Title: Into the Wild: Yet Another Misadventure, Author: Doreen Cronin
Title: Stokes Beginner's Guide to Birds: Western Region, Author: Donald Stokes
Title: Hattie and the Fox, Author: Mem Fox
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Title: The Big Year: A Tale of Man, Nature, and Fowl Obsession, Author: Mark Obmascik
Title: Birds of a Feather, Author: Marian Carcache
Title: The Itsy Bitsy Duckling, Author: Jeffrey Burton
Title: Birds Off the Perch: Therapy and Training for Your Pet Bird, Author: Larry Lachman
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Title: Stokes Beginner's Guide to Birds: Eastern Region, Author: Donald Stokes
Title: Painting Pelicans and Seagulls: from outlines into art, Author: Graeme Mackay
Title: Sierra Birds: A Hiker's Guide, Author: John Muir Laws
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Title: Bird Fossils, Author: Sara Paulson Meehan
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