Unguarded: My Forty Years Surviving in the NBA

    Unguarded: My Forty Years Surviving in the NBA

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    by Lenny Wilkens, Terry Pluto


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      ISBN-13: 9780743215138
    • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
    • Publication date: 09/01/2001
    • Sold by: SIMON & SCHUSTER
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 304
    • Sales rank: 392,355
    • File size: 2 MB

    Terry Pluto is an award-winning sportswriter who writes primarily for The Plain Dealer. He was a sportswriter for the Akron Beacon Journal from 1985-2007. He has twice been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and twice been honored by the Associated Press Sports Editors as the nation's top sports columnist for medium-sized newspapers. He is an eight-time winner of the Ohio Sports Writer of the Year award and has received more than fifty state and local writing awards. He is the author of twenty-one books, including The Curse of Rocky Colavito, Unguarded, and Loose Balls. He lives in Akron, Ohio.

    Read an Excerpt

    Chapter One

    On my desk, there's a picture of my father.

    He's a man I never really knew, yet a man who feels very much a part of me today. The man staring at me is always about thirty-five, always in the prime of life, dark-skinned, strong, healthy. He's the father I wished was there when my team in Seattle won the 1979 NBA title, the father I wanted with me when I was inducted in the Basketball Hall of Fame. When I puffed that cigar to celebrate breaking Red Auerbach's record for the most career victories by any NBA coach, I wanted my father there. He's the father I wished could see my children and meet my wife, Marilyn.

    He will always be my father, and he will always live in my head because he died when I was only five years old.

    His name was Leonard. I'm really Leonard R. Wilkens, Jr. Few people know that about me. Few people know very much about me, even though I've been in the public eye seemingly forever, as an NBA player and/or coach since 1960. That's a long time, forty years in pro basketball. No one has survived the NBA storm longer. No one has appeared in more games when you combine all the years that I've played and coached. And here am I, at the age of sixty-two. I've coached for twenty-seven years, and I still love it. I really do.

    I just wish that my father had been there for some of it.

    Seeing other kids with fathers made me miss my father. There would be functions at school, and other children would have both parents there. I'd have my mother, assuming she could get off from work. Sometimes, no one was there. Later, as I achieved some things, I wondered what my father would have made of it all: graduating from college. Playing in the NBA. Making All-Star teams. Coaching some wonderful teams, coaching in the 1996 Olympics.

    Sometimes I'd ask myself, "What would my father have thought of me? Would he be proud of me?"

    There's no real answer to that because he's been gone for so long.

    After my father died, my mother spent a lot of time telling all her children how much our father loved us. She wanted us to know that our father didn't want to leave us, that he would have loved to have been with us, but God just called him. I never really understood why he was gone, but I knew it wasn't his fault. He didn't run off; he died.

    I missed him then, and I always will.

    Those who knew my father say that I'm a lot like him. They say if you look at my hands, you see his hands. That's what I've heard over and over again from those who knew my father -- that I have my father's hands, strong, with long, purposeful fingers. I look at my hands and try to imagine my father's hands, then I wonder if he was an athlete. I don't even know if he was a sports fan. Relatives have told me that sometimes I walk like him, or that I gesture like him. I don't know what to say to that, because the more I think about my father, the less I realize I know.

    I do have one memory of him: I'm sitting in a high chair at the dinner table. I'm not much more than an infant. My father takes a piece of bacon, ties it to a string from something above my head. That bacon attached to a string hangs down, dangling right in front of me. With my little hands, I bang around the bacon, and that keeps me occupied as my parents eat breakfast.

    That was my father, a man who knew how to make a toy for a toddler out of a piece of bacon and a string.

    And he baked.

    I don't remember seeing him bake, but I remember the smells. Fresh bread. Cakes. The warm aromas filling our brownstone apartment in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. I can close my eyes and see my sister and myself sitting on a bench. My father is in the kitchen. I don't see him in the kitchen, I just know he's in there, baking.

