Title: From Vulnerability to Promise: Perspectives on Ricour from Women Philosophers, Author: Pre-Order Now
Title: Paul Ricoeur's Moral Anthropology: Singularity, Responsibility, and Justice, Author: Ajay K Seth
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Title: Ricoeur's Personalist Republicanism: Personhood and Citizenship, Author: Suranjan Ray
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Title: Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics and the Discourse of Mark 13: Appropriating the Apocalyptic, Author: Peter C. de Vries
Title: Ricoeur, Culture, and Recognition: A Hermeneutic of Cultural Subjectivity, Author: Timo Helenius
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Title: Feminist Explorations of Paul Ricoeur's Philosophy, Author: Annemie Halsema
Title: Paul Ricoeur in the Age of Hermeneutical Reason: Poetics, Praxis, and Critique, Author: Roger W. H. Savage
Title: In Response to the Religious Other: Ricoeur and the Fragility of Interreligious Encounters, Author: Marianne Moyaert
Title: Imagination and Postmodernity, Author: Patrick L. Bourgeois
Title: Interdisciplinary Interpretation: Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Theology and Science, Author: Kenneth A. Reynhout
Title: Paul Ricoeur and the Task of Political Philosophy, Author: Greg S. Johnson
Title: Reading the Islamic City: Discursive Practices and Legal Judgment, Author: Akel Isma'il Kahera
Shadows on the Ivy: An Antique Print Mystery
by Lea Wait
Narrated by  Celeste Lawson
#3 in Series