Every Day in His Presence

    Every Day in His Presence

    by Charles Stanley



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      ISBN-13: 9780718030810
    • Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
    • Publication date: 11/11/2014
    • Sold by: THOMAS NELSON
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 400
    • Sales rank: 58,793
    • File size: 2 MB

    Dr. Charles Stanley is senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta. He is the founder and president of In Touch® Ministries. His bestselling books include The Source of My Strength and How to Listen to God.

    Read an Excerpt

    Every Day in His Presence

    By Charles F. Stanley

    Thomas Nelson

    Copyright © 2014 Charles F. Stanley
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-0-7180-3081-0



    January 1

    The Likeness of Love

    God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness." ... God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him. Genesis 1:26–27, emphasis added

    Have you ever thought about how profoundly God loves you? You could spend a long time considering it and never plumb the depths of how intensely He cares for you. But one thing is sure—pondering His love will transform your life.

    Just think about the fact that the Father made you in His own image. This was a purposeful choice—so important it's repeated four times in the biblical account. He created you with unimaginable potential and unquestionable worth—with the ability to experience Him in a deep, intimate relationship. In fact, He wants to pour His life into you and work through you in astounding, eternal ways. His desire is that when people see you, they are reminded of Him (Matthew 5:16).

    So no matter how you feel about yourself, embrace the truth: God loves you, longs to shower His goodness upon you, and calls you His own (Isaiah 43:1).

    Lord, thank You for loving me. Help me know You better and understand what it means to reflect Your likeness, amen.

    In His presence ... realize He formed you with profound love.

    January 2

    Truly Known

    My God; I shall seek You earnestly; my soul thirsts for You.... Your lovingkindness is better than life. Psalm 63:1, 3

    Do you ever wish someone understood, appreciated, respected, and loved you for who you are? This is because you were built for intimacy—a close, deeply satisfying relationship that empowers, edifies, and encourages you to the core.

    Unfortunately, sin can prevent you from experiencing the communion you were created for. You may even be seeking comfort or significance from sources that cannot satiate your longings—such as possessions, prominence, or addictions.

    King David, the author of Psalm 63, understood this. He had everything a person could desire, but concluded that the only One who could genuinely satisfy his soul was God.

    The same is true for you. The Father created you in His image so you could interact with Him in a profoundly meaningful way that would fulfill your deepest longings. And it's as He reveals Himself to you that you discover sincere contentment, the reason for your existence, and hope for your future.

    Father, thank You for understanding and loving me for who I am, amen.

    In His presence ... enjoy being fully known.

    January 3

    Putting Down Baggage

    "If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." John 8:36 NKJV

    On a trip to the High Sierra mountain range in California, something hit me: the pack animals that carried our gear had no way of freeing themselves from the burdens on their backs. Unable to reach their heavy loads, they depended on others to remove them.

    This is also true of us when we bear the weight of our emotional baggage. We cannot lay it down on our own; nor does it disappear over time. Rather, true freedom is possible only through Jesus. Why? Because we cannot reach our burdens and often don't understand how deep they go. But Jesus does. And He knows the perfect way to heal us completely.

    Friend, no person lives free of all problems, hurdles, or pain. However, the Lord will not only protect you from lasting harm but can use difficulties to equip, prepare, and strengthen you for the next stage in your life.

    Therefore, ask Jesus to lead you and relieve your burdens. He will set you free to become all God wants You to be.

    Lord, I cannot reach my emotional burdens, but You can. Thank You for liberating me from them and using them to make me whole, amen.

    In His presence ... release your burdens.

    January 4

    The Attitude That Overcomes

    "In Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

    Are you living in the continual joy and victory of your personal relationship with Jesus? Are you conscious of His hand in every detail of your life?

    Understand, this question doesn't assume you're free from challenges. On the contrary, the Father wants you to experience His comfort and assurance even in the midst of your troubles. You do so by being conscious of His presence with you and realizing that He's using your circumstances to deepen your relationship with Him.

    This is possible even when you face the worst adversity because God promises to deliver You in His way and time (Acts 16:16–34). Whether or not you receive His comfort depends on how deeply you trust His character and how surrendered you are to His will.

    Friend, let go and believe Him. In the midst of trials, voice your gratitude that God is with you and will provide a way for you. Surely His joy and victory won't be far behind (Psalm 126:6).

    Lord, sometimes I just don't feel triumphant, but I am grateful You're with me every step of the way. Thank You for helping me, amen.

    In His presence ... overcome your circumstances.

