Title: Platinum Magic, Author: Bruce Davis
Title: Prince and Little Weird Black Boy Gods, Author: Scott Woods
Title: Out of the Dark, Author: J.A. Giunta
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Title: Tavara Tinker: Sounds of Time, Author: Bob Nelson
Title: Mirabella and the Faded Phantom, Author: Sharon Skinner
Title: Tavara Tinker: LeTour de Paris, Author: Bob Nelson
Title: The Nelig Stones, Author: Sharon Skinner
Title: The Mists of Faeron, Author: J.A. Giunta
Title: Coffee and Cues, Author: Sharon Skinner
Title: Plot Isn't Just a Four-Letter Word, Author: Sharon Skinner
Title: The Collected Poetry Of J.A. Giunta, Volume II, Author: J.A. Giunta
Title: The Collected Poetry Of J.A. Giunta, Volume I, Author: J.A. Giunta
Title: The Stories of Haven: Power Struggles, Author: J.A. Giunta
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