The Rendezvous

    The Rendezvous

    by Evelyn Anthony


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      ISBN-13: 9781504024631
    • Publisher: Open Road Media
    • Publication date: 12/15/2015
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 186
    • Sales rank: 256,132
    • File size: 2 MB

    Evelyn Anthony is the pen name of Evelyn Ward-Thomas (1926–2018), a female British author who began writing in 1949. She gained considerable success with her historical novels—two of which were selected for the American Literary Guild—before winning huge acclaim for her espionage thrillers. Her book, The Occupying Power, won the Yorkshire Post Fiction Prize, and her 1971 novel, The Tamarind Seed, was made into a film starring Julie Andrews and Omar Sharif. Anthony’s books have been translated into nineteen languages.
    Evelyn Anthony is the pen name of Evelyn Ward-Thomas (1926–2108), a female British author who began writing in 1949. She gained considerable success with her historical novels—two of which were selected for the American Literary Guild—before winning huge acclaim for her espionage thrillers. Her book, The Occupying Power, won the Yorkshire Post Fiction Prize, and her 1971 novel, The Tamarind Seed, was made into a film starring Julie Andrews and Omar Sharif. Anthony’s books have been translated into nineteen languages.

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    The Rendezvous

    By Evelyn Anthony


    Copyright © 1967 Anthony Enterprise, Ltd.
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-1-5040-2463-1


    'Darling. Darling, wake up.' She leant over him, thought of kissing him to wake him and then decided not to; he was always irritable when he woke up, however successfully they had made love. He didn't like to be caressed or teased. He opened his eyes slowly and they focused on her face. 'Hi,' she said, smiling at him. 'It's nearly five.' He looked at his watch and sat up, throwing off the sheet. He had a lean and splendid body and he kept it in top condition. He was a very disciplined man, and Julia liked this; it was part of what made him different from her two husbands, both flabby, rich and easy to despise. You couldn't despise Karl Amstat even if you did have a million dollars. Foreigners had this strength, this masculinity; you were a woman and treated like a woman. You just didn't take liberties or they weren't around any more. Julia had come to like this aspect of her lover too. He had the upper hand, and she knew it and accepted it. Otherwise she wouldn't keep him; it was as simple as that.

    'I'm going to take a shower,' he said. He smiled at her over his shoulder. 'I know what you're like when you get to the bathroom first. You'll be in there for hours.'

    'You're so selfish,' she said. 'I just don't know why I put up with you. I'm going to mix myself a drink.' She got up and draped herself in a long chiffon négligée; it was just like a piece of rag when it wasn't being worn, and it had cost two hundred dollars. She covered herself in it, and brushed her hair, watching herself in the mirror. She looked good, very good indeed. She was thirty-one and beautiful, as well as rich and well connected. She had everything, including a lover who never said he loved her, and went into the bathroom first. She laughed out loud at herself in the glass and went into the lounge to find a drink. She was very happy.

    He locked the bathroom door and went under the shower. He was irritated that his mistress wanted a drink before six o'clock. Five, and just out of bed, and straight to the liquor cupboard. He disapproved and she knew it, but he wasn't going to say anything to her. They were very comfortable together; he was proud of her because she was beautiful and she had brought him a lot of clients, rich people like herself, who wanted him to design a new summer place down on the coast, or build them houses where they could spend holidays, till they got bored and took off for somewhere else. He was very successful as an architect. His serious work was designing new office blocks and in fact this was where the money was. Julia's friends were useful for another reason. They provided him with a background – additional cover was a better way of describing it. He had a niche in New York now. After only six years he was part of the scene; people knew him or of him. Karl Amstat, the architect. He went to the mirror and looked at himself; he combed his blond hair flat, and studied himself very carefully. He hadn't changed much; he had dropped all the old tricks like growing a moustache or wearing glasses. In a way his good looks had been an asset. It was much easier to blend into the scene when you had regular features that could be altered by changing your hair colour, almost impossible if you had a big nose or were short-sighted. Now he just looked like himself, only twenty years older, and at last he felt able to relax. They would never find him now.

