Trees of Eastern North America

    by Gil Nelson, Christopher J Earle, Richard Spellenberg, Amy K Hughes (Editor), David More (Illustrator)



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    Gil Nelson is a botanist and the coauthor of the National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North America and the National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Southeastern States. Christopher J. Earle is an ecologist whose specialties include forest ecology and conifer biology. Richard Spellenberg, a botanist and specialist in plant taxonomy, is the author of the National Audubon Society Field Guide to Wildflowers, Western Region. David More is regarded as one of the finest botanical illustrators in the world. He has illustrated a number of tree guides, including the acclaimed Collins Tree Guide and The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees (Princeton).

    Table of Contents

    Introduction 7

    About This Book 7

    Taxonomy and Names 8

    Gymnosperms and Angiosperms 8

    Tree Biology 9

    Forest Structure 18

    Leaf and Twig Keys 19

    Winter Twigs of Selected Eastern Trees 20

    Key to the Gymnosperms by Leaf Type 25

    Key to Selected Angiosperm Trees by Leaf Shape 26


    Gymnosperms 34

    Conifers 34

    Ginkgoaceae: Ginkgo Family 35

    Araucariaceae: Araucaria Family 36

    Cupressaceae: Cypress Family 38

    Pinaceae: Pine Family 51

    Taxaceae: Yew Family 78

    Angiosperms 80

    Monocots 80

    Arecaceae: Palm Family 80

    Dicots 98

    Acanthaceae: Acanthus Family 98

    Adoxaceae: Moschatel Family 99

    Altingiaceae: Sweetgum Family 106

    Anacardiaceae: Cashew Family 108

    Annonaceae: Custard Apple Family 118

    Apocynaceae: Oleander Family 122

    Aquifoliaceae: Holly Family 126

    Araliaceae: Ginseng Family 142

    Asteraceae: Aster Family 146

    Betulaceae: Birch Family 147

    Bignoniaceae: Bignonia Family 166

    Boraginaceae: Borage Family 174

    Burseraceae: Torchwood Family 178

    Cactaceae: Cactus Family 180

    Canellaceae: Wild Cinnamon Family 180

    Cannabaceae: Hemp Family 182

    Capparaceae: Caper Family 188

    Casuarinaceae: She-oak Family 190

    Cecropiaceae: Cecropia Family 192

    Celastraceae: Staff Tree Family 193

    Cercidiphyllaceae: Katsura Tree Family 202

    Chrysobalanaceae: Coco Plum Family 203

    Clethraceae: Witch Alder Family 204

    Clusiaceae: Garcinia Family 205

    Combretaceae: White Mangrove Family 208

    Cornaceae: Dogwood Family 214

    Cyrillaceae: Titi Family 222

    Ebenaceae: Ebony Family 224

    Elaeagnaceae: Oleaster Family 226

    Ericaceae: Heath Family 228

    Euphorbiaceae: Spurge Family 236

    Fabaceae: Bean or Pea Family 248

    Fagaceae: Beech or Oak Family 294

    Hamamelidaceae: Witch-hazel Family 350

    Illiciaceae: Star Anise Family 352

    Juglandaceae: Walnut Family 353

    Lauraceae: Laurel Family 368

    Leitneriaceae: Corkwood Family 378

    Lythraceae: Loosestrife Family 379

    Magnoliaceae: Magnolia Family 380

    Malpighiaceae: Malpighia Family 391

    Malvaceae: Mallow Family 392

    Melastomataceae: Melastome Family 402

    Meliaceae: Mahogany Family 403

    Moraceae: Mulberry Family 406

    Moringaceae: Horseradish-tree Family 418

    Muntingiaceae: Muntingia Family 418

    Myoporaceae: Myoporum Family 420

    Myricaceae: Wax Myrtle Family 420

    Myrsinaceae: Myrsine Family 424

    Myrtaceae: Myrtle Family 426

    Nyctaginaceae: Four-o’clock Family 444

    Nyssaceae: Tupelo Family 446

    Oleaceae: Olive Family 450

    Paulowniaceae: Princesstree Family 466

    Picramniaceae: Bitterbush Family 468

    Pittosporaceae: Cheesewood Family 469

    Platanaceae: Planetree Family 470

    Polygonaceae: Buckwheat Family 472

    Proteaceae: Protea Family 474

    Punicaceae: Pomegranate Family 475

    Rhamnaceae: Buckthorn Family 476

    Rhizophoraceae: Red Mangrove Family 488

    Rosaceae: Rose Family 489

    Rubiaceae: Madder Family 562

    Rutaceae: Citrus or Rue Family 572

    Salicaceae: Willow Family 586

    Sapindaceae: Soapberry Family 618

    Sapotaceae: Sapodilla Family 646

    Schoepfiaceae: Schoepfia Family 658

    Simaroubaceae: Quassia Family 659

    Solanaceae: Nightshade Family 661

    Staphyleaceae: Bladdernut Family 665

    Styracaceae: Storax Family 666

    Symplocaceae: Sweetleaf Family 670

    Tamaricaceae: Tamarisk Family 672

    Theaceae: Tea Family 676

    Theophrastaceae: Joewood Family 680

    Ulmaceae: Elm Family 682

    Verbenaceae: Vervain Family 692

    Ximeniaceae: Ximenia Family 696

    Zygophyllaceae: Caltrop Family 698

    Acknowledgments 700

    Abbreviations 701

    Glossary 702

    Index of Species 707

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    Covering 825 species, more than any comparable field guide, Trees of Eastern North America is the most comprehensive, best illustrated, and easiest-to-use book of its kind. Presenting all the native and naturalized trees of the eastern United States and Canada as far west as the Great Plains—including those species found only in tropical and subtropical Florida and northernmost Canada—the book features superior descriptions; thousands of meticulous color paintings by David More that illustrate important visual details; range maps that provide a thumbnail view of distribution for each native species; "Quick ID" summaries; a user-friendly layout; scientific and common names; the latest taxonomy; information on the most recently naturalized species; keys to leaves and twigs; and an introduction to tree identification, forest ecology, and plant classification and structure. The easy-to-read descriptions present details of size, shape, growth habit, bark, leaves, flowers, fruit, flowering and fruiting times, habitat, and range. Using a broad definition of a tree, the book covers many small, overlooked species normally thought of as shrubs. With its unmatched combination of breadth and depth, this is an essential guide for every tree lover.