    January 5

    Genuine Faith

    "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10 NLT

    Many people who think they have faith in God are actually dominated by fears and doubts—overwhelmed by the circumstances of their lives. Are you? What is it that makes you anxious today? Is there something you fear you'll never achieve or receive?

    Understand genuine faith means realizing God wants to provide His very best for you and will not let you miss it as you walk with Him (Hebrews 11:6). True, sometimes what He perceives as best for you is different from what you do. But take heart, the One who created you ultimately knows what will truly satisfy your soul—even better than you do.

    So let go of whatever you fear you will never have or accomplish. He is faithful to provide. And if God does not give you what your heart presently desires, it is because He has something far better planned for you.

    Lord, I trust You will provide Your very best for me. You are my delight. Thank You for fulfilling the deepest desires of my heart, amen.

    In His presence ... He reveals life at its very best.

    January 6

    Which Direction?

    The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23 NLT

    Why won't God show me what to do? you may wonder. And perhaps it doesn't feel like He is giving you direction today. But take heart—the Father is actively working in your situation and guiding you even when you don't perceive Him.

    Friend, God hears you. He understands the cries of your heart and the confusion you feel when you don't know what direction to take. And it would be completely out of character for Him to hide His plans for you when you seek Him (Jeremiah 29:11–13).

    The truth is, the Father would move heaven and earth to show you His will and help you walk in it. Yet the Lord also understands what it will take to teach you genuine, abiding faith; so He is careful not to reveal all to you at once.

    Therefore, rest assured that even at this moment the Father is teaching you to trust Him. And He will give you just enough light on the path to walk with Him one step at a time.

    Lord, I trust You. This is difficult, but I will walk in faith—step by step—and believe You are fully trustworthy, amen.

    In His presence ... receive trustworthy guidance.

    January 7

    Faith That He Is

    Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6 NIV

    What is it you hope for? What desire is stirring in your heart? When God spoke to you about it, did you believe Him?

    True faith is not just assurance in a certain outcome; rather, it's absolute confidence in God's unfailing character and ability, regardless of your circumstances. When He speaks to your heart, He means what He says and will accomplish what He promises (Isaiah 55:10–11). Therefore, real faith trusts that the living God will fulfill His word.

    But I've been waiting so long, you may lament. Yes, and the Father may have you wait even longer (Isaiah 64:4). However, the important questions to focus on here are: Do you believe God exists and will help you? And do you believe He has your best interests in mind?

    You don't have to keep pleading for God to do what He's promised. He will. Rather, rely on His faultless ability and character. And trust He will always keep His word.

    God, I do believe You will help me. Thank You for having my best interest in mind and leading me successfully, amen.

    In His presence ... true faith becomes reality.

    January 8

    An Astounding Privilege

    The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all. Psalm 103:19

    Have you considered what an astounding gift it is to be able to know the living God? To be able to approach Him at any time with whatever issue presses on your heart?

    No matter what you encounter today, He already knows all about it and has the best plan for leading you successfully through it. He knows you better than you know yourself—your past, present, and future; the thoughts you think; the motives of your heart; the places where you need to heal, and the ways you must grow.

    With His sovereign, omnipotent hand, He can handle any obstacle or difficulty you face. With His unfathomable knowledge, He guides you with perfect wisdom. And because of His unfailing, unconditional love, He makes sure everything that touches your life will ultimately be used for your good (Romans 8:28).

    Is your heart set on knowing Him? I hope it is, because there's absolutely nothing better or more encouraging than walking with Him and experiencing His awesome presence.

    God, truly You are sovereign and greatly to be praised. Teach me who You are and show me how to appreciate You more every day, amen.

    In His presence ... experience the King of kings.

    January 9

    Effective Thinking

    We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV

    The devastating whispers may come. The enemy may tell you you're a failure, your case is hopeless, the petition you most hope for will never be answered, and God doesn't want anything to do with you. Your enemy knows the messages that will most dishearten you, and he is very effective at striking you where it hurts the most.

    But right now remember, he is a liar (John 8:44). Do not give in to him. Those demoralizing whispers are absolutely not true, so you must immediately reject them and replace them with the truth of God's Word.

    And what is true for you as a believer? That Jesus takes responsibility for your success as you walk with Him (Proverbs 16:3). That with your Savior, there is always hope (John 16:33). That not only does God hear your prayers, but He is faithful to answer you (Matthew 7:7–11). And that the Father loves you so much, He will never let go of you (John 10:11, 27–28).