    I can still smell it.

    This time, it was a cake. He's baking a white cake with chocolate frosting. With my eyes closed and my memory in high gear, I still don't see him, but I can see the cake. I see my sister Connie and me eating that cake. I know he baked it. But I still don't see him, and I wish I did -- just once more, even in my memory. I just know that my father loved to bake: He did all the baking in the house, and forever in my head are the memories of that white cake with the chocolate frosting.

    And the bacon on a string.

    And the funeral.

    My father died of a bleeding ulcer, that much I've been told. He was rushed to a hospital in Brooklyn, which was not far from the brownstone apartment where we lived. The doctors said my father had something called "a locked bowel." They decided the best way to treat him was with an enema.

    Actually, it was the one thing they never should have done.

    It killed him.

    My mother didn't know anything about malpractice. Besides, this was in 1943, a time when you just didn't sue doctors. It was a time when you were glad to have a doctor treat you, a time when doctors seemed like miracle men. And miracle men many of them were -- and still are.

    But in the case of this doctor and my father, I can't help but think that the man killed my father. I didn't hear this story of my father's death until I was in college. I wanted to do something, but what? Find the doctor? Sue the hospital for something that happened so long ago? Besides, how do you put a price tag on a young family deprived of a father? No amount of money can repay my mother for all the anguish she had to endure as she raised us, a woman alone with four kids all under the age of seven when she lost her husband.

    When my father died, they put the casket in the living room. The custom back then was to hold a wake in the home. There was a huge lamp on each side of the casket. Behind the coffin were these black drapes. I can still see the room. It's so dark, it's eerie. The casket is a shiny wooden box, reflecting the light from the two lamps. People are crying. I remember a nun holding me on her lap: She was a friend of my mother's from Holy Rosary Church. My mother's family were staunch Roman Catholics. My father converted to Catholicism to marry my mother. I spent the entire funeral in the arms of that nun. People cried and cried. I clung to that nun.

    The casket was open. My father was in there. He wore his best suit and tie. There was no question that it was my father, and no question that he was dead. I just remember that I didn't want to be in that room alone with the casket.

    When the wake was over, one of my aunts came up to me. She took me in her arms and said, "Well, you're going to be the man of the family now."

    I stared at her. I was five years old. How was I supposed to know what it meant to be the man of the house? But I was the man of that house. I had an older sister, Connie, who was six. My brother, Larry, was three. And there was two-year-old Mary.

    Four kids, no father.

    I was only five years old, but that aunt's words stuck to me. I was the man of the family. I had no idea what it meant, I just knew that on the day my father died, everything had changed -- and more was expected of me. I was his son, and I'll always be his son. That much I know. And his absence had a far more profound impact on me that his presence, because his being gone meant that I had to grow up, and grow up quick. But his being my father also left me a legacy. Because my father was an African-American, so am I. At least that's how the world sees me.

    A priest once asked me, "What's it like to have a foot in both worlds?"

    He knew I came from a mixed-blood family. My father was African-American, my mother was Irish. But I never hesitated when they asked me to list my race on a form -- I'd write I was African-American. There is a racist theory that has always existed in this country, that if you have a drop of black blood in you, then you're an African-American.

    One drop of blood is all it takes to define you as black.

    Why is that?

    If a person is part Irish and part Italian and a little Scottish, we don't say that person is Scottish -- to the exclusion of all else -- because he has a bit of Scottish blood in him. But if that same person had a drop of black blood? Well, forget about the Italian, the Irish, the Scottish, or any other roots -- you're black, period. This was done primarily to keep black people down, to deprive people of opportunity, to keep a bigger slice of the American pie for white people, because for much of our history, being considered black immediately relegated you to second-class status.

    The truth is that I'm as much Irish as I'm black, but I've never heard anyone say, "Lenny is Irish." Today, it's illegal to ask for a person's race, but once that was common on most job applications and other forms. If I really wanted to be accurate, I should have listed myself as "African-Irish-American," and then watch what they would have made of that.

