Title: Your Heart's In Good Hands, Artist: Al Green
Title: Young Heart, Artist:
Title: Young at Heart/Somebody Loves Me, Artist:
Title: You're in My Heart: Rod Stewart with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Artist: Rod Stewart
Title: X My Heart, Artist: Peter Hammill
Title: Worship & a Word: Matters of the Heart, Artist: Smokie Norful
Title: With Heart & Voice: The Music of David R. Gillingham, Artist:
Title: With All My Heart, Artist:
Title: With A Song In My Heart (Gill Manly), Artist:
Title: With A Song In My Heart, Artist: Bobby Hutcherson
Title: Wise Mind Open Heart, Artist:
Title: Wine Stained Heart, Artist:
Title: Wilderness Heart, Artist:
Title: Wild Heart, Artist: Walker-Smith,Kim
Title: Wild at Heart, Artist:
Title: When You Grow Old Your Heart Dies, Artist:
Title: What Happened To The Heart? (Aurora), Artist: Pre-Order Now
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Title: Warm Your Heart, Artist: Aaron Neville
Title: Vs. Head Vs. Heart, Artist:

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