Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression

    Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression

    3.5 8

    by James S. Gordon M.D.



    Customer Reviews

    James S. Gordon, M.D., is the Founder and Director of The Center for Mind-Body and a Clinical Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Family Medicine at Georgetown University. He lives in Washington, D.C.

    Table of Contents

    Preface     xi
    Introduction: Is There Some Other Way?     1
    The Call: Finding the Right Way     47
    Guides on the Journey     108
    Surrender to Change     149
    Dealing with Demons     185
    The Dark Night of the Soul     240
    Spirituality: The Blessing     282
    The Return     321
    Acknowledgments     345
    Resources     347
    Notes     383
    Bibliography     409
    Index     419

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    Despite the billions spent on prescription anti-depressant drugs and psychotherapy, people everywhere continue to grapple with depression. James Gordon, one of the nation's most respected psychiatrists, now offers a practical and effective way to get unstuck. Drawing on forty years of pioneering work, Unstuck is Gordon's seven-stage program for relief through food and nutritional supplements; Chinese medicine; movement, exercise, and dance; psychotherapy, meditation, and guided imagery; and spiritual practice. The result is a remarkable guide that puts the power to change in the hands of those ready to say "no" to suffering and drugs and "yes" to hope and happiness.

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    Dean Ornish
    Unstuck is truly remarkable. Dr. James S. Gordon has taken forty years of experience in psychiatry and distilled it down into one brilliant book that can help people suffering from depression or ordinary unhappiness and confusion. In this warm, practical and user-friendly book, Dr. Gordon takes great care to remind us how much power we have to change our own lives. (Dean Ornish, MD, author of The Spectrum)
    Andrew Weil
    Using an integrative perspective and drawing on traditional wisdom, psychiatrist James Gordon guides you through a whole-person journey out of depression that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the problem, not just a possible chemical imbalance in the brain. I heartily recommend this book to anyone who feels stuck. (Andrew Weil, MD, Author of Healthy Aging and 8 Weeks to Optimum Health)
    Deepak Chopra
    In this extraordinary book, Dr. James S. Gordon, a pioneer in integrative medicine, offers practical ways to climb out of the dark psychological dungeon of depression. Both therapist and patient will benefit hugely from reading this book. (Deepak Chopra, author of Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore)
    Robert Coles
    There is so much offered here to those fortunate enough to make this book's acquaintance. Jim Gordon is a skilled open-hearted writer and observer who brings his readers with him on a healing journey of human understanding. Unstuck is a revelatory, passionately humane and thoroughly knowing guide for those who are troubled. (Robert Coles, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Humanities, Harvard Medical School, author of the Children of Crisis series)
    Mark Hyman
    Depression is not what we think it is. Ideas that can change a culture come only a few times in a generation. Unstuck is such an idea, the answer to the one of the major causes of disability that has, until now, had only poor solutions. Dr. James Gordon, a pioneering voice in medicine for 40 years, has provided a practical and transformative guide for the suffering millions with depression. If you want to find out the real causes of depression and how to cure them, read this book. (Mark Hyman, MD, New York Times best selling author of UltraMetabolism)
    Christiane Northrup
    Unstuck is the most exciting book on transforming depression I've ever read. Before you reach for a drug, read this book to feel better. This book is EXACTLY what this over-medicated country needs right now. Unstuck is fabulous. Thank you Jim Gordon for writing it. (Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Mother-Daughter Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause, and Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom)
    Mary Pipher
    Dr. Gordon offers a fresh, holistic approach for what he calls the journey out of depression. While he is educated in Western medicine and has worked all over the world with victims of trauma, Dr. Gordon is also savvy about Chinese medicine, Indian healing traditions and Buddhist meditation. His treatments involve work with the body, the mind, and the spirit. Unstuck is one of the books that will help us break free from our compartmentalized ideas about mental health and our American tendency to pathologize ordinary life experiences. I recommend this for anyone struggling with darkness. (Dr. Mary Pipher, author of Reviving Ophelia and Letters to a Young Therapist)
    Mehmet Oz
    A world expert offers a practical proven guide to finding hope and happiness in the ashes of depression. Unstuck is superb. (Mehmet Oz, MD, author of the YOU guides)

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