    Then again, when former NBA coach Cotton Fitzsimmons first met me, he thought I was Puerto Rican!

    We used to say America was a melting pot. It was in all my history books, stories of how people came from all over the world to find a home in the United States. I took that literally. They told us that we were all created equal, right?

    Then why ask about someone's race?

    Why define a person by wanting to know, "Do you have any black blood?"

    What is the purpose? Where is the justice?

    There have been light-skinned people who have "passed" as white, but I was never into that. I never wanted to put myself in a position of trying to be something I was not. I had a cousin who did, but that was his hangup; I never had a problem with being considered a black man. I am proud of my father, of my African-American roots. I know that when I was in college, some of my professors were shocked when I did well in certain courses. A black person, especially a black athlete, just wasn't expected to achieve in the classroom. Sometimes, I wanted to speak out. I knew what they were thinking, how wrong and racist it was...but I just didn't want to give people the idea that I had a chip on my shoulder or that I wasn't proud of being black. Most of the time, I just glared at them. I wanted them to be as uncomfortable as they made me, and for some reason, I just knew that eventually I'd find a way to prove them wrong.

    I never heard exactly how my mother and father met. I know that he was a chauffeur, and he often drove around the neighborhood. He got to know a lot of people, and one of them was my mother.

    And they were married, which is all I know.

    That was in April of 1935, when mixed marriages certainly were rare in most parts of America, but there were more than a few in Brooklyn. The Bedford Stuyvesant of my youth was a true melting pot. On my street was a German deli, a Jewish grocery, an Italian market. Within a few streets were all kinds of people from blacks to Puerto Ricans to Jews to Eastern Europeans. Sure, people were aware of the racial and ethnic differences, but most of us learned to live together and get along. We had no choice, because we saw each other all the time on the streets, on the subways, at stores, and at church. Only later did I come to realize how unique this situation was, and how it affected my life: I never doubted that people from different races could work with each other and be friends, because I saw it every day of my life while growing up.

    Granted, there were problems. Some members of my mother's family weren't thrilled about the marriage. My mother had six sisters and two brothers. The brothers were always very consumed with their jobs and families, so they were seldom around. Most of the other members of the family were friendly, but my mother's oldest sister played favorites. She was the oldest and didn't have any children. I felt like this sister and her husband liked my cousins better than us, and my cousins were part-Chinese. My mother's sister had married a Chinese man, and that was OK with some of the family -- but my mother was considered an outcast by this sister because she had married a black man. I know this had to be hard on my mother, but she rarely talked about it. Nor do I ever recall her saying anything about what her family thought of her marriage to my father. I imagine there was some initial resistance to an Irish-Catholic woman marrying a black man. I'd hear some comments secondhand, never to our face; I just knew some of the relatives weren't thrilled with our "mixed" family.

    You have to understand the times and our family. I was born in 1937, which means I grew up at the end of the Depression, through World War II and then into the Korean War. This was not an era when people had the luxury to become caught up in introspection. Over and over, it was drilled into us, "Don't feel sorry for yourself." We had to work. We were fighting to survive. People knew what it was to be hungry. They still talked about "bread lines" and "going to the poorhouse." They knew what it was to have their husbands and fathers killed on the other side of the world, to see people become instant widows, to see children weeping at a cemetery while clinging to their mother's skirt as their father is buried, to see flags in the windows of apartments and houses of men who had died in the war.

    It's not like the affluent times of today, where people look at all the details of their lives, sometimes to the point of distraction. They dig through the fields of their past, turning the same dirt over and over and over, searching for clues to who they are and why they act the way they do. If some of my relatives didn't love us, so what? Shake it off. We were too busy taking care of ourselves, and we didn't really expect anyone to help us. We were taught to be thankful for the people who did care about us, rather than to dwell on those who didn't. Maybe that sounds simplistic, but what other choice did we have? I see too many people today who walk around captives of their past, who have jailed their own hearts with bitterness and regrets about what happened when they grew up, about slights from relatives, parents who somehow failed, money that wasn't there. That can paralyze you.

