Title: CAN Dos and Don'ts Waterbath and Pressure Canning, Author: Jill b.
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Title: The Best Backyard Chicken Breeds: A List of Top Birds for Pets, Eggs and Meat, Author: Jill b.
Title: How To Make Money on eBay: International Sales, Author: Jill b.
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Title: How to Make Money on eBay - Maximize Profits, Author: Jill b.
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Title: Self-Publish on a Budget with Amazon: A Guide for the Author Publishing eBooks on Kindle, Author: Jill b.
Title: Foraging - A Beginner's Guide to Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants, Author: Jill b.
Title: The Modern American Frugal Housewife Book #2: Organic Gardening, Author: Jill b.
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Title: Medicinal Herb Gardening: 10 Plants for the Self-Reliant Homestead Prepper, Author: Vitalij K Pecharsky
Title: The Modern American Frugal Housewife Book #1: Home Economics, Author: Jill b.
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Title: Modern American Frugal Housewife Book #3: Moms Edition, Author: Jill b.
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Title: The Modern American Frugal Housewife Book #4 - Emergency Prepping, Author: Jill b.
Title: How to Keep Backyard Chickens - A Straightforward Beginner's Guide, Author: Jill b.
Title: HIDDEN: Prepper's Secret Edible Garden, Author: Vitalij K Pecharsky