Wicked Springfield: Crime, Corruption and Scandal During the Lincoln Era

    by Erika Holst



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    • ISBN-13: 9781596299016
    • Publisher: History Press, The
    • Publication date: 03/28/2010
    • Pages: 127
    • Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.40(d)

    Erika Holst holds a master's degree from the Winterthur Program in Early American Culture. She has volunteered, interned and worked at museums and history projects throughout Illinois, including the David Davis Mansion State Historic Site in Bloomington, the McLean County Museum of History in Bloomington, the Cuneo Museum in Vernon Hills, Dickson Mounds Museum in Lewistown, the Papers of Abraham Lincoln, the Illinois State Museum and the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction 7

    Chapter 1 Political Brawls 11

    Fighting with Words 12

    Fighting with Fists 16

    Fighting (Fatally) with Firearms 21

    Chapter 2 Governors' (Mis)Deeds 27

    Joel Matteson and the Great Canal Scrip Scandal 28

    William H. Bissell's Duel, Disingenuousness and Debilitating Disease 34

    Chapter 3 Sex, Slander and Fighting 41

    Lovers, Brothels and Venereal Diseases 43

    Slanderous Statements and Atrocious Accusations 48

    Fighting Dirty 50

    Chapter 4 Slavery in the Emancipator's Hometown 55

    Springfield's Slaves and Indentured Servants 57

    The Fugitive Slave Case 59

    Chapter 5 Abraham Lincoln's Scandal 67

    The Poison Pen 67

    The Duel 72

    Chapter 6 Murder Most Foul 79

    The Trailor Mystery: The Murder that Wasn't 80

    Bumped Off in the Backyard 87

    A Shot in the Dark 90

    Infanticide of an Illegitimate Child 93

    A Dance Turns Deadly 96

    Chapter 7 Civil War Shenanigans 101

    Revelry and Riots 103

    An Officer with a Hair-Trigger Temper 107

    Shot by a Soldier in the Street 109

    Lincoln's Wartime Nepotism Gone Bad 112

    Epilogue 117

    Bibliography 121

    About the Author 128

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    In the twenty-four years that Abraham Lincoln lived in Springfield, the city saw its share of crime, corruption and scandal, much of it at the hands of Lincoln's law clients and acquaintances. Erika Holst sheds light on these shady characters, from the man being sued for divorce who claimed that he caught his venereal disease from an outhouse to Governor William Bissell, whose near duel with Jefferson Davis almost made him ineligible to hold office. Learn what prompted a congressional candidate- in an election clerked by Lincoln- to shout down his accuser as some 'spindle-shanked, toad-eating, man-granny, who feeds the depraved appetites of his patrons with gossip and slander.' Read the true stories that fed those depraved appetites, drawn from the newspapers Lincoln read and the docket where he practiced law. In these pages, discover the wicked side of Lincoln's Springfield.

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