Title: Legend of The Two World Wars (World War I World War II), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: The Analects of Confucius---A Guide Reading, Author: Diana Ballard JD
Title: Confucianism in Its Heyday---The Glory Of Emperor Wu Of Han Dynasty, Author: Chappy Sharon PhD
Title: The Colonization(The Age of Napoleon, Change and Conquest), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: Human Civilization£¨Love by A.D£¬The Carnival of the Gods£, Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: Of the Universe (A New Research of Lao Tzu), Author: Martha L. Sylvia PhD
Title: The Turning Point of Europe(The Rise of Empire), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: The Authority of The Emperor (the Fight Between the Powerful And The Sinking, Asia and Europe), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: The World's New Structure (The Confrontation Between the US and USSR, the Multi-polarity Structure of The World), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: Conquest and Expansion (The Flame of Europe, Opening of The New Sea Route), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: Age Of Empires (The Old Empire, Light in Greek), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: Medieval Age (The Afterglow of the Empire, Footfalls of A New Era), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan
Title: The Tide of Revolution(The Conquest,The Tide of Revolution), Author: Peggy L Chinn RN PhD Faan