    Julia wanted to marry him. He smiled when he thought of that. It had been awkward refusing her to start with; she was very persistent, like all American women who were used to having their own way. She couldn't understand why he wouldn't marry her. She said she loved him and he couldn't quarrel with that; he wasn't sure what she meant by love, because it was a word she and her friends were always using, indiscriminately. They just loved a show they'd seen, or a new apartment decorated by some smart pansy, or a new man they'd met, or a bloody dog, come to that. She loved him, she said. She wanted to marry him, and she brought it up every few months, casually, as if she didn't really care one way or the other. Once or twice he had felt tempted to say 'Yes'. Yes of course I'll marry you, but first there's a little something you should know....

    Amstat had been very lonely for the first year. He had got a job in an architect's office, but nobody bothered to make friends with him. Without money or contacts New York was a cold place to live. It had been a slow process and he had been miserable. When the luck changed, it changed with typical New York speed. He got a commission to do a design for an out-of-town factory. That building made him. He left the firm and set up on his own, and the commissions came with a rush. He had money and he found he had friends too. The two went together, and he had been long enough in New York to accept that without undue cynicism. He had met Julia Adams at a party. She was very smart, wearing something that looked like nothing and was still different to the clothes the other women wore. She had lovely jewellery and a beautiful face, expertly made up, and he had found himself taking her out to dinner. The second time they met he went back to her apartment and they went to bed together. He had had women over the years, but they were mostly tarts and once or twice a girl he had picked up who wasn't a prostitute, though he always treated them as if they were. For nearly twenty years he had avoided any kind of intimacy with anyone.

    Julia had been the beginning of his new life. He had begun to enjoy himself; she gave him confidence and he relaxed. He would have liked to marry her. She had even said, very unwillingly, that if he wanted it, she'd have a child. He liked her, and he could keep the upper hand with her; she was marvellous in bed and he couldn't think what more they needed to be happy. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't ever get that close to anyone – she had started asking why he didn't take out American citizenship, and that had clinched it. Papers, investigations, questions. He would have to be alone for as long as he lived. And he was lucky even so.

    She was only half an hour in the bathroom; he was already dressed and reading the evening papers. 'Karl?' She was calling from the bedroom.

    'Yes? What is it?'

    'Bring me a Scotch-and-soda, darling.'

    'No. You've had one already. Drinking gives you lines.'

    'Oh God, you are hell. You know it worries me if you say that. I haven't got lines, have I?'

    'You will have, if you drink this early in the evening.'

    She came out of the bedroom and he put the paper down. 'What do I look like?'

    She wore a yellow silk dress and a big diamond brooch on one shoulder. The colour suited her; she had very dark hair and brown eyes. 'You look beautiful,' Amstat said. 'Where are we going?'

    She came and sat beside him and lit a cigarette. 'If I tell you, you'll say no.'

    'Probably. But try me, anyway.'

    'Do you really think I'm beautiful?'

    'Yes.' He smiled at her. She was very nice, and he liked her. He took hold of her hand and held it. 'Tell me where we're going that I won't want to go.'

    'It's a cocktail party.'

    'Oh God, no! I can't stand those awful parties – Julia, you know how I hate them. Crowds of people, nowhere to sit – who's giving it?'

    'Ruth Bradford Hilton. She's just got back from a trip to India, and she's got a divine new husband. This party's to introduce him round. Darling, you'll love her, she's divine, and he sounds divine too. I haven't seen her for ages – she went round the world after her divorce and then she met this guy in Italy and then they went to India. I'm going anyway, but I do want you to come with me. Besides, darling, the Bradfords are very important people in New York. You ought to meet them. She says her brother and his wife will be there. They've taken an apartment in New York, usually they live in Boston; he's Robert Bradford the Third. They've got a house in the Bahamas, a place in Florida – honey, they're loaded! Haven't you heard of them?'

    'No,' he said. 'I haven't. But I'm only a poor humble foreigner. I'm not an authority on your American dollar dynasties.'