    Lord, please root out the enemy's lies and replace them with Your Word. Remove his strongholds so I may walk in Your freedom and glorify Your name, amen.

    In His presence ... embrace the liberating truth of being His child.

    January 10

    A Deep Relationship

    "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives." Luke 4:18

    There may be aspects of yourself—your choices, history, or circumstances—that are difficult to face. In fact, they may be so painful that you just want to block them out. You'd rather no one know about them—especially not God.

    But understand, the Father is not surprised or repulsed by your profound wounds, fears, and failings. He knows all about them, and His response is to pursue you and heal you fully. This is why He sent Jesus to save you (Romans 5:8).

    This is also why He invites you into an intimate relationship with Him—communion with Him that goes far deeper than what you see, touch, and feel. He desires for you to encounter His presence in the depths of your personhood where true freedom and healing take place. So don't be afraid to be honest with Him, because that's the path to genuine peace and strength.

    Father, I'm so grateful that when You see my failings, Your compassionate desire is to heal me. Thank You for helping me walk in Your freedom, amen.

    In His presence ... you are accepted, liberated, and empowered.

    January 11

    Unyielded Territory

    "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5 NKJV

    There will always be an indescribable longing in you as long as you keep areas of your life from God. You were created to know Him with your entire being. This is why as long as there are aspects of your personhood you withhold from Him, the indefinable yearning will persist (Romans 8:20–21).

    "But I love God," you may say. Of course you do. But consider: Are there any sins, issues, relationships, grudges, dreams, or thoughts you still haven't surrendered to Him? Is there something He is reminding you of that hasn't been relinquished?

    "That couldn't possibly be what is causing my emptiness and pain," you may reply. But if the Holy Spirit has brought it to mind, it's most likely the reason you continue to struggle.

    Friend, let it go. Whether it seems minor or constitutes the foundation of all your hopes—give it freely to the Father. He is faithful and just to help you and give you what is truly best for you (Psalm 84:11).

    Father, please reveal any areas of my life that are unyielded so I may relinquish them to You. Thank You for setting me free, amen.

    In His presence ... submit yourself to Him fully.

    January 12

    Decisions, Decisions

    In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6

    Have you ever considered why you make decisions the way you do? Whether you "go with your gut" or engage in a rigorous analysis of your choices, what is the defining factor for how you determine the path to take?

    When you truly begin to examine your decision-making process, you may be surprised to find what really drives you. Perhaps you avoid negative consequences at any cost, or maybe you are motivated by what others think. It could be that you live for the moment—seeking whatever makes you feel better. Or maybe you are simply interested in protecting yourself from pain.

    Whatever your determining factor, if God is not the compass for your choices, then your decision-making skills are faulty. Only He knows the paths you should take and can provide options you may not even know are available.

    So if you have a decision to make today, seek His direction. Lean on His wisdom because He will never, ever lead you astray.

    Lord, thank You for guiding me in my decisions. I know Your wisdom is perfect, and whatever You lead me to do, You will also equip me to accomplish, amen.

    In His presence ... trust Him to lead you.

    January 13

    Everything for Good

    God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

    Is there a difficulty in your life that continues to persist no matter what you do? You may not understand it at the moment, and that's okay. It is not necessary that you comprehend your circumstances or why they affect you as they do. Instead, what's important is that you honor the Lord in them.

    The key to maintaining your hope as you experience adversity is found in this one foundational truth: God is absolutely sovereign (Psalm 103:19). And because He is Lord over all creation, you can know for certain that He will work through everything that touches your life for your benefit. That's right—everything. Nothing gets through to you if it won't somehow refine or edify you eventually.


    Excerpted from Every Day in His Presence by Charles F. Stanley. Copyright © 2014 Charles F. Stanley. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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    Spend every day abiding in the presence of our Lord.

    Living in today’s world can be challenging as well as draining. Our fast pace of life, coupled with constant demands to do more, get more, and be more, makes being still and living more deliberately in His presence seem unattainable. But God tells us that, while the cares of the world seem pressing now, we are not alone—we have lasting hope and peace in Him.

    This brand-new devotional by Charles Stanley invites readers to step into the presence of an eternal God who is bidding them to find serenity and security in Him. With topics addressing all walks and phases of life, 365 devotions include a scripture, a meaningful application, a short prayer, and an “In His Presence” takeaway for thought. This book provides a wonderful way to experience His presence and stay focused on His promises every day of the year.

    Beautiful package makes the devotional great for gift giving or personal use.

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