Title: The Unseen Real: Life in the Light of the Ascension of Jesus, Author: Stephen Seamands
Title: The Ascension and Return of Jesus Christ, Author: Grace Communion International
Title: The Last Week of Jesus Christ: The Full Gospel Account of The Death, Resurrection & Ascension of Jesus Christ (Illustrated Edition With Full Color Artwork), Author: John Miller
Title: Only The Spoken Words Of Jesus Christ. From Birth to Ascension, Author: J. Edward
Title: Classic Spurgeon Sermons: The Ascension of Christ (Illustrated), Author: Charles Spurgeon
Title: ASCENSION - All The Bible Teaches About, Author: Jerome Goodwin
Title: ASCENSION to AX - Book 7 - Know Your Bible, Author: Jerome Goodwin
Title: Geography and the Ascension Narrative in Acts, Author: Matthew Sleeman
Title: Millennial Glory IV, Ascension, Author: Wendie Edwards