    My mother spent most of her time trying to get us to concentrate on what we did have, not moaning about what was missing. For example, two of my mother's sisters were terrific. They were my favorite aunts because they were so down to earth, they just loved us. Like my mother, they were Irish Catholics, and they quickly embraced her children. It wouldn't have mattered to them if we were purple: We were family to those two aunts. My father's family was also great. He had three sisters, and they accepted us as their own -- no questions asked, no hesitation. My father's youngest sister was a loving woman who bought me my first suit when I was in high school. We seemed to spend more time with my father's family. As I mentioned, two of my mother's sisters were outstanding, but all of my father's family was that way; with them, I always felt like "family."

    Yes, outside the home, some kids called me "half-breed."

    But "half-breed" never bothered me much, because I always had a sense of who I was. Besides, we all were just kids back then, and there weren't the same racial hangups we have today. Kids talked about each other being Jews, Poles, Irish, whatever. It wasn't a putdown, just a statement of fact. Besides, my mother never talked about race. Not at all. She refused to make it an issue.

    She would just say, "You can be as good as you want to be."

    Or she'd say, "Don't make excuses, you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to, you're just as good as the next person."

    I believed her. I didn't let other people define me or limit me. In our immediate family, we didn't worry about race. She was the mother; we were the kids. She refused to feel sorry for herself, and she expected the same from us. But when we went to the store, people would stare at us.

    My mother was an Irish woman. My brother and one of my sisters are light-skinned, much as I am. And my sister Connie is a beautiful brown-skinned woman; she favored my father.

    Sometimes, people rudely glared. They wondered what that black girl was doing with that white woman, who was obviously her mother. And they stared harder at the rest of the kids. Were we white? Or black? Or what?

    My mother would catch them staring and she'd confront them: "Just what are you looking at?"

    Of course, those people were gutless. They'd never say a word. They'd just look away. Meanwhile, we children were mortified at what my mother would say, how her Irish temper would bubble up, then blow, like a volcano. In these rare instances, she had the vocabulary of a sailor. I couldn't believe my own mother was saying some of those words! When that happened, we kids wanted to disappear. We really didn't know why some people stared at us, we just saw that it upset our mother -- and that bothered us.

    I still remember a Thanksgiving dinner at one of our aunt's homes. The aunt was married to this white guy who was a grouch most of the time.

    As I walked in the door, he growled, "And what do you want?"

    I said, "I don't want anything."

    Then I turned around and walked right out the door. My mother and aunt tried to get me to go back in there, but I refused. I would not go into that place, because I knew that man didn't want me there. I wasn't sure why; I guessed it was because I was black or he was just being a smartass, but I didn't know, I just wanted no part of that man or his Thanksgiving dinner. I was twelve years old at the time. Finally, my mother gave up. I told her that I wanted her to stay and have dinner, that I'd be all right. Then I went home.

    Things like that, they really had to hurt my mother. But she never complained about it, at least not that her children heard.

    "You're a human being," she'd tell me. "You're accountable for who you are. Be proud of who you are."

    Yet there were nights when I heard my mother cry. Things just got to be too much, and she broke down. It wasn't in front of us, but we'd hear her crying. I wanted to do something. I was supposed to be the man of the house. But what could I do? There was nothing I could say, nothing I could do that would bring my father back.

    After a while, she'd stop.

    Then she'd pray.

