Title: Voysey, C.F.A., Author: Wendy Hitchmough
Title: The Temple of Apollo Bassitas II: The Sculpture, Author: Brian C. Madigan
Title: Testimony: Vernacular Art of the African-American South, Author: Arthur C. Danto
Title: Sculpture: The Assemblage from the Theater, Author: Mary C. Sturgeon
Title: Open Systems: Art in the World c. 1970, Author: Donna De Salvo
Title: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art: Culture Comes to Kansas City, Author: Kristie C. Wolferman
Title: J.C. Nichols and the Shaping of Kansas City: Innovation in Planned Residential Communities, Author: William S. Worley
Title: Images of a Vanished Era, 1898-1924: The Photographs of Walter C. Schneider, Author: Lucian Niemeyer
Title: Great Bath on the Lechaion Road, Author: Jane C. Biers
Title: Grandma Moses: An American Original, Author: William C Ketchum Jr
Title: George Caleb Bingham: Missouri's Famed Painter and Forgotten Politician, Author: Paul C. Nagel
Title: Draw Desert Animals, Author: Doug Dubosque
Title: District of Columbia Neighborhoods: A Cartoon History: Volume 2, Author: Patrick M. Reynolds