Title: Whispers on the Wind: Death's Legacy, Book One, Author: Becca Andre
Title: The Fifth Essence (The Final Formula Series, Book 5), Author: Becca Andre
Title: The Bonds of Blood (The Final Formula Series, Book 4.5), Author: Becca Andre
Title: Blood Gifts, Author: Becca Andre
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Title: The Catalyst of Corruption (The Final Formula Series, Book 4), Author: Becca Andre
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Title: The Final Formula Collection (Books 1, 1.5, and 2), Author: Becca Andre
Title: The Heir of Death (The Final Formula Series, Book 3.5), Author: Becca Andre
Title: The Alchemist's Flame (The Final Formula Series, Book 3), Author: Becca Andre
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Title: The Necromancer's Betrayal (The Final Formula Series, Book 2.5), Author: Becca Andre
Title: The Blood Alchemist (The Final Formula Series, Book 2), Author: Becca Andre
Title: The Element of Death (The Final Formula Series, Book 1.5), Author: Becca Andre
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Title: The Final Formula (The Final Formula Series, Book 1), Author: Becca Andre
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