    No woman ever prayed as much as Henrietta Wilkens. Even before my father died, she prayed: Mass every morning, or at least a Novena. Pray at meals. Pray the rosary at night. I always tell people that I'm living proof that prayer works, because no one ever prayed harder for her children than my mother did. Some people would have pulled away from God after losing a husband as she did, but it just made my mother's faith stronger. And she never cared about me identifying myself as an African-American. She always insisted skin color didn't matter, but your heart and your faith did. To her, what counted was that I had embraced Roman Catholicism. That was the most important thing. Her faith was her lifeblood, her source of hope, her comfort in times of despair. She couldn't imagine living without it, and to her, faith was far more important than race. I think if I had turned my back on the Catholic Church, that would have devastated her. As it was, our life and poverty were piling up on her, the stress taking a toll. She was five-foot-five, but there were days when she just seemed smaller, when her whole body sagged. Everything just wore her down. Before my father died, she was a housewife. She had a good man who provided everything from baked bread to a reliable paycheck. Suddenly, all that was gone.

    I know what it means to be on welfare.

    I know what it means to have a stranger in the house, snooping around, checking to see if you're hiding something. I know the caseworker was just doing his job, and I know some people did cheat on welfare -- but it's still demeaning.

    I know what it was like to wait for the welfare check to come so we could buy groceries, or anything else we needed for the house. I know what it's like to be in high school where clothes are important, a mark of status, and to have only one shirt, a shirt I dyed a different color every week to make it seem like I had different shirts.

    When I was in elementary school, right before lunchtime they'd sell one-cent candy. Those of us who didn't have a penny would put our heads down on top of our desks while the others bought the candy; no one said a word, but we were embarrassed not to have a penny for candy. I never said a word about it to my mother. Hearing that would have killed her.

    And, yes, I know what it's like to work.

    After my father's death, my mother took a part-time job at a candy factory. She packed the candies into boxes, which were shipped all over the country. She wore a uniform, an apron, a bonnet. I can close my eyes and see her in the apron, her bonnet holding up her long, fine, light-brown hair. I can see her sitting at the kitchen table, all of the air seemingly wrung out of her. Her body just looks smaller, sagging from sheer exhaustion. She has just come home from the candy factory, and she has to cook for four kids. She has to make sure we do our homework. She has to clean the house, which was a job itself with four kids.

    No matter how hard she worked, there was never enough money, enough time, enough energy. After a while, my mother couldn't keep up with the rent on the brownstone apartment on Pacific Street.

    That's when I realized we were poor. My mother had to fend for herself; no one on either side of the family had any extra money. I'm sure our relatives helped out a little here and there, maybe with some old clothes or a few extra dollars, but they didn't help us much because they couldn't. We always seemed to be wearing the same clothes longer than the other kids in school. My mother was constantly sewing and patching things together, and the boys had to wait longer for new clothes, because she believed it was more important for the girls to look nice; if the boys were a little ragged, that was OK. That never bothered me. I didn't worry a lot about clothes.

    My mother often told us, "God doesn't look at your clothes. He looks at the person inside the clothes." She said that with such conviction that, after a while, I believed it.

    But shoes were a different story.

    My mother could afford only one new pair of tennis shoes a year for each of us, and I'd wear those out in a month or so playing in the streets and at the playground. Then I'd play baseball and basketball in my dress shoes, which didn't thrill my mother -- but she didn't stop me, either.

    Then, we started moving.

    My mother never explained the moves, we just went from one apartment to another to another. The apartments became smaller, even though her children were growing larger. Our last place was what I'll always remember as our "coldwater flat." There was no heat: You'd light the stove in the kitchen to warm the apartment -- well, the kitchen and bedroom next to it anyway. The living room was too far away, so it was freezing in the winter. We'd wrap ourselves up in lots of blankets to keep warm. The worst of that changed during my sophomore year, when it became law that all apartments had to be heated, and the landlord installed steam heat.

    What I also remember is cleanliness.

    Our place was immaculate. The dishes were done, the clothes were picked up, the furniture dusted, the floors shiny. My mother did much of the work, but we all pitched in. My job was washing and waxing the floors; I also took out the garbage, and I took turns washing and drying the dishes with the other kids. Like my mother, I like a clean house. I can really clean a house. When we were first married, my wife was shocked at how orderly I kept things, and how I could throw myself into a room and scrub and dust it like a pro. In fact, my first job was cleaning a two-story brownstone owned by a lady who was a friend of my cousin's: Every Saturday, I'd start at the top floor and work my way down -- washing windows, waxing floors, dusting, picking up trash.

