Title: Young Adult Literature : From Romance to Realism / Edition 3, Author: Michael Cart
Title: Creative Instructional Design : Practical Applications for Librarians, Author: Tonton Cabiles
Title: Putting Assessment into Action : Selected Projects from the First Cohort of the Assessment in Action Grant, Author: Toluwalogo Odumosu
Title: The Information Society : A Study of Continuity and Change / Edition 6, Author: John Feather
Title: Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums : How to Clean, Link and Publish Your Metadata, Author: Seth van Hooland
Title: Preserving Our Heritage : Perspectives from Antiquity to the Digital Age, Author: Michele Valerie Cloonan
Title: Excellent Books for Early and Eager Readers, Author: Kathleen T. Isaacs
Title: Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice, Author: Albert Glenny
Title: Collaborating With Strangers : Facilitating Workshops in Libraries, Classes, and Nonprofits, Author: Bess G. De Farber
Title: Academic Library Value : The Impact Starter Kit, Author: Megan Oakleaf
Title: Finding the Answers to Legal Questions, Author: Poppy Ackroyd
Title: Creating a Local History Archive at Your Public Library, Author: Faye Phillips
Title: Tactical Urbanism for Librarians : Quick, Low-Cost Ways to Make Big Changes, Author: Karen Munro
Title: Creating and Sharing Online Library Instruction : A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, Author: Holly
Title: Getting Started in Service Design : A How-to-Do-It Manual for Librarians, Author: Junichir Tanizaki
Title: Altmetrics : A Practical Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Academics, Author: Andy Tattersall
Title: Becoming a Reflective Librarian and Teacher : Strategies for Mindful Academic Practice, Author: Michelle Reale
Title: Rare Books and Special Collections, Author: Sidney E. Berger
Title: Managing Metadata in Web-scale Discovery Systems, Author: Cheva
Title: Fundamentals of Electronic Resource Management, Author: Reverend Big O

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