Title: Suspense Magazine October 2011, Author: John Raab
Title: Cemetery Girl, Author: David Bell
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Cemetery Girl
by David Bell
Narrated by  Fred Lehne
Audiobook (Unabridged) $17.50
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FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

Title: Scarecrow, Author: J. David Bell
Title: Rides a Stranger, Author: David Bell
Explore Series
Title: The Forgotten Girl, Author: David Bell
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The Forgotten Girl
by David Bell
Narrated by  Dan John Miller
Audiobook (Unabridged)


. Price is $24.99 . You save %.
Title: Since She Went Away, Author: David Bell
Title: Bring Her Home, Author: David Bell
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Created with Sketch.
Created with Sketch.

Cemetery Girl
by David Bell
Narrated by  Fred Lehne
Audiobook (Unabridged) $17.50
. Price is $17.5 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!