Title: Zotero : A Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Educators, Author: Jason Puckett
Title: Young Adult Literature : From Romance to Realism / Edition 3, Author: Michael Cart
Title: Winning Elections and Influencing Politicians for Library Funding, Author: Patrick Sweeney
Title: Web Metrics for Library and Information Professionals, Author: David Stuart
Title: Virtually Embedded : The Librarian in an Online Environment, Author: Elizabeth Leonard
Title: Valuing Your Collection : A Practical Guide for Museums, Libraries and Archives, Author: Freda Matassa
Title: Using Digital Analytics for Smart Assessment, Author: Tabatha Farney
Title: Undergraduate Research and the Academic Librarian : Case Studies and Best Practices, Author: Merinda Kaye Hensley
Title: Twenty-First Century Access Services : On the Front Line of Academic Librarianship, Author: Michael J. Krasulski
Title: Transforming Preschool Storytime : A Modern Vision and a Year of Programs, Author: Betsy Diamant-Cohen
Title: Transform and Thrive : Ideas to Invigorate Your Library and Your Community, Author: Dorothy Stoltz
Title: The Special Collections Handbook, Author: Alison Cullingford
Title: The Special Collections Handbook, Author: Alison Cullingford
Title: The Small and Rural Academic Library : Leveraging Resources and Overcoming Limitations, Author: Kent Hewitt
Title: The Silence of the Archive, Author: David Thomas
Title: The Self As Subject : Autoethnographic Research into Identity, Culture, and Academic Librarianship, Author: Mike R. Livingston
Title: The Power of Play : Designing Early Learning Spaces, Author: Dorothy Stoltz
Title: The Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion : A Basic Guide for Library Staff, Author: John J. Burke
Title: The Library Marketing Toolkit, Author: Ned Potter
Title: The Librarian's Guide to Book Programs and Author Events, Author: Brad Hooper

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