Title: Leveraging Wikipedia : Connecting Communities of Knowledge, Author: Merrilee Proffitt
Title: Transform and Thrive : Ideas to Invigorate Your Library and Your Community, Author: Dorothy Stoltz
Title: Ethics for Records and Information Management, Author: Sally
Title: Building Digital Libraries, Author: Kyle Banerjee
Title: Mother Goose on the Loose-here, There, and Everywhere, Author: Betsy Diamant-Cohen
Title: Helping Patrons Find Their Roots : A Genealogy Handbook for Librarians, Author: Franziska Steinhauer
Title: The Dysfunctional Library : Challenges and Solutions to Workplace Relationships, Author: Jo Henry
Title: Reference and Information Services : An Introduction, Author: Kay Ann Cassell
Title: Coding With XML for Efficiencies in Cataloging and Metadata : Practical Applications of XSD, XSLT, and XQuery, Author: Timothy W. Cole
Title: Information Systems : Process and Practice, Author:
Title: Reengineering the Library : Issues in Electronic Resources Management, Author: George Stachokas
Title: Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval : Understanding metadata and its use, Author: David Haynes
Title: Licensing Digital Content : A Practical Guide for Librarians, Author: Lesley Ellen Harris
Title: A Basic Music Library : Essential Scores and Sound Recordings: World Music, Author: Music Library Association
Title: Curating Research Data : Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repositoryÿ, Author: Lisa R. Johnston
Title: Finding the Answers to Legal Questions, Author: Poppy Ackroyd
Title: Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts, Author: Samantha Godbey
Title: 63 Ready-to-Use Maker Projects, Author: Ellyssa Kroski
Title: The Complete Guide to Personal Digital Archiving, Author: Funky Sidechain
Title: Undergraduate Research and the Academic Librarian : Case Studies and Best Practices, Author: Merinda Kaye Hensley

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