    I was nine years old, and that was my job, every Saturday.

    Then I went to work at a market where my cousin also had a job. People would order groceries, and I had to deliver them to their houses. The store had a wagon, and they'd really load it up. I'd drag that wagon behind me, struggling with the huge bags and boxes of groceries. At least they seemed enormous to me, because I was only ten.

    My pay? Strictly tips.

    By the time I was in high school, I worked virtually every day after school at another grocery store; I was a stock boy, a bagger, part of the clean-up crew. Eventually, I was put in charge of the vegetable department, making sure that the food looked nice so people would want to buy it. I loved working at the grocery store, partly because it meant so much to my mother, and partly because we got a discount on the groceries. I gave nearly all the money I made to her, but I was still able to keep a dollar or two for myself -- and that was a big deal to me, to actually have some money in my pocket.

    I was learning what it really meant to be the man of the house. I never told my brothers and sisters that I gave my mother anything -- at least not for a long time: I wanted to keep it between us, and I thought my brothers and sisters just didn't need to know. My brother Larry also started working when he was about twelve, delivering newspapers and other odd jobs. All the kids worked at some point to help our mother, although I always felt a little more responsible than the rest of them because I was the oldest son. People sometimes hear these stories and think that I should be angry, that I somehow lost my childhood, but I liked most of my jobs. They made me feel important, and I wanted to help my mother and my family. Besides, I always found time to play ball in the street, or just hang out with friends. Working at a young age gave me confidence; I knew that if I had to take care of myself, I could.

    All through high school, I thought little about basketball, and never about pro sports as a career. I didn't follow it closely. It wasn't until my senior year that we convinced our mother to buy a TV set: We found that you could do it on a monthly payment plan, and it didn't take a lot of money to start. It seemed like everyone in the neighborhood had a TV but us, so she gave in and bought one. Turned out that I hardly ever watched it, because I was so busy with school, working, and playing basketball at the Boys Club. Maybe that's why, to this day, I don't watch much TV. I'd rather read.

    At an early age, I had learned that the only way most people got anywhere in the world is by making their own way. You had to work. You had to understand there were going to be roadblocks, setbacks, and even heartbreaks. I'm not saying I ever liked any of those things, but I understood that they didn't have to defeat me. Some people act as if responsibility is a dirty word. But it was a big part of my life, and I grew to like it. I enjoyed the independence and satisfaction that came from earning money to buy my own basketball shoes, which is virtually unheard of today when young players just expect their coaches, schools, and summer teams to supply several pairs of $150 shoes for free. I appreciated my new shoes, because I'd earned them. What's wrong with asking young people to work for things, to contribute to the family's budget, especially if the family is poor? I grew up without a father, as a member of a minority, in a family that was sometimes on welfare. Some people might say those circumstances doomed me to failure; others act as if being poor entitles you to special privileges. You can either allow your circumstances to be a trap and ensnare you for the rest of your life, or you can use them to learn what it takes to succeed in a world where things won't always go your way. I had a friend who ended up in jail; he came to us and wanted us to help him break into a candy store, and a few of us refused. We knew it was wrong, and maybe we were more afraid of our parents than any peer pressure he could apply. We didn't think that being poor gave us the right to steal from someone else, so we didn't.

    It almost seemed like all the adults in the neighborhood tried to help us stay straight. If you were in a fight with another kid and you saw an adult walking by, the fight would just stop. The kids would stand straight, look at the adult as if nothing was happening and say, "Nice to see you, Mrs. Smith." Priests, policemen, teachers, parents -- almost any adult demanded and received your respect.

