Title: Too Close to the Sun, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: To Catch the Moon, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Ms America and the Whoopsie in Winona, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Ms America and the Villainy in Vegas, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Ms America and the Offing on Oahu, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Ms America and the Naughtiness in New Orleans, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Ms America and the Mayhem in Miami, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Ms America and the Brouhaha on Broadway, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: La Captura de Venus, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Falling Star, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Estrella Fugaz, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Desafiando al Sol, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: Chasing Venus, Author: Diana Dempsey
Title: A Diva Wears the Ring, Author: Diana Dempsey