Title: Children's Books: Dumpy Books for Kids Classic Series (12 books total, includes proverbs book, tongue twisters book and more, with colorful illustrations), Author: Thomas Cobb
Title: The Lion and the Mouse, Author: Aesop
Title: Lazy Smurf Takes a Nap, Author: Peyo
Title: Superman versus Mongul (Superman Classic Series), Author: Michael Teitelbaum
Title: Escape from the Phantom Zone (Superman Classic Series), Author: John Sazaklis
Title: Belle and the Perfect Pearl, Author: Disney Book Group
Title: Snow White and the Great Jewel Hunt, Author: Disney Book Group
Title: Merida and the Missing Gem, Author: Disney Book Group
Title: Superman Versus Bizarro (Superman Classic Series), Author: Chris Strathearn
Title: Superman versus Mongul (Superman Classic Series), Author: Michael Teitelbaum
Title: Escape from the Phantom Zone (Superman Classic Series), Author: John Sazaklis
Title: Superman Versus Bizarro (Superman Classic Series), Author: Chris Strathearn