    • The most comprehensive, best illustrated, and easiest-to-use field guide to the trees of eastern North America
    • Covers 825 species, more than any comparable guide, including all the native and naturalized trees of the United States and Canada as far west as the Great Plains
    • Features specially commissioned artwork, detailed descriptions, range maps for native species, up-to-date taxonomy and names, and much, much more
    • An essential guide for every tree lover

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    Winner of the 2015 PROSE Award in Outstanding Work by a Trade Publisher, Association of American

    "Covering more species (630 in the West, 825 in the East) than any comparable field guides, Trees of Western North America and Trees of Eastern North America are the most comprehensive, best illustrated, and easiest-to-use books of their kind. The book features thousands of meticulous color paintings by David More and easy-to-read descriptions present details of size, shape, growth habit, bark, leaves, flowers, fruit, habitat, and range. With an unmatched combination of breadth and depth, these are essential guides for every tree lover."—James A. Baggett, Better Homes and Gardens

    "Each volume on its own would serve you well in getting to know the trees around you better. Both together certainly provide a more complete understanding of the diversity of North American trees. I already treasure my two-volume set and expect to wear it out quickly."—Guy Sternberg, American Gardener

    "Highly recommended for botany reference shelves!"—James A. Cox, Midwest Book Review

    "Excellent additions to any botanical library."—Steve Whysall, Vancouver Sun

    "A great book. . . . Similar to a bird guide, trees are broken down by families with detailed descriptions of each. Habitat and ranges are listed for each as well as great illustrations of the tree, its bark, leaves and fruit."—David Lewis, Birds from Behind

    "Help! I need a good tree book . . . and again Princeton has come to my rescue. This newest book on the trees of eastern North America is a life-saver. Covering 825 species of trees, it is by far the most inclusive of all guides on the market today. . . . Wish I had found this great book sooner!"North Durham Nature Newsletter

    "The book is attractively designed, and each species description provides scientific and common names; a handy 'Quick ID' sentence; detailed, terse physical description; sections titled 'Habitat/Range' and 'Similar Species'; and a range map. . . . [An] excellent reference."Choice

    "These new references offer up-to-date information as well as a treasure trove of specially commissioned drawings showcasing trees both in their majestic entirety as well as in stunning, separate close-ups detailing their bark, leaves, flowers, and fruit. Such comprehensive works are impressive scholarly achievements, providing lay users with helpful assistance via 'Quick ID' summaries and range maps within entries. These are lush botanical resources from an esteemed source guaranteed to please all audiences."—Judy Quinn, Library Journal

    "These volumes are masterfully designed, and More's exquisitely detailed renderings will ensure that weekend botanists never mistake their Hercules' club for a common hoptree."—Bill Cannon, Scientist's Bookshelf

    "Astonishing. . . . The illustrations in the Princeton tree volume are superb: colorful, accurate, and appealing."—Ed Kanze, Adirondack Explorer

    "Even if you don't love trees, you'll love these books."—Devorah Bennu, GrrlScientist, The Guardian

    "Without a doubt, this is a book that should be on the library shelf of every person interested in Georgia trees. Even better, it should be in all of our packs, right next to the hiking stick, ready to go!"—Hal Massie, BotSoc News (Georgia Botanical Society)

    "Whether you're faced with a saguaro or a sequoia, a hawthorn or a hemlock, this easy guide will surely get you to the birch in time."—Matthew Bettelheim, (bio)accumulation blog

    "With the publication of Trees of Western North America and its companion volume, Trees of Eastern North America, we have a reference set that will serve us well for generations."Acorn, South Sound Chapter of Washington Native Plant Society

    "Everyone who ventures into the outdoors should have a copy in their backpack."—Frank Sousa, MassLive

    "These two volumes contain so much information; I would be happy to add them to my reference library. . . . The combined effort of the three authors and the illustrator has produced an excellent reference."—Beverly Duncan, Botanical Artist

    "For anyone interested in tree-like plants in the West, the Trees of Western North America is it, . . . proclaiming itself to be the most comprehensive, best illustrated, and easiest-to-use book of its kind. . . . Overall, this book makes the grade ‘A' in nearly every aspect of presentation; it is tremendously useful, navigable, readable, highly accurate and immensely informative."—George M. Ferguson, Arizona Native Plant Society

    "[I]f someone gave you these two companion books, the Princeton Field Guides' Trees of Eastern North America and Trees of Western North America, you would perform an internal cartwheel of glee over adding to your flourishing tree ID book collection. The cartwheeling would significantly increase once you then began to use these books and grasped their simple, informative layout. . . . This will be the one tree ID book that really does not sit on your shelves as much as it rides around from jobsite to jobsite with you, ready to serve."—Tchukki Andersen, Tree Care Industry

    "This is a must have tree guide for naturalists, environmental educators, foresters , and individuals who want to learn more about the trees in our region."—DRK, Wildlife Activist

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