    Today, there isn't the same sense of community: Ask yourself how many of your neighbors do you even know, I mean where you know their first and last names and the names of all their kids? Families are often scattered across the country: How many of your aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, or grandparents live in your immediate neighborhood? Probably not many. But I had a lot of relatives very close by as a kid in Brooklyn. You had the feeling that either someone from your family or someone from church was watching you. I remember once sneaking onto a trolley car for a free ride; I was sure no one saw me, until I got home -- where my mother was waiting, fuming. My uncle had spotted me and told her. My mother didn't spank me often, but she did that day. There was no debate. I was guilty until proven innocent, and I was given no chance to present any sort of defense. And I didn't have any. I think it's good that she held me accountable for my actions.

    In today's society with so many broken families, and so many families where both parents work long hours and their kids are in daycare or left alone after school, it's no surprise that kids get into more trouble than we did. Who's watching? Who holds them accountable? When both parents are working and are dedicated more to their jobs than their families, they often feel guilty about not watching their kids as they should -- so they spoil their children and excuse behavior that ought to be punished. I see the same thing with some single mothers who feel completely overwhelmed: They simply don't have the energy to discipline and demand excellence from their children.

    In our home, that was never a problem. My mother got tired, sure, but she had the help and support of an extended family, a community, and most important, the church -- especially one young priest who played a big part in shaping my future.

    Copyright © 2000 by Lee le-Ja Inc. and Terry Pluto

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    For forty years, he has been the Quiet Man of the NBA. As a rookie, he was overshadowed by two pretty fair guards who entered the league
    at the same time: Jerry West and Oscar Robertson. As a veteran, he was -- both figuratively and literally -- a coach on the floor, but he had the misfortune to play for several struggling teams. As a general manager, he won a championship and made back-to-back Finals appearances -- but he did it without superstars, a year before Magic Johnson and Larry Bird revitalized the league. And as a coach, he has won more games than anyone in NBA history -- but spent his best years locked in the same division as Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls.
    Basketball connoisseurs have long appreciated the style and intelligence with which Lenny Wilkens played and the unflappability and class he's brought to coaching. The respect he has earned resulted in his joining the legendary John Wooden as the only men to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame twice -- first as a player, and then as a coach.
    Now, in Unguarded, Lenny Wilkens steps out from behind his placid demeanor to speak plainly and unequivocally on the enormous social and athletic changes he's seen in his career.
    Wilkens sounds off about the challenges he had to overcome in the course of his journey: the racism that left him off the 1960 Olympic basketball team and kept him from being chosen as head coach of the first Dream Team; the fatal miscalculation that kept his Cleveland Cavaliers from getting past Michael Jordan to the NBA Finals; the painful, frustrating task of coaching a troubled and troublesome J.R. Rider, a player who contributed to his departure from Atlanta. And he credits those who went out of their way to help him: the priests and nuns who taught him the value of discipline and reinforced his faith; the coaches who pushed him to develop his talents to the fullest; the selfless players such as John Johnson, Hot Rod Williams, Larry Nance, Steve Smith, and many others who sacrificed individual glory for the good of their teams; his mother, Henrietta, and his wife, Marilyn, who stood beside him in many trying times.
    Unguarded reveals the Lenny Wilkens we have never seen before, the tough, strong, thoughtful, and analytical man who has spent a life in basketball making his teammates and players better than they knew they could be. Thought-provoking, candid, always honest, Wilkens shares all the secrets he's learned in his four decades surviving in the NBA storm.

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    The Barnes & Noble Review
    Lenny Wilkens bucked racial stereotypes as a basketball star in the 1960s. Touted for his "intelligence" and "savvy" rather than his "athleticism" -- rare accolades for an African-American player -- Wilkens became a nine-time NBA all-star and was ultimately tapped to join the exclusive white coterie of NBA head coaches. Presiding over middling talent, Wilkens has excelled from the courtside as he did as a player: In a career spanning four decades he has become the NBA's all-time winningest coach. Wilkens recollects his basketball life in Unguarded, a book that only begins to give him the recognition he is due.

