Title: The Inaugural Addresses and Ascension Speeches of Nigerian Elected and Non-Elected Presidents and Prime Minister, 1960-2010, Author: Solomon Williams Obotetukudo
eBook $26.49 $37.99 Current price is $26.49, Original price is $37.99.
Title: The Bright Field: Readings, reflections and prayers for Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity and Ordinary Time, Author: Percy
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Title: Prelude to Ascension, Author: Janet McClure
Title: La résistible ascension du cinéma d'animation: Socio-genèse d'un cinéma-bis en France (1950-2010), Author: Weyman Parham
Title: Geography and the Ascension Narrative in Acts, Author: Matthew Sleeman
Title: Between earth and heaven: Liminality and the Ascension of Christ in Anglo-Saxon literature, Author: Johanna Kramer
Title: Ascension Magick: Ritual, Myth & Healing for the New Aeon, Author: Christopher Penczak
Title: Achieving Ascension: by Sonia Diane Bradford in conjunction with Veronica J. Cate, Author: Jerry Danziger