    'Then you should be,' Julia said. 'It's where you get your living. It's six-forty – I want to get there early and talk to Ruth. Come on, darling. Just for me. I need a handsome man to take me around.'

    'All right,' he said. 'But we're not staying too long.'

    'Just an hour,' Julia said. Once they were there it wouldn't matter. She wanted to show Ruth what she'd picked up for herself right in the middle of New York. He really was divine, and she was never going to let him go.

    The Bradford Hiltons' apartment was on Park Avenue, eighteen floors up. They could hear the noise of the party coming up in the elevator, and Amstat looked at Julia and winced.

    They went into the crush, Julia pushing ahead, stopping for a moment to shout at someone she knew and then pushing on. He followed her because he didn't see anyone he knew and there was nothing else to do.

    'Ruth – darling! How are you? How wonderful to see you – you look divine!'

    Mrs. Ruth Bradford Hilton had a handsome weather-beaten face and a loud laugh; she was a small woman who looked much older than American women usually did; she couldn't have been more than forty-five. He could imagine her going on a tiger-shoot in India or crossing the Sahara with whichever husband she happened to be married to, and enjoying every moment of it. She was very typical of a certain type of very rich American woman. Tough as hell, and born out of her time. She was the direct descendant of the old pioneers who founded America, and the fact that she was worth fifty million and dressed at Balenciaga didn't make her any different. The man she introduced as her husband was a pleasant, well-bred Englishman with a stupid face, who hardly said a word.

    She turned to Amstat, taking in everything about him. He could see her doing it, making a thorough judgment of Julia's new boy friend – he hated that expression with its patronising implications. He smiled at her and asked her how she enjoyed India.

    'It was fabulous, fantastic. Have you ever been there, Mr. Amstat?'

    'No,' he said. 'Please call me Karl.'

    'Karl then, how nice of you! Well, you really must go. We stayed with the Jam Singhs, you know – Aysha's an old friend of mine, we spent a summer in Europe together as girls – she's such a beauty – you know how dainty Indian women are – well, George just adored the idea, he's a wonderful shot, you know, so we thought we'd go and pay the Jam Singhs a visit for our honeymoon ...' She talked on and on, interrupted by people rushing up to kiss her and scream the same old inanities about how marvellous it was to see her and how divine she looked. She kept coming back to him, going on describing the palace where they stayed, and how her hostess had become a political power in India, and then she was telling him about the tiger-shoot. He had lost Julia, and he couldn't see her anywhere. Suddenly Ruth said, 'That's enough about us, Karl; tell me about you. What do you do, and where do you come from? You're German, aren't you?'

    'No,' he said. 'I'm Swiss. I'm an architect, Mrs. Hilton.'

    The sun-tanned face opened out in a dazzling smile. She had a compelling charm. 'You must call me Ruth, if I'm going to call you Karl. I hate formality, so does George – don't you, sweet?'

    Her husband looked down at her. 'Yes, I do. Can't stand it.'

    From the way he looked at her Amstat thought he hadn't married her just for her money. He might end up by staying with her for it, though.

    'And you're an architect – how fascinating. How long have you known Julia?'

    'Two years,' Amstat said. He wondered if she were going to ask him if they lived together. She was the kind of woman who might, if she wanted to know.

    'I'm so glad,' she said. 'She's looking marvellous. That last husband of hers was a drag – thank God she had the sense to get divorced. Are you married? Oh, George, get that waiter, darling, he's taking the champagne away and I'm just dying for a glass ...'

    'No, I'm not married. I'm a bachelor. Confirmed, I'm afraid.'

    The smile came at him again. 'Don't count on it. I know little Julia. Oh, there's my brother, and his wife. Damn, where's George – no, don't go, Karl, I want you to meet them. Robert, sweetie; Terese – Robert, this is Karl Amstat.' He shook hands with a tall, good-looking American man, and then he heard Ruth Hilton say, 'And this is my sister-in-law, Terese Bradford. Mr. Amstat.'

