Title: Perelandra (Space Trilogy Series #2), Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia Series #4), Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: The Silver Chair, Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, Author: Michael Lewis
Title: The Abolition of Man, Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: March: Book Two, Author: John Lewis
Title: Liar's Poker: Rising through the Wreckage on Wall Street, Author: Michael Lewis
Title: The Four Loves, Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: March: Book Three, Author: John Lewis
Title: Swept Away, Author: Susan Kiernan-Lewis
#1 in Series
Title: The Horse and His Boy, Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: It Can't Happen Here, Author: Sinclair Lewis
Title: The Chronicles of Narnia Movie Tie-in Box Set (Featuring The Voyage of the Dawn Treader), Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: The Last Battle, Author: C. S. Lewis
Title: Reckless, Author: Susan Kiernan-Lewis
Title: What Was the Lewis and Clark Expedition?, Author: Judith St. George
Title: Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt, Author: Michael Lewis
Title: The Cold War: A New History, Author: John Lewis Gaddis
Title: The Shadowhunter's Codex, Author: Cassandra Clare
Title: Reflections on the Psalms, Author: C. S. Lewis

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