The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean's Are One

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    by Sylvia A. Earle, Bill McKibben (Foreword by)



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    • ISBN-13: 9781426206399
    • Publisher: National Geographic Society
    • Publication date: 10/12/2010
    • Pages: 320
    • Product dimensions: 9.24(w) x 11.80(h) x 0.83(d)

    Known worldwide as the Ambassador for the Ocean, Sylvia Earle is also TIME magazine's first "Hero for the Planet" and National Geographic's first Explorer in Residence. She is former NOAA Chief Scientist, and the first person to walk untethered at the lowest depth ever—1, 250 feet. She is a major force in the establishment and growth of the world's marine sanctuaries and was personally responsible for convincing President Bush that the recently named sanctuary in Hawaii should be protected. She is founder and director of Deep Ocean Research and Exploration, which designs instruments for deep-sea exploration. She is author of 15 books on the ocean.

    Table of Contents

    Foreword Bill McKibben 6

    A View From the Gulf of Mexico: April-June 2010 8

    Introduction: Why Care That the World Is Blue? 15

    Perspective 23

    I The Vision: Limitless Ocean Bounty, Infinite Resiliency

    Taking Wildlife I-The Mammals 29

    Taking Wildlife II-The Fish 53

    Taking Wildlife III-The Shellfish 79

    The Ultimate Garbage Disposal 101

    II The Reality: The Ocean is in Trouble: Therefore, so are we

    Biodiversity Loss: Unraveling the Fabric of Life in the Sea 119

    Drilling, Mining, Shipping, Spilling 139

    Changing Climate, Changing Chemistry 159

    III Now is the Time: Opportunities for Action

    Exploring the Ocean 185

    Governing the Ocean 203

    Farming the Ocean 221

    Protecting the Ocean 241

    Acknowledgments 260

    About the Author 262

    TED Talk 264

    Congressional Testimony 271

    Protected Marine Sites 286

    Chart Assessing Progress Toward Global Marine Protection Targets 302

    Marine Protected Areas Maps 304

    Bibliography 308

    Web Links 316

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    This book tie-in to National Geographic's ambitious 5-year ocean initiative—focusing on overfishing—is written in National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Sylvia Earle's accessible yet hard-hitting voice. Through compelling personal stories she puts the current and future peril of the ocean and the life it supports in perspective for a wide public audience.

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    From the Publisher
    “In her new book, ‘The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One,” Earle explains how close we are to a tipping point.” –Bloomberg.com
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