1 The First Day 5

    2 The First Cut 12

    3 Some Background 17

    4 Codes and Trauma 20

    5 Unexpected 29

    6 Flame On 32

    7 Hospitals Never Close 35

    8 Holidays 51

    9 Truth in a Bottle 59

    10 Match Day 61

    11 Bad News 72

    12 Amputation 85

    13 Communication 90

    14 Treating Bad People 110

    15 Death 118

    16 The Personality of Surgery 139

    17 Institutions Have Personalities, Too 177

    18 Extracurricular Activities 184

    19 Family 190

    20 Hospital Roman 197

    21 Hierarchy 200

    22 Taking Care of Yourself 207

    23 Transplant 217

    24 Memento 222

    25 Strange Memories 228

    26 Evidence 232

    27 Research 237

    28 Generations 242

    29 This M&M Isn't Sweet 257

    30 The Pause That Protects 262

    31 Twenty-First-Century Charts 268

    32 Get Me off the Website 277

    33 Practice Makes Perfect 279

    34 A Discharge 283

    35 The Bill 285

    36 Planning for the Worst 293

    37 Reputations 301

    Index 307

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    A behind-the-scenes look at the real lives of surgical residents, from the author of The Medical Science of House, M.D.

    Do surgeons talk about their sex lives while cutting a heart open? How do surgeons respond to death? How do they react when asked to save the life of an abuser, criminal, or addict?

    Since its debut, the ABC medical drama Grey's Anatomy has asked such questions. With an emphasis on the personal lives of the surgical interns, residents, and attending physicians, the show has generated interest in how these professionals survive this rigorous educational program. How much of its drama is entertainment, and how much is accurate? Here, a medical journalist provides answers. He examines a group of new surgical residents in the Pacific Northwest as they tackle long hours, fascinating procedures, and emotional ups and downs that comprise the life of a student of surgery.

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    Publishers Weekly
    The overachievers on the hit TV show Grey's Anatomy stand on the shoulders of M.D.s from decades of medical dramas. But health journalist Holtz finds more than a kernel of truth in the ABC white-coat soaper and notes, “[O]ur attitudes and beliefs about surgery and medicine shift and adapt unconsciously” while we take in the fiction from Seattle Grace Hospital. What unfolds in the book is a Cliff's Notes for surgical residents: the grueling hours—a max of 80 a week; the weird operating flukes—a flame bizarrely ignites from the gas in a surgery patient's gut; the need to give good care even to bad people. The anecdotes, however, seem as likely to come from Grey's as from real life. On the struggle in treating ailing criminals, one resident confides, “I don't feel like my care was compromised by being aware that he was a criminal, but it definitely made me think about it.” There's little new in these tales from the sick ward, but Holtz gives them all a Hollywood glow. (Jan.)
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