You and Your Baby Pregnancy: The Ultimate Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guide

    You and Your Baby Pregnancy: The Ultimate Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guide

    by Laura Riley



    Customer Reviews

      ISBN-13: 9781118206225
    • Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
    • Publication date: 03/02/2012
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 448
    • File size: 7 MB

    Dr. Laura Riley, OB/GYN, is the medical director of labor and delivery at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and a dedicated mom to daughters Natalie and Lauren. She is also assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology at Harvard Medical School.

    Table of Contents

    Dear Moms-to-be 11

    How to use this book 13

    Your due date 16

    The 1st Trimester

    Weeks 1 through 4 18

    Conception, implantation, and the fi rst days of life

    Early pregnancy anxiety

    Time to start taking vitamins and exercising

    Risks from obesity, smoking, and alcohol

    Week 5 30

    Your body starts to change

    Family diseases and genetic screening

    Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies

    Healthy fi rst trimester diet

    Week 6 45

    Fatigue and sleeping problems

    Surviving morning sickness

    Choosing a birthplace and a birth team

    Questions to ask a potential practitioner

    Week 7 57

    Dealing with mood swings

    Doubts about motherhood

    Healthy weight gain during pregnancy

    Sexually transmitted diseases

    Week 8 67

    Baby's fi rst ultrasound

    Colds, flu, and allergies during pregnancy

    Hazards and toxins at work and at home

    Week 9 77

    Your fi rst OB exam and prenatal lab tests

    Walking program for beginners

    Dealing with back pain and constipation

    Week 10 86

    What to do when your clothes don’t fi t

    Food safety issues with fi sh, meat, and cheese

    Great ways for your partner to provide support

    Week 11 95

    First trimester tests for chromosomal disorders

    How your friends react to pregnancy

    Food cravings and aversions

    Week 12 104

    Sleep problems and solutions

    High blood pressure and pregnancy

    Healthy snacks and nonalcoholic party drinks

    The 2nd Trimester

    Week 13 110

    Importance of dental care during pregnancy

    Reading and understanding food labels

    Will your second pregnancy be like your fi rst?

    Week 14 .116

    Heartburn causes and cures

    Maternity leave and other work issues

    Mood swings, depression, and anxiety

    Reducing sodium in your diet

    Your partner’s emotional journey

    Week 15 126

    Preventing varicose veins

    All about amniocentesis

    Sex—good and bad—during the second trimester

    Preparing older children for a new baby

    Week 16 136

    Late miscarriage: causes and symptoms

    Questioning your new identity

    Staying motivated to exercise

    Week 17 143

    Feeling your baby move for the fi rst time

    Treating lower-back pain

    Pregnancy issues for single moms

    Alternative exercises for pregnancy fi tness

    Week 18 151

    What you might see on an ultrasound

    Traveling safely while pregnant

    How your partner reacts to your changing appearance

    Week 19 158

    Signs of trouble to watch for

    Tips for your maternity wardrobe

    Eating smart while traveling

    Week 20 164

    All about high-risk pregnancies

    Chronic stress: your body and your baby

    How your partner can interact with your baby

    Week 21 170

    Vacationing smart in mid-pregnancy

    Sex affected by a growing belly

    Stretching exercises for expectant mothers

    Week 22 180

    Once a cesarean, always a cesarean?

    Career protection for working moms

    Strategies for coping with nighttime waking

    Week 23 189

    Iron defi ciency, anemia, and fatigue

    Taming your junk-food cravings

    Vegetarian diets and pregnancy

    Week 24 195

    Common skin problems in pregnancy

    Keeping your focus at work

    Feathering your nest: essential baby gear

    The 3rd Trimester

    Week 25 204

    Breathlessness and other breathing problems

    Complete guide to preterm labor and delivery

    Multiple births: likelihood, detecting, and risks

    Week 26 213

    Childbirth, baby-care, and breastfeeding education

    Fats in your diet—good and bad

    Exercise: fatigue and when it’s time to stop

    Week 27 221

    Hepatitis and other liver diseases

    Fighting the mid-pregnancy blues

    Staying hydrated: water and alternatives

    Choosing an infant car seat

    Week 28 229

    Tests during the third trimester

    Gestational diabetes: risks, causes, and treatments

    Surviving bed rest

    Complete guide to cesarean deliveries

    Week 29 240

    Breech babies—identifi cation and risk

    Planning for labor: positions and pain relief

    Conquering childbirth fears

    Outfi tting a safe nursery

    Week 30 254

    Numbness in your hands—explanation and relief

    Causes and solutions for abdominal pain

    The role of a doula

    Protecting your job while on maternity leave

    Week 31 265

    Practicing for labor—a guide to breathing techniques

    Placenta previa and placental abruption

    Why trying to do it all is overrated

    Week 32 277

    Due dates: calculations and guesses

    Supplies for your baby’s arrival

    The ABCs of daycare

    Week 33 288

    Parenting philosophies and parenting plans

    Assembling a complete baby wardrobe

    Will you need an episiotomy?

    Week 34 296

    Reduced fetal movements—when to be concerned

    Baby gear guide: strollers, backpacks, and more

    The truth about back labor

    Week 35 303

    Turning breech babies before delivery

    Grandparents and your new baby

    Planning for postpartum weight loss

    Week 36 312

    Delivering more than one baby

    Packing for the hospital

    Problems with your amniotic fl uid

    Week 37 317

    Considering circumcision for your baby boy

    The earliest signs of labor

    Should your older children be in the delivery room?

    Starting a breastfeeding diet

    Week 38 327

    Treating persistent headaches

    Contraception choices for after pregnancy

    Nesting and a need for solitude

    Week 39 335

    Forceps delivery and vacuum extraction

    Labor day surprises

    What if you can’t make it to the hospital?

    Week 40 341

    The truth about home remedies for inducing labor

    Your doctor’s reasons and techniques for inducing labor

    Postpartum exercise and fi tness classes

    Labor and delivery 349

    Feeding your baby 363

    Postpartum and baby care 373

    Six months postpartum 411

    Questions for your doctor 423


    Body mass index 430

    Resources 432

    Prenatal tests 435

    Newborn tests 442

    Labor and delivery terms 444

    Index 449

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    The most up-to-date, comprehensive week-by-week pregnancy guide

    As a mom-to-be, you have lots of questions. When will I start to show? How much weight will I gain? What are all those blood tests for? How long will labor last? This informative and reassuring guide provides expert answers to these questions and hundreds more in an easy-to-read format that coincides with each week of your pregnancy.

    From a respected and well-known obstetrician, this is the most up-to-date, comprehensive pregnancy guide on the market. Now in an all-new edition, the book gives you week-by-week coverage of every stage of your pregnancy, as well as information that will take you through your final post-natal doctor visit to help you make sense of relationships, returning to work, weight loss, breastfeeding, depression, anxiety, and more.

    • Reflects current obstetrics practices
    • Covers home birth, water birth, doula care, and other popular practices
    • Includes information on Epilepsy, Vitamin D, flu shots, common prenatal labs, life with multiples, obesity, and much more
    • Expanded coverage of what happens when you go to the hospital, new recommendations on eating in labor, immunizations during and after pregnancy, and postpartum birth control
    • Illustrations help clarify key concepts and material

    If you're an expectant mom or dad, you'll look forward to turning to You&Your Baby: Pregnancy every week of your pregnancy—and beyond.

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