Title: Librarians and Instructional Designers : Collaboration and Innovation, Author: Joe Eshleman
Title: Copyright and e-learning : A guide for practitioners, Author: Jane Secker
Title: Winning Elections and Influencing Politicians for Library Funding, Author: Patrick Sweeney
Title: Acquisitions : Core Concepts and Practices, Author: Jesse Holden
Title: The e-copyright handbook, Author: Paul Pedley
Title: Zotero : A Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Educators, Author: Jason Puckett
Title: Preserving Archives, Author: Helen Forde
Title: Getting Started With Digital Collections : Scaling to Fit Your Organization, Author: Jane D. Monson
Title: Information Systems : Process and Practice, Author:
Title: Choosing to Lead : The Motivational Factors of Underrepresented of Minority Librarians in Higher Education, Author: Rolling Nowhere
Title: Managing Digital Cultural Objects : Analysis, Discovery and Retrieval, Author: Allen Foster
Title: A Basic Music Library : Essential Scores and Sound Recordings: World Music, Author: Music Library Association
Title: The Special Collections Handbook, Author: Alison Cullingford
Title: Is Digital Different? : How Information Creation, Capture, Preservation and Discovery Are Being Transformed, Author: Michael Moss
Title: Evaluating the Impact of Your Library, Author: Sharon Markless

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