Title: Excellent Books for Early and Eager Readers, Author: Kathleen T. Isaacs
Title: Virtually Embedded : The Librarian in an Online Environment, Author: Elizabeth Leonard
Title: More Storytime Magic, Author: Kathy MacMillan
Title: Putting Assessment into Action : Selected Projects from the First Cohort of the Assessment in Action Grant, Author: Toluwalogo Odumosu
Title: Snapshots of Reality : A Practical Guide to Formative Assessment in Library Instruction, Author: Mary Snyder Broussard
Title: Creating and Sharing Online Library Instruction : A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, Author: Holly
Title: Creating and Managing the Full-Service Homework Center, Author: Cindy Mediavilla
Title: Zotero : A Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Educators, Author: Jason Puckett
Title: Easy Graphic Design for Librarians : From Color to Kerning, Author: Jack O'Rourke
Title: Owning and Using Scholarship : An IP Handbook for Teachers and Researchers, Author: Kevin L. Smith
Title: The Librarian's Guide to Book Programs and Author Events, Author: Brad Hooper
Title: The Power of Play : Designing Early Learning Spaces, Author: Dorothy Stoltz
Title: Collaborating With Strangers : Facilitating Workshops in Libraries, Classes, and Nonprofits, Author: Bess G. De Farber
Title: The Small and Rural Academic Library : Leveraging Resources and Overcoming Limitations, Author: Kent Hewitt
Title: Twenty-First Century Access Services : On the Front Line of Academic Librarianship, Author: Michael J. Krasulski
Title: Becoming a Reflective Librarian and Teacher : Strategies for Mindful Academic Practice, Author: Michelle Reale
Title: Transforming Preschool Storytime : A Modern Vision and a Year of Programs, Author: Betsy Diamant-Cohen
Title: Tactical Urbanism for Librarians : Quick, Low-Cost Ways to Make Big Changes, Author: Karen Munro
Title: Winning Elections and Influencing Politicians for Library Funding, Author: Patrick Sweeney
Title: Creating a Local History Archive at Your Public Library, Author: Faye Phillips

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