    The woman had been half turned away from him, speaking to someone. Now she came round and held out her hand. Her blonde hair was cut short, her eyes looked straight at him. 'How do you do,' she said. After twenty years he found himself face to face with Terese Masson.

    'What's your name?'

    'You know it. You have my papers.'

    He saw Willi Freischer make a move beside him.

    'No,' he said. 'Leave her alone.'

    Freischer always began an interrogation by hitting the prisoner. If it was a man he punched him and kicked him in the kidneys or the groin. He slapped the women backwards and forwards till they had bloody noses and split lips. If they answered back he thumped them in the breasts. It was a good idea to let the girl see Freischer so she would know what to expect if she didn't co-operate. He looked up at her quite calmly; it was his function to be calm, to maintain a balance between the big, beefy Gestapo butcher standing behind him at the desk and his own polite line of questioning.

    She was very young, the girl they had arrested when she got off the train from Lyons. Her papers said she was eighteen. If she hadn't been so frightened she would have been very pretty. Fear made the human face ugly, it stretched the skin, turned it sallow, hollowed out the eyes.

    She was terrified; he could tell by the way she held her hands tightly together on her knees. They were shaking and she was tensing up, trying to control them. Two years in the S.D. section had taught Alfred Brunnerman a lot about human reactions to things like pain and fear. It was his job to assess the individual, to judge how strong or weak they were, how long he needed to break them. If he hadn't the time to waste on them he passed them on to Willi Friescher who took them up to the fourth floor. This girl, Terese Masson, was an important prisoner. Not important in herself; she was little more than a courier, taking messages from place to place, but it was her bad luck to know something which really was important. That was why General Knochen had sent her up to him first and not left her to Freischer to interview. Freischer was apt to overdo it; many of his prisoners died. Knochen believed in Brunnerman's intellectual approach to his job; he held a long list of successes behind him since he joined the Gestapo in 1940.

    'Your name is Terese Masson, you are eighteen years old, you were born at Nancy on June 18th, 1925, your father is dead, and you live with a Mademoiselle Jerome at 22 Rue Bonnard. This is all in front of me. Major Freischer, that's all for the moment.'

    Freischer saluted and went out. As he walked past the chair where the girl was sitting he looked at her. He hoped she stuck it out; he hoped he got his hands on her. He'd make the little bitch squeal. He hated the French more even than the Poles or the Jews or any of the inferior races. He couldn't have explained why, but it was something to do with their culture and their good cooking, and the way everyone talked about Paris as if it were something special, better than other cities. He was not, unlike two of his assistants, one of them a Frenchman, a homosexual, but he enjoyed roughing up French women. They were supposed to be so smart, so pretty, so hot in bed. He felt really savage towards them. He went out and shut the door. Brunnerman didn't speak, he wrote something down and waited, as if he were thinking.


    Excerpted from The Rendezvous by Evelyn Anthony. Copyright © 1967 Anthony Enterprise, Ltd.. Excerpted by permission of OPEN ROAD INTEGRATED MEDIA.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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    A former member of the French Resistance encounters an SS officer who interrogated her twenty years earlier in this novel that’s part thriller and part love story
    Twenty years after World War II, at a smart cocktail party in New York City, architect Karl Amstat finds himself face-to-face with Terese Masson. A courier in the Resistance, then eighteen-year-old Terese had been questioned by SS officer Alfred Brunnerman. The scion of an elite family, Brunnerman joined the Gestapo in 1940. Though experienced in counter-espionage and famed for his intellectual approach to prisoners, he secretly detested brutality of any kind. After the war, Brunnerman fled to Switzerland, where he reinvented himself as Karl Amstat. But he never forgot Terese.
    The now married Terese has no memory of this long-ago ordeal, and, unaware of Amstat’s true identity, she finds herself irresistibly attracted to him. But he’s a hunted outcast who has been living a lie for twenty years. When he’s reported to Israeli Intelligence, Amstat is ready to make the greatest sacrifice for the woman he loves more than life itself—the woman who has given him back his identity.

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