    Wilkens grew up in the melting pot of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. He has scant memories of his father, who died during a faulty operation for a bleeding ulcer. Concerned with helping his mother pay the bills, Wilkens bypassed high school basketball until his senior year. He starred for Boys High, and thanks in part to an influential priest, Father Thomas Mannion, Wilkens was awarded a scholarship to Providence College.

    As one of only two African-American students at Providence, Wilkens was in a true minority for the first time in his life. He took his schoolwork as seriously as he did his basketball. A career in the NBA was far from his mind; Wilkens actually thought that he would become an economics professor. Despite excelling on the court in his senior year, Wilkens was overlooked for the 1960 Olympic tryouts. The sting of racism associated with the Olympics would haunt him until his appointment as head coach of the 1996 Dream Team.

    Wilkens's skill as coach derives both from his knack for evaluating talent and his ability to get more out of a team than the sum of its parts. Like 76ers coach Larry Brown, Wilkens has had success turning around moribund franchises. In the 1977-78 season, Wilkens took over a 5-17 Seattle SuperSonics squad and reeled off 10 straight wins en route to a 42-18 finish. The Sonics made it all the way to the finals, where they lost to Washington in 7 games. In the 1978-79 season, the last in the pre-Bird/Magic era, Wilkens's Sonics, led by Dennis Johnson, Jack Sikma, Gus Williams, and "Downtown" Fred Brown, exacted revenge on Washington, winning the finals in 5 games.

    One of Wilkens's favorite teams was the 1988-89 Cleveland Cavaliers. Marc Price, Ron Harper, Hot Rod Williams, Larry Nance, Brad Daugherty, and Craig Ehlo blended their talents for a 57-25 regular season, though they ultimately had their hearts broken in the playoffs by one of Michael Jordan's impossible last-second jumpers. Wilkens's overachieving Cavs and Atlanta Hawks teams consistently excelled in the regular season before falling to the Bulls' postseason buzz saw.

    Despite being named to the Hall of Fame as both a player and a coach, Wilkens has not received the media adoration bestowed on Red Auerbach, Pat Riley, or Phil Jackson. The knock on Wilkens is that in 28 seasons of coaching he has only won 1 championship. Yet in comparing himself to Auerbach, Wilkens notes, "Guess who played the most games for Red Auerbach? Bob Cousy. And who played the most games for me? Craig Ehlo." Not until the 2001-01 season, with Vince Carter in Toronto, did Wilkens get to coach a bona fide superstar.

    Wilkens accurately assesses K. C. Jones as an underrated African-American head coach, though he does not speculate on whether race has muted his own accomplishments. Like Grambling's Eddie Robinson, who labored in the shadow of the legendary Bear Bryant while becoming college football's all-time winningest coach, Wilkens has carved a legend all his own. (Brenn Jones)

    Publishers Weekly - Publisher's Weekly
    One of only two men to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame as a player and as a coach, Wilkens describes his life on and off the court in this introspective memoir. Wilkens, who has won more games than any other coach in NBA history, begins by recounting his childhood in Brooklyn and follows his career through his acceptance of his current job as head coach of the Toronto Raptors. Along the way, he endured many hardships, including the loss of his father at a young age, poverty and racism, but here Wilkens always remains upbeat, focusing on how he overcame his problems rather than on how they might have held him back. Wilkens also shares his philosophies on basketball, society, family life and religion, in addition to offering opinions on specific players and on what factors make a great coach. Wilkens, whose father was African-American and whose mother is Irish, also conveys his opinions on race relations, both within the NBA and in America. Because his career has lasted so long, Wilkens is in a unique position to comment on the changes that have taken place in the league over the last 40 years. Coauthor Pluto's conversational style buoys the reader along, despite a few repetitions. Wilkens comes across as modest while still letting the reader know that he is proud of his accomplishments as a player, a coach and a family man. The book should do well among NBA fans, who will appreciate this intelligent, inside look at the NBA from one of the legends of the game. (